The ASP.NET IIS Registration tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) is used to register ASP.NET applications with Internet Information Services (IIS).

This topic describes the options, syntax, and other information for using the tool.



-pa container account

aspnet_regiis.exe -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "NT Authority\Network Service"

Grants permission for the specified user or group account to access the specified key container. This option can take the following modifiers:

  • -pku   Substitutes a user-specified container for the default machine container.

  • -csp provider   Specifies the container provider to use.

  • -full   Specifies that full access should be added (by default, access is read-only).


加密  需要管理员权限运行

-pef section webApplicationDirectory

Encrypts the specified configuration section of the Web.config file in the specified physical (not virtual) directory.


aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" .




-pdf sectionwebApplicationDirectory

Decrypts the specified configuration section of the Web.config file in the specified physical (not virtual) directory.