//slim tree
binary tree:
heap: all leap have to be as left as possible, like complete tree
bst: just remeber that every node in left subtree < current node < every node in right subtree
avl: the self balancing version of bst
red and black tree: another self balancing version of bst, but less strictly balanced than avl
//fat tree
2-4 tree: a specific version of B tree. also it is more accurate to call this 2-3-4 tree because every non child node can have 2 or 3 or 4 children
B and B+ tree: B tree has a attribute called order, and the order of B-tree is defined as the maximum number of children a node can have.

the difference between avl and r&b tree:
Tree Classification_矩形

the difference between B, B-, B+ tree:
Tree Classification_矩形_02