1  A misunderstands  on E-mail


The initial red blink just means theXXX  unit has not yet successfully communicated with the XXX, and it will try again. As long as it starts blinking green within a few seconds after connecting the  XXX to the  XXX and then keeps blinking green at least 3 times in a row, the test is successful. If it keeps blinking red for 10 seconds or more, the test has failed and you should try programming the  XXX  again.

    My Error

  I misunderstanding about it。“ If it keeps blinking red for 10 seconds or more”, ok ,this  objects is red LED , not Green led.,  This can lead to errors in the test machine。

2  Update the test device

    as show in the photo。The  test based on c51 and aome anbcillary  equipment。 

2017.10.24  A test error about  ATE device_sed

I think the test platform is too old。The mainstream should be arm, Chosen the current popular STM32 microcontroller as the hardware platform, and using a smartcard chip ISO7816 communication interface, a generic smart card data acquisition system isdesigned.The system use the STM32 as the core controller. The control of servomotor can be achieved walkingand lifting of  the picking platform,To meet the needs of temperature, stress parameter measurement and monitoring of the industrialfield, an embeded temperature and stress measurement system based on STM32 processor isdesigned. 

3 The  epistasis software (Labview)

    Slove the trouble  with  machine vision ,beacuse  the led blink need to check.LabVIEW makes parallelism so easy that you may not even be aware that you're writing a parallelprogram.LabVIEW technology becomes an important trend of faults monitoring for its flexible conceptive style,favorable man-machine interface and powerful digital signal processing ability.

A program in LabVIEW is constructed by composing various program building blocks and supplyingparameters to the blocks.There is no development environment similar to LabVIEW that I know of that you can use with theCreate, although you can execute simple scripts.