Redis 是开源免费高性能的key-value数据库。有以下的优势(源于Redis官网):
性能极高 – Redis能读的速度是110000次/s,写的速度是81000次/s 。
丰富的数据类型 – Redis支持二进制案例的 Strings, Lists, Hashes, Sets 及 Ordered Sets 数据类型操作。
原子 – Redis的所有操作都是原子性的,意思就是要么成功执行要么失败完全不执行。单个操作是原子性的。多个操作也支持事务,即原子性,通过MULTI和EXEC指令包起来。
丰富的特性 – Redis还支持 publish/subscribe, 通知, key 过期等等特性。
并发: 在大并发的情况下,所有的请求直接访问数据库,数据库会出现连接异常。这个时候,就需要使用redis做一个缓冲操作,让请求先访问到Redis,而不是直接访问数据库。
更多关于“为什么要使用Redis”,博客园【原创】分布式之redis复习精讲 ,这篇博文关于Redis的讲解我觉得超赞,谢谢作者的耐心分享。
Spring Boot 2.x如何整合Redis
我使用的Spring Boot版本是2.1.0,根据网上的一些旧的教程进行整合Redis 3.2的时候,会有许多地方有错误提示。这是因为Spring Boot 2.x做了一些修改,这些修改对使用而有没有影响呢?我们改怎么整合呢?下面就进入正式的整合过程。
1. pom.xnl引入依赖
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-redis</artifactId> </dependency>
现在会提示Project build error: 'dependencies.dependency.version' for org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-redis:jar is missing. 提示spring-boot-starter-redis:jar找不到。
这是因为Spring Boot 1.4之后不再支持spring-boot-starter-redis,更换spring-boot-starter-data-redis之后就可以了。如果你的pom文件报错,请检查是否将spring-boot-starter-redis 改成了spring-boot-starter-data-redis。
Spring Boot 2.x要使用下面的依赖:
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactId> </dependency>
2. application.properties添加配置文件
# REDIS (RedisProperties) # Redis数据库索引(默认为0) spring.redis.database=0 # Redis服务器地址 # Redis服务器连接端口 spring.redis.port=6379 # Redis服务器连接密码(默认为空) spring.redis.password= # 连接池最大连接数(使用负值表示没有限制) spring.redis.pool.max-active=8 # 连接池最大阻塞等待时间(使用负值表示没有限制) spring.redis.pool.max-wait=-1 # 连接池中的最大空闲连接 spring.redis.pool.max-idle=8 # 连接池中的最小空闲连接 spring.redis.pool.min-idle=0 # 连接超时时间(毫秒) spring.redis.timeout=0
如果Spring Boot 2.x这么配置,有错误提示 Property 'spring.redis.pool.max-active' is Deprecated: Use 'spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-idle' instead. 'spring.redis.pool.max-active'已经被弃用了,推荐使用'spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-idle'来代替。
# REDIS (RedisProperties) # Redis数据库索引(默认为0) spring.redis.database=0 # Redis服务器地址 # Redis服务器连接端口 spring.redis.port=6379 # Redis服务器连接密码(默认为空) spring.redis.password= # 连接池最大连接数(使用负值表示没有限制) spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-active=8 # 连接池最大阻塞等待时间(使用负值表示没有限制) spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-wait=-1 # 连接池中的最大空闲连接 spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-idle=8 # 连接池中的最小空闲连接 spring.redis.jedis.pool.min-idle=0 # 连接超时时间(毫秒) spring.redis.timeout=0
3. 配置CacheManager
@Configuration @EnableCaching public class RedisConfig extends CachingConfigurerSupport { @Bean public CacheManager cacheManager(RedisTemplate<?, ?> redisTemplate) { CacheManager cacheManager = new RedisCacheManager(redisTemplate); return cacheManager; } @Bean public RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate(RedisConnectionFactory factory) { RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<String, String>(); redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(factory); return redisTemplate; } }
现在这么写会有报错The constructor RedisCacheManager(RedisTemplate<capture#1-of ?,capture#2-of ?>) is undefined。
这是因为Spring Boot 2.x版本删除了RedisCacheManager这个构造器, 也不可以通过之前的setDefaultExpiration方法设置默认的缓存过期时间等。
那么要怎样构造一个 RedisCacheManager?看看官方文档中怎么说?文档地址…
官方文档5.13.1. Support for the Spring Cache Abstraction(对Spring Cache Abstraction的支持)是关于怎么配置缓存的说明,我尝试着翻译了一下(蓝色部分),英文水平有限,各位轻喷。
Spring Redis provides an implementation for the Spring cache abstraction through the package. To use Redis as a backing implementation, add RedisCacheManager to your configuration, as follows:
Spring Redis在 包中为Spring缓存抽象提供了一个实现方案。要使用Redis作为支持实现,需要将RedisCacheManager添加到配置中,如下所示:
@Bean public RedisCacheManager cacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { return RedisCacheManager.create(connectionFactory); }
RedisCacheManager behavior can be configured with RedisCacheManagerBuilder, letting you set the default RedisCacheConfiguration, transaction behavior, and predefined caches.
