JFFS2全名是Journalling Flash File System Version2,最早只支持Nor Flash,自2.6版以后开始支持Nand Flash。




mkfs.jffs2 -r nfs -o fs.jffs2 -e 0x10000 -s 0x10000 -l -n


注:此外可查看内核提供的块大小:cat /proc/mtd.

注:若指定块大小不对时:Empty flash at 0x00347ff0 ends at 0x00348000。

注:若未加-n则:CLEANMARKER node found at 0x0042c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0




-e:每一块要擦除的block size,默认是64KB.要注意,不同的flash, 其block size会不一样,三星的K9F2G08U0A的block size为0x20000(从其datasheet里可以找到)。在没有加-e选项是,启动会出现以下错误:at91sam user.warn kernel: Empty flash at 0x00f0fffc ends at 0x00f10000。因此,若有类似的错误,加上-e选项,并配置nandflash的块大小,即可消除。


-n,-no-cleanmarkers:指明不添加清楚标记(nandflash有自己的校检块,存放相关的信息)。如果挂载后会出现类似:CLEANMARKER node found at 0x0042c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0的警告,则加上-n就会消失。




mkfs.jffs2 -r nfs -o fs.jffs2 -e 0x10000  -l -n

erase 10380000 107fffff;

//tftp 20008000 rootfs_3gvideo_20141201.jffs2;

//cp.b 0x20008000 0x10380000 0x2aca28;

tftp 20008000 fs.jffs2;

cp.b 0x20008000 0x10380000 0x34bac0;


mkfs.jffs2 -r rootfs -o rootfs.jffs2 -e 0x20000 -n      ;K9F2G08

tftp 0x21100000 rootfs.jffs2

nand erase 0x8a0000 0x400000  ;擦出整个分区

nand write.jffs2 21100000 0x8a0000 0x230e10  ;写到/dev/mtd3

setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=jffs2 rw console=ttyS0,115200 init=/linuxrc mem=64M

3.  mkfs.jffs2用法

~$mkfs.jffs2 --help

mkfs.jffs2: Usage: mkfs.jffs2 [OPTIONS]

Make a JFFS2 file system image from an existing directory tree


  -p, --pad[=SIZE]        Pad output to SIZE bytes with 0xFF. If SIZE is

                          not specified, the output is padded to the end of

                          the final erase block

  -r, -d, --root=DIR      Build file system from directory DIR (default: cwd)

  -s, --pagesize=SIZE     Use page size (max data node size) SIZE (default: 4KiB)

  -e, --eraseblock=SIZE   Use erase block size SIZE (default: 64KiB)

  -c, --cleanmarker=SIZE  Size of cleanmarker (default 12)

  -m, --compr-mode=MODE   Select compression mode (default: priortiry)

  -x, --disable-compressor=COMPRESSOR_NAME

                          Disable a compressor

  -X, --enable-compressor=COMPRESSOR_NAME

                          Enable a compressor

  -y, --compressor-priority=PRIORITY:COMPRESSOR_NAME

                          Set the priority of a compressor

  -L, --list-compressors  Show the list of the avaiable compressors

  -t, --test-compression  Call decompress and compare with the original (for test)

  -n, --no-cleanmarkers   Don't add a cleanmarker to every eraseblock

  -o, --output=FILE       Output to FILE (default: stdout)

  -l, --little-endian     Create a little-endian filesystem

  -b, --big-endian        Create a big-endian filesystem

  -D, --devtable=FILE     Use the named FILE as a device table file

  -f, --faketime          Change all file times to '0' for regression testing

  -q, --squash            Squash permissions and owners making all files be owned by root

  -U, --squash-uids       Squash owners making all files be owned by root

  -P, --squash-perms      Squash permissions on all files

  -h, --help              Display this help text

  -v, --verbose           Verbose operation

  -V, --version           Display version information

  -i, --incremental=FILE  Parse FILE and generate appendage output for it