俗话说好记性不如烂笔头, 对于一个搞IT的人来说最好的笔毫无疑问就应该是电脑了, 但最好的本呢? 之前一直在找一款适合自己的笔记软件, 找来找去只有Zim适合自己, 当然对于有编辑器之神之美誉的emacs, 里面有很多插件可以用来记笔记, 功能最强大的应该属于org-mode了, 但鉴于org-mod对于记笔记来说感觉有点大财小用了,所以果断放弃.



fedora: yum install Zim   (如果找不到的话, 可以试试yum search Zim or yum search zim)

gentoo: emerge -s zim

安装成功之后alt+F2 或者#zim &即可启动zim


Key binding

​ctrl-1​​ heading1

​ctrl-2​​ heading2

​ctrl-3​​ heading3

​ctrl-4​​ heading4

​ctrl-5​​ heading5

​ctrl+D​​ insert date

Note: Page name is heading1, and then heading2 and then Block




$ ctrl-k


clear format ​​ctrl+9​

find ​​ctrl-F​

replace ​​ctrl-h​

​Go​​ today note ​​alt-d ​

save ​​ctrl-s​

<Ctrl>Z Undo

<Shift><Ctrl>Z Redo

<Ctrl>Y Redo

F1 Show the manual

F2 Rename current page

F3 Find next (same as <Ctrl>G)

<Shift>F3 Find previous (same as <Ctrl>G)

F5 Reload page (same as <Ctrl>R)

F12 Toggle checkbox item to 'OK'

<Shift>F12 Toggle checkbox item to 'NOK'

Also all the usual keybindings apply for the gtk text edit widget, thus bindings like

​<Ctrl>C​​, ​​<Ctrl>X​​, ​​<Ctrl>V​​, ​​<Ctrl>A​​ etc. work as expected.

Side pane tree

The following key bindings works when the tree in the side pane is focussed:

<Ctrl>L   Insert a link to the selected page
<Shift><Ctrl>L Copy the selected page to clipboard
<Ctrl>C Copy the selected page to clipboard
<Ctrl>F Search in the page list as shown
* Expand all
\ Collapse all

Text selections

For selected text the following keybindings are added:

*   Toggle bullets for selected text
> Toggle email-style quoting for selected text
<Tab> Indent selected text
<Shift><Tab> Un-indents selected text
<Backspace> Un-indents selected texts


Will be rendered as:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
  • 2

Numbered lists use a "1.", "a.", or "A." as bullets:

  1. a
  2. b
  1. 3
  2. b

Another example of auto-formatting is that "* " at the beginning of a line gets converted to a bullet automatically. Typing either "[] ", "[*] ", "[x] " or "() ", "(*) ", "(x) " will give your different kinds of Check Boxes.

更详细的使用方法请: 将鼠标focus 到 zim上然后press F1