完整类 实例

Java 04_构造函数Java 04_默认构造函数_02
Student class/**
 * The Student class keeps track of the following pieces of data
 * about a student: the student's name, ID number, the number of
 * credits the student has earned toward graduation, and whether
 * the student is paid up with respect to university bills.
 * All of this information is entirely private to the class.
 * Clients can obtain this information only by using the various
 * method defined by the class.
 * @author Leon
/* 以上是 对 类的 基本情况的介绍 */

public class Student {

 * Creates a new Student object with the specified name and ID.
 * @param name The student's name as a String
 * @param id The student's id as an int
	public Student(String name, int id) {
		studentName = name;
		studentID = id;

 * Gets the name of this student.
 * @return The name of this student
	public String getName() {
		return studentName;
 * Gets the id of this student.
 * @return The id of this student
	public int getId() {
		return studentID;
 * Sets the number of credits earned.
 * @param credits The new number of credits earned	
	public void setCredits(double credits) {
		creditsEarned = credits;

 * Gets the number of credits earned.
 * @return The number of credits this student has earned
	public double getCredits() {
		return creditsEarned;
 * Sets whether the student is paid up.
 * @param flag The value true or flase indicating paid-up status
	public void setPaidUp(boolean flag) {
		paidUp = flag;
 * Returns whether the student is paid up.
 * @return whether the student is paid up
	public boolean isPaidUp() {
		return paidUp;
 * Creates a string identifying this student.
 * @return The string used to display this student
	public String toString() {
		return studentName + " (#" + studentID + ")";

/* Public constants */

 * The number of credits required for graduation
	public static final double CREDITS_TO_GRADUATE = 32.0;

/* private instance variables */
	private String studentName;		/* The student's name 			*/
	private int studentID;			/* The student's id				*/
	private double creditsEarned;	/* The number of credits earned */
	private boolean paidUp;			/* Whether student is paid up	*/


* The Student class keeps track of the following pieces of data
* about a student: the student's name, ID number, the number of
* credits the student has earned toward graduation, and whether
* the student is paid up with respect to university bills.
* All of this information is entirely private to the class.
* Clients can obtain this information only by using the various
* method defined by the class.
* @author Leon


public class Student {

* Creates a new Student object with the specified name and ID.
* @param name The student's name as a String
* @param id The student's id as an int
    public Student(String name, int id) {
        studentName = name;
        studentID = id;

* Gets the name of this student.
* @return The name of this student
    public String getName() {
        return studentName;
* Gets the id of this student.
* @return The id of this student
    public int getId() {
        return studentID;
* Sets the number of credits earned.
* @param credits The new number of credits earned   
    public void setCredits(double credits) {
        creditsEarned = credits;

* Gets the number of credits earned.
* @return The number of credits this student has earned
    public double getCredits() {
        return creditsEarned;
* Sets whether the student is paid up.
* @param flag The value true or flase indicating paid-up status
    public void setPaidUp(boolean flag) {
        paidUp = flag;
* Returns whether the student is paid up.
* @return whether the student is paid up
    public boolean isPaidUp() {
        return paidUp;
* Creates a string identifying this student.
* @return The string used to display this student
    public String toString() {
        return studentName + " (#" + studentID + ")";


/* Public constants */

/** The number of credits required for graduation */
    public static final double CREDITS_TO_GRADUATE = 32.0;

/* private instance variables */

    private String studentName;        /* The student's name             */
    private int studentID;                      /* The student's id                */
    private double creditsEarned;      /* The number of credits earned */
    private boolean paidUp;               /* Whether student is paid up    */



this 的其他用法

1. 在构造函数中,它使用 this 将对象的创建委托给含有不同参数的其他构造函数.并且,好像是必须放在构造函数的第一行,例如 this(0),表示调用,另一个值有一个参数的构造函数。

2. 用来强调该变量,是类得实例变量。




构造函数流程: 第一步是通过调用 Object构造函数初始化与每个 Object相关的数据,从此,根据继承关系,Java必须调用每个子类级的构造函数。沿着继承向下,一直到该类。

Java 类得每个构造函数都可以通过以下 3 种 方式之一 调用超类构造函数:

  • 以明确调用 this 开始的类调用该类的其他构造函数中的某一个,将确保调用超类构造函数这一责任委托给该构造函数。
  • 以明确调用 super 开始的类调用超类得构造函数,该超类匹配提供的参数列表。
  • 不以调用 super 或 this 开始的类调用没有参数的默认超类构造函数。

如果没有定义类得任何构造函数,Java 会自动定义默认构造函数,就是不接收参数的那种。但是要注意,如果类定义包括构造函数,就不再创建默认构造函数,在这种情况下,所有子类的构造函数必须明确调用其超类里的某个构造函数




如果一个类里有两个 public 方法,而你写了一个类继承了该类,那么,当你重新该方法中的一个方法时,有可能因为你的重写而对另一个跟他有联系的public 方法出现问题,这种情况很快会给维护带来极大的麻烦,所以,在现有类里重写方法时要小心,因为新的定义可能不符合原始类所作的假设,作为一般规则,只有当这些方法的文档特别要求这样做时才重写方法。有时类得设计师提出可以重写该方法,这样的情况,还可以考虑保守使用重写