1. http://www.opencsw.org/

    在Solaris 10下

  •       1.安装pkgutil
  •                pkgadd -d http://get.opencsw.org/now
  •       2.查询有那些PKG:
  •              /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -l
  •      3.For easy access to OpenCSW programs, put /opt/csw/bin in front of PATH, and /opt/csw/share/man in front of MANPATH
  •         On Solaris 10, you can do that by editing the /etc/default/login file, and logging out and back in.
  •      4. pkgutil -a vim  查VIM包是否存在
  •      5.安装 PKG
  •        pkgutil -y -i vim




1. http://www.opencsw.org/

    在Solaris 10下

  •       1.安装pkgutil
  •                pkgadd -d http://get.opencsw.org/now
  •       2.查询有那些PKG:
  •              /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -l
  •      3.For easy access to OpenCSW programs, put /opt/csw/bin in front of PATH, and /opt/csw/share/man in front of MANPATH
  •         On Solaris 10, you can do that by editing the /etc/default/login file, and logging out and back in.
  •      4. pkgutil -a vim  查VIM包是否存在
  •      5.安装 PKG
  •        pkgutil -y -i vim


