FX3 JLINK调试是一个有些麻烦的事情,经常有些莫名其妙的问题。
设置参见 c:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\EZ-USB FX3 SDK\1.3\doc\firmware
下的 EzUsbSuite_UG.pdf 文档。
打开JLinkGDBServer.exe,看CPU,电压等,是否正常,GDB 需要调试时候才是正常的(绿色)。
2. Failed to execute MI command:
去掉debug设置里的startup页中的set breakpoint at main.
When CDT launches, it tries to set a breakpoint at main, so it will interrupt execution when your program starts. However, your target is already running so the breakpoint cannot be set and the whole things fails.
You could simply tell your launch not to set that breakpoint and let it connect to your target. Go to: Run->Debug Configurations… and find your launch configuration. Then select the Startup subtab, scroll down and uncheck “Set breakpoint at” in the “Runtime options” subsection.
–There is a mismatch between the gdb client inside eclipse and the gdb server. Try changing the gdb client in eclipse
debug settings –> Debugger –> Main Tab –> Browse to gdb compiled for the same platform
3. gdb 路径不对
E:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\EZ-USB FX3 SDK\1.3\ARM GCC\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe

  1. 关闭相关软件jlink,JLinkGDBServer

F5:step into,F6:step over; F8:resume.