JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.2.0 正式版发布了,JBoss Portlet Bridge 是对 JSR-301 和 JSR 329 草案实现,用以支持在 portlet 中使用 JSF 技术开发,以及增强对其他 Web 框架的支持,当前支持 JSF、Seam、RichFaces 等。


  • RichFaces 4.3.1.Final
  • Mojarra 2.1.19
  • Support JSF portlets with CDI
  • Memory leak issues with @RequestScoped, @ViewScoped and @SessionScoped JSF Managed Beans in AS7 resolved
  • Many bug fixes, including
    • RichFaces inline CSS and JS was incorrectly encoded
    • Prevent JSF dynamic action listeners from being retained on ViewRoot
    • RichFaces resource portlet url fixes