- 如何与我们的开发框架SpringBoot进行集成
- 如何发送消息
- 如何发送复杂消息
- 如何保证发送消息的可靠性
- 如何消费消息
- 如何保证消费消息的可靠性
- 如何保证消费者的可扩展性
- 如何使用消费者进行流量削峰
2. 与SpringBoot集成
2.1 添加依赖
2.2 添加MQ服务配置
host: localhost
port: 5672
username: guest
password: guest
virtual-host: boot-example
2.3 注入消息模板
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
2.4 发送消息
public void sendMessage() {
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("test", "test", "mq produce send a message");
2.5 消费消息
public class MqConsumer {
@RabbitListener(id = "consumerMessage1", queues = "test")
public void consumeMessage1(Message message, Channel channel, String content) {
log.info("receive message1 :{}", content);
3. 如何发送复杂的消息
3.1 生产者设置消息转换器
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(RabbitTemplateConfigurer configurer, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate();
configurer.configure(rabbitTemplate, connectionFactory);
rabbitTemplate.setMessageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter());
return rabbitTemplate;
3.2 消费者设置消息转换器
public RabbitListenerContainerFactory<?> rabbitListenerContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setMessageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter());
return factory;
3.3 消费者指定监听容器工厂
@RabbitListener(queues = "test3", containerFactory = "rabbitListenerContainerFactory")
public void consumeComplexMessage(Order order) {
log.info("receive complex message:{}", order);
4.1 为什么要保证发送消息的可靠性
A RabbitMQ node can lose persistent messages if it fails before said messages are written to disk. For instance, consider this scenario:
- a client publishes a persistent message to a durable queue
- a client consumes the message from the queue (noting that the message is persistent and the queue durable), but confirms are not active,
- the broker node fails and is restarted, and
- the client reconnects and starts consuming messages
At this point, the client could reasonably assume that the message will be delivered again. This is not the case: the restart has caused the broker to lose the message. In order to guarantee persistence, a client should use confirms. If the publisher's channel had been in confirm mode, the publisher would not have received an ack for the lost message (since the message hadn't been written to disk yet).
4.2 如何保证发送消息可靠性
4.2.1 添加配置
publisher-confirm-type: correlated
publisher-returns: true
4.2.2 指定回调函数
public class MqConfig implements RabbitTemplate.ConfirmCallback, RabbitTemplate.ReturnCallback {
* 消息服务器返回的basic.ack
* @param correlationData 关联数据对象
* @param ack ack
* @param cause 异常信息
public void confirm(CorrelationData correlationData, boolean ack, String cause) {
log.info("receive ack confirm:{} from broker server", ack);
* 消息服务器返回的basic.return
* @param message 消息对象
* @param replyCode 响应code
* @param replyText 响应文本
* @param exchange 交换机
* @param routingKey 路由key
public void returnedMessage(Message message, int replyCode, String replyText, String exchange, String routingKey) {
log.error("receive return message:{} from broker server,reply code:{},reply text:{}," +
"exchange:{},routing key:{}", message.toString(), replyCode, replyText, exchange, routingKey);
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(RabbitTemplateConfigurer configurer, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate();
configurer.configure(rabbitTemplate, connectionFactory);
rabbitTemplate.setMessageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter());
return rabbitTemplate;
4.2.3 confirm和returnedMessage
For unroutable messages, the broker will issue a confirm once the exchange verifies a message won't route to any queue (returns an empty list of queues). If the message is also published as mandatory, the basic.return is sent to the client before basic.ack
5. 消息消息的可靠性
5.1 为什么要保证消费消息的可靠性
When a node delivers a message to a consumer, it has to decide whether the message should be considered handled (or at least received) by the consumer. Since multiple things (client connections, consumer apps, and so on) can fail, this decision is a data safety concern. Messaging protocols usually provide a confirmation mechanism that allows consumers to acknowledge deliveries to the node they are connected to. Whether the mechanism is used is decided at the time consumer subscribes.
Depending on the acknowledgement mode used, RabbitMQ can consider a message to be successfully delivered either immediately after it is sent out (written to a TCP socket) or when an explicit ("manual") client acknowledgement is received. Manually sent acknowledgements can be positive or negative and use one of the following protocol methods:
5.2 如何保证消费消息的可靠性
boolean autoAck = false;
// 将autoAck设置为false
channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, "a-consumer-tag",
new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
Envelope envelope,
AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
byte[] body)
throws IOException
long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
// negatively acknowledge, the message will
// be discarded
channel.basicReject(deliveryTag, false);
7. 如何使用消费者进行流量削峰
Because messages are sent (pushed) to clients asynchronously, there is usually more than one message "in flight" on a channel at any given moment. In addition, manual acknowledgements from clients are also inherently asynchronous in nature. So there's a sliding window of delivery tags that are unacknowledged. Developers would often prefer to cap the size of this window to avoid the unbounded buffer problem on the consumer end. This is done by setting a "prefetch count" value using the basic.qos method. The value defines the max number of unacknowledged deliveries that are permitted on a channel. Once the number reaches the configured count, RabbitMQ will stop delivering more messages on the channel unless at least one of the outstanding ones is acknowledged.