RedisCacheManager可以用 RedisCacheManagerBuilder 进行配置,允许自定义设置默认的RedisCacheConfiguration、事务行为和预定义的缓存。
RedisCacheManager cm = RedisCacheManager.builder(connectionFactory) .cacheDefaults(defaultCacheConfig()) .initialCacheConfigurations(singletonMap("predefined", defaultCacheConfig().disableCachingNullValues())) .transactionAware() .build();
As shown in the preceding example, RedisCacheManager allows definition of configurations on a per-cache basis.
正如上面的例子所示,RedisCacheManager 允许基于每个缓存进行配置。
The behavior of RedisCache created with RedisCacheManager is defined with RedisCacheConfiguration. The configuration lets you set key expiration times, prefixes, and RedisSerializer implementations for converting to and from the binary storage format, as shown in the following example:
RedisCacheConfiguration config = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig() .entryTtl(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .disableCachingNullValues();
RedisCacheManager defaults to a lock-free RedisCacheWriter for reading and writing binary values. Lock-free caching improves throughput. The lack of entry locking can lead to overlapping, non-atomic commands for the putIfAbsent and clean methods, as those require multiple commands to be sent to Redis. The locking counterpart prevents command overlap by setting an explicit lock key and checking against presence of this key, which leads to additional requests and potential command wait times.
It is possible to opt in to the locking behavior as follows:
RedisCacheManager cm = .cacheDefaults(defaultCacheConfig()) ...
By default, any key for a cache entry gets prefixed with the actual cache name followed by two colons. This behavior can be changed to a static as well as a computed prefix.
The following example shows how to set a static prefix:
// static key prefix RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig().prefixKeysWith("( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)"); The following example shows how to set a computed prefix: // computed key prefix RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig().computePrefixWith(cacheName -> "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" + cacheName);
The following table lists the default settings for RedisCacheManager:
Setting | Value |
Cache Writer | Non-locking |
Cache Configuration | RedisCacheConfiguration#defaultConfiguration |
Initial Caches | None |
Trasaction Aware | No |
The following table lists the default settings for RedisCacheConfiguration:
Key Expiration | None |
Cache null | Yes |
Prefix Keys | Yes |
Default Prefix | The actual cache name |
Key Serializer | StringRedisSerializer |
Value Serializer | JdkSerializationRedisSerializer |
Conversion Service | DefaultFormattingConversionService with default cache key converters |
对于Spring Boot 2.x,这里我使用RedisCacheConfiguration简单配置一下缓存时间,完成RedisCacheManager的配置,代码如下:
@Configuration @EnableCaching public class RedisConfig extends CachingConfigurerSupport { @Bean public CacheManager cacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory factory) { RedisCacheConfiguration config = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig().entryTtl(Duration.ofSeconds(1)); RedisCacheManager cacheManager = RedisCacheManager.builder(factory).cacheDefaults(config).build(); return cacheManager; } }
4. Service层
@Service public class RedisService { @Resource private RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate; public void set(String key, Object value) { //更改在redis里面查看key编码问题 RedisSerializer redisSerializer = new StringRedisSerializer(); redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(redisSerializer); ValueOperations<String, Object> vo = redisTemplate.opsForValue(); vo.set(key, value); } public Object get(String key) { ValueOperations<String, Object> vo = redisTemplate.opsForValue(); return vo.get(key); } }
5. Model层
@Entity @Table(name = "user") public class User implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Column(name = "username") private String userName; @Column(name = "password") private String passWord; public User() { super(); } public User(String userName, String passWord) { super(); this.userName = userName; this.passWord = passWord; } public User(Long id, String userName, String passWord) { super(); = id; this.userName = userName; this.passWord = passWord; } //省略getter和setter方法 }
6. Controller层
@RestController @RequestMapping("user") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserRepository userRepository; @Autowired private RedisService redisService; @RequestMapping("/saveUser") public String saveUser(Long id, String userName, String passWord) { User user = new User(id, userName, passWord); redisService.set(id + "", user); return "success"; } @RequestMapping("/getUserById") public User getUserById(Long id) { User res = (User) redisService.get(id + ""); return res; } }
7. 测试
看看Redis数据库,使用get key查看,得到一个对象: