use Redis;  
use Sys::Hostname;
use HTTP::Date qw(time2iso str2time time2iso time2isoz);  
use Net::SMTP;
sub basic() {
     $host = hostname;
    print "-" x 80 ."\n";
        if(/inet addr:([\d.]+)/){
            push @ip,$1 unless $1 =~ /\A127.0.0.1\z/;
    print "${yellow}HOST: $host => IP: @ip$normal\n";
    print "-" x 80 ."\n";
sub send_mail{
if (@_ != 2){print "error\n"};
    ($m,$n) = @_; 
    my $to_address  = $m;
my $CurrTime = time2iso(time());
    my $to_address  = $m;
 my $mail_user   = '';
    my $mail_pwd    = 'xxxxx';
    my $mail_server = '';

    my $from    = "From: $mail_user\n";
    my $subject = "Subject: zjcap info\n";
    my $info = "$CurrTime--$n";
     my $message = <<CONTENT; 
    my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mail_server);

    $smtp->auth($mail_user, $mail_pwd) || die "Auth Error! $!";

    $smtp->data();             # begin the data
    $smtp->datasend($from);    # set user
    $smtp->datasend($subject); # set subject
    $smtp->datasend("$message\n"); # set content
my $r = Redis->new( server => "",reconnect => 1,every=>60) or (die "can't connect to redis");  
$r = Redis->new( password =>  'xxxx' );  
print "\$var is $var\n";

print "$var\n";
if ( defined($var) ){print "redis could connetct\n"}
{print "redis is lost",send_mail('',"@ip-redis is lost\n")};