Reclamining Space Within ASSM Segments

  • Online and in-place operation
  • Applicable only to segments residing in ASSM tablespaces
  • Candidate segment types:
    • Heap-organized tables and index-organized tables
    • Indexes
    • Partitions and subpartitions
    • Materialized views and materialized view logs

Segment Advisor:Overview

[bbk5208] 第109集 -第13章 - 表空间管理 07_javascript

[bbk5208] 第109集 -第13章 - 表空间管理 07_数据_02

[bbk5208] 第109集 -第13章 - 表空间管理 07_表空间_03

[bbk5208] 第109集 -第13章 - 表空间管理 07_javascript_04

[bbk5208] 第109集 -第13章 - 表空间管理 07_javascript_05

Managing Resumable Space Allocation

A resumable statement:

  • Enables you to suspend large operations instead of receiving an error
  • Gives you a chance to fix the problem while the operation is suspended,rather than starting over
  • Is suspended for the following conditions
    • Out of space
    • Maxmum extents reached
    • Space quota exceeded
  • A resumable statement can be suspended and resumed multiple times.


  • Online and in-place operation


  • Applicable only to segments residing in ASSM tablespaces



On commited materialized view也是不支持收缩的.


Segment Advisor:擅长段空间管理,节约空间,提高效率.

Segment Advisor检查AWR中的数据,进行采样分析,寻找可以回收的空间,产生报告;

