For given numbers a and b in function aplusb, return the sum of them.

You don't need to parse the input and output. Just calculate and return.

If a=1 and b=2 return 3

Can you do it with out + operation?

Are a and b both 32-bit integers?

    - Yes.


考验Bit Operation, 可以用按位^异或两个操作数对应位以及carry,只是carry是1还是0需要分情况讨论。求更优的解法

 1 class Solution {
 2     /*
 3      * param a: The first integer
 4      * param b: The second integer
 5      * return: The sum of a and b
 6      */
 7     public int aplusb(int a, int b) {
 8         // Click submit, you will get Accepted!
 9         int i = 0;
10         int res = 0;
11         int carry = 0;
12         for (; i<32; i++) {
13             int aa = (a >> i) & 1;
14             int bb = (b >> i) & 1;
15             res |= (aa ^ bb ^ carry) << i;
16             if (aa == 1 && bb == 1 || ((aa ==1 || bb == 1) && carry == 1)) {
17                 carry = 1;
18             }
19             else carry = 0;
20         }
21         return res;
22     }
23 };


x^y //执行加法,不考虑进位。
(x&y)<<1 //进位操作
令x=x^y ;y=(x&y)<<1 进行迭代,每迭代一次进位操作右面就多一位0,最多需要“加数二进制位长度”次迭代就没有进位了,此时x^y的值就是结果。

101+011=1000 //正常加法
(1) 101 ^ 011 = 110
(101 & 011)<<1 = 010
(2) 110 ^ 010 = 100
(110 & 010)<<1 = 100
(3) 100 ^ 100 = 000
(100 & 100)<<1 = 1000
此时进行相加操作就没有进位了,即000 ^ 1000=1000即是最后结果。

 1 class Solution {
 2     /*
 3      * param a: The first integer
 4      * param b: The second integer
 5      * return: The sum of a and b
 6      */
 7     public int aplusb(int a, int b) {
 8         while(b != 0){
 9             int carry = a & b;
10             a = a ^ b;
11             b = carry << 1;
12         }
13         return a;
14     }
15 }


1     public int aplusb(int a, int b) {
2         // Click submit, you will get Accepted!
3         if (b == 0) return a;
4         int sum = a^b;
5         int carry = (a&b)<<1;
6         return aplusb(sum, carry);
7     }