







Flag Description Statements Applies to
a append, insert new data INSERT tables, columns
r read, get data SELECT tables, columns, and sequences
w write, update data UPDATE tables
d delete data DELETE tables
D delete all data TRUNCATE tables
C create a new object CREATE databases, schemas, and table spaces
c connect to a database   database
t trigger, react to data changes CREATE TRIGGER tables
T crate temporary objects CREATE TEMP tables
x cross reference between data FOREIGN KEY tables
X execute runnable code CALL, SELECT functions, routines, and procedures
U use of various objects   sequences, schemas, foreign objects, types, and languages


#\dp abc_project
                                     Access privileges
 Schema |    Name     | Type  |      Access privileges      | Column privileges | Policies 
 public | abc_project | table | abc_adada=arwdDxt/abc_adada+|                   | 
        |             |       | hahauuu=rw/abc_adada       +|                   | 
        |             |       | xixixiao=r/abc_adada       +|                   |  
(1 row)




#create table abce(id int);
postgres@[local]:5631=#\dp abce;
                            Access privileges
 Schema | Name | Type  | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies 
 public | abce | table |                   |                   | 
(1 row)