class Dataab {
 inherit ::itk::Widget
 constructor { args } {
 itk_component add pw_v {
      iwidgets::panedwindow $ \
      -orient vertical
 } {
 itk_component add label {
      label $itk_interior.l1 -text "Data "
 ## From here we will test to add a new button, and then to see what happen
 itk_component add buttontest {
      button $itk_interior.hutch -text "Start Pro" -command "exec pro" -width 8
 $itk_component(pw_v) add left  -minimum 50 -margin 2
 $itk_component(pw_v) add right -minimum 50 -margin 2
 set leftSite  [$itk_component(pw_v) childsite 0]
 set rightSite [$itk_component(pw_v) childsite 1]
 $itk_component(pw_v) fraction 50 50
 pack $itk_component(label) 
 pack $itk_component(pw_v) -side top -expand 1 -fill both
        pack $itk_component(buttontest)
 eval itk_initialize $args