1 事先配置好反向复制链路;


2 停止源端的应用程序;


3 确认源端Capture已捕获所有的Redo信息;

GGSCI>info all

GGSCI>info ext_app


4 确认源端所有queue中无积压数据

GGSCI>info all

GGSCI>info ext_app

GGSCI>info pmp_app


5 把源端的压缩表和要复制的接口表等复制到目标端;


6 确认目标端的sequence的next_value大于等于源端的值,如不满足要求需要对目标端的



7 比对源端和目标端表的数据是否一致;[minus或者count(*)或者hash value对比];或用



8 启用目标端的约束和外键以及job;

select 'alter table '||owner||'.'||table_name||' enable constraint '||constraint_name||';'

from dba_constraints

where constraint_type in ('R') and

owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

select 'alter trigger '||owner||'.'||trigger_name||' enable;'

from dba_triggers

where owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

SQL>alter system set job_processes=10 scope=both sid=’*’;


9 停止源端的约束和外键以及job;

select 'alter table '||owner||'.'||table_name||' disable constraint '||constraint_name||';'

from dba_constraints

where constraint_type in ('R') and

owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

select 'alter trigger '||owner||'.'||trigger_name||' disable;'

from dba_triggers

where owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

SQL>alter system set job_processes=0 scope=both sid=’*’;


10 启动反向复制的Capture进程,如有可能启动DataPump进程;


11 把应用程序切换到目标端;


12 确认目标端Capture进程状态正常;


13 源端数据库修复后,需要进行反向回切,在此过程中可能需要将数据库从目标端初始化到源端,视具体情况而定;


14 启动反向复制DataPump进程和Replicat进程,将数据从目标端Apply到源端;


15 停止目标端的应用


16 确认源端的Replicat队列没有数据了;


17 把目标端的压缩表和要复制的接口表等复制到源端


18 比对源端和目标端表的数据是否一致;[minus或者count(*)或者hash value对比]

Internal Partner Win Story

19 确认源端的sequence的next_value大于等于目标端的值,如果不是,则需要调整源端的Sequence;


20 启用源端的trigger和约束,以及job

select 'alter table '||owner||'.'||table_name||' enable constraint '||constraint_name||';'

from dba_constraints

where constraint_type in ('R') and

owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

select 'alter trigger '||owner||'.'||trigger_name||' enable;'

from dba_triggers

where owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

SQL>alter system set job_processes=10 scope=both sid=’*’;


21 停止目标端的约束和外键以及job

select 'alter table '||owner||'.'||table_name||' disable constraint '||constraint_name||';'

from dba_constraints

where constraint_type in ('R') and

owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

select 'alter trigger '||owner||'.'||trigger_name||' disable;'

from dba_triggers

where owner in('APPUSR')

order by status,owner;

SQL>alter system set job_processes=0 scope=both sid=’*’;


22 启动目标端的Replicat


23 源端启用应用,回切完成