// XMLNodeExerciser.cpp
// Locates a specific XML node in an XML document and inserts
// a new child node, with an attribute, therein.
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <msxml.h>
#include <iostream>
void main()
// Start COM
// Open the file...note this simplistic executable
// assumes the file is named "xmldata.xml" and is
// in the same directory as the executable. It
// further assumes the file looks like this:
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <xmldata>
// <xmlnode />
// <xmltext>Hello, World!</ xmltext>
// </xmldata>
// The executable will find the node "xmlnode"
// and insert a new node "xmlchildnode" (with the
// attribute 'xml="fun"') if everything
// works as expected. It then finds the node
// "xmltext" and retrieves the text contained
// within the node and displays that. Finally, it
// saves the XML document into a new file named
// "updatedxml.xml".
try {
// Create an instance of the parser
CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> spXMLDOM;
HRESULT hr = spXMLDOM.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument));
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to create XML parser object";
if ( spXMLDOM.p == NULL ) throw "Unable to create XML parser object";
// Load the XML document file...
VARIANT_BOOL bSuccess = false;
hr = spXMLDOM->load(CComVariant(L"xmldata.xml"),&bSuccess);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to load XML document into the parser";
if ( !bSuccess ) throw "Unable to load XML document into the parser";
// Check for <xmldata>
// <xmlnode>...
// Construct search string
// "xmldata/xmlnode"
CComBSTR bstrSS(L"xmldata/xmlnode");
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spXMLNode;
hr = spXMLDOM->selectSingleNode(bstrSS,&spXMLNode);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to locate 'xmlnode' XML node";
if ( spXMLNode.p == NULL ) throw "Unable to locate 'xmlnode' XML node";
// The COM object "spXMLNode" now contains the XML
// node <xmlnode>, so we create a child node at
// this point... The DOM creates the node itself,
// then we place it using the XML node we located as
// the parent.
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spXMLChildNode;
hr = spXMLDOM->createNode(CComVariant(NODE_ELEMENT),CComBSTR("xmlchildnode"),NULL,&spXMLChildNode);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to create 'xmlchildnode' XML node";
if ( spXMLChildNode.p == NULL ) throw "Unable to create 'xmlchildnode' XML node";
// Place the node...if all goes well, the two nodal
// parameters provided to appendChild will be the
// same node. If there is a problem, the "inserted"
// node's pointer will be NULL.
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> spInsertedNode;
hr = spXMLNode->appendChild(spXMLChildNode,&spInsertedNode);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to move 'xmlchildnode' XML node";
if ( spInsertedNode.p == NULL ) throw "Unable to move 'xmlchildnode' XML node";
// Add the attribute. Note we do this through the IXMLDOMElement
// interface, so we need to do the QI().
CComQIPtr<IXMLDOMElement> spXMLChildElement;
spXMLChildElement = spInsertedNode;
if ( spXMLChildElement.p == NULL ) throw "Unable to query for 'xmlchildnode' XML element interface";
hr = spXMLChildElement->setAttribute(CComBSTR(L"xml"),CComVariant(L"fun"));
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to insert new attribute";
// Check for <xmldata>
// <xmltext>...
// Construct search string
// "xmldata/xmltext"
spXMLNode = NULL; // release previous node...
bstrSS = L"xmldata/xmltext";
hr = spXMLDOM->selectSingleNode(bstrSS,&spXMLNode);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to locate 'xmltext' XML node";
if ( spXMLNode.p == NULL ) throw "Unable to locate 'xmltext' XML node";
// Pull the enclosed text and display
CComVariant varValue(VT_EMPTY);
hr = spXMLNode->get_nodeTypedValue(&varValue);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to retrieve 'xmltext' text";
if ( varValue.vt == VT_BSTR ) {
// Display the results...since we're not using the
// wide version of the STL, we need to convert the
// BSTR to ANSI text for display...
LPTSTR lpstrMsg = W2T(varValue.bstrVal);
std::cout << lpstrMsg << std::endl;
} // if
else {
// Some error
throw "Unable to retrieve 'xmltext' text";
} // else
// If we got this far, we've inserted the new node, so
// save the resulting XML document...
hr = spXMLDOM->save(CComVariant("updatedxml.xml"));
if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw "Unable to save updated XML document";
// Write a note to the screen...
std::cout << "Processing complete..." << std::endl << std::endl;
} // try
catch(char* lpstrErr) {
// Some error...
std::cout << lpstrErr << std::endl << std::endl;
} // catch
catch(...) {
// Unknown error...
std::cout << "Unknown error..." << std::endl << std::endl;
} // catch
// Stop COM