
### --- 创建dockerfile

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# vim Dockerfile
FROM centos:8

LABEL maintainer="test dockerfile"
LABEL test=dockerfile

ENV test_env1 env1
ENV test_env2 env2
ENV env1=test1 env2=test2

RUN useradd yanqi
RUN mkdir /opt/yanqitest

#ENTRYPOINT ["echo"]

ADD ./index.html.tar.gz /opt/
COPY ./index.html.tar.gz /opt/yanqitest/
WORKDIR /opt/yanqi
CMD pwd ; ls
#RUN useradd yanqi && /opt/yanqi
### --- 构建镜像

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker build -t centos:workdir .
Step 11/12 : WORKDIR /opt/yanqitest
---> Running in 5fe980f90f6d
Removing intermediate container 5fe980f90f6d
---> 3fa9782e2702
Step 12/12 : CMD pwd ; ls
---> Running in f679f7ffa9ad
Removing intermediate container f679f7ffa9ad
---> d91a6af60fe4
Successfully built d91a6af60fe4
Successfully tagged centos:workdir
### --- 运行容器
~~~ 注:WORKDIR会经常应用到的。

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker run -ti --rm centos:workdir
/opt/yanqi // 已切换到/opt/yanqi目录下
index.html.tar.gz // 并且ls查看到的文件信息


### --- 运行容器并查看用户
~~~ # 运行容器

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker run -ti --rm centos:workdir bash
~~~     # 查看用户

[root@0044a0be125a yanqitest]# whoami
root //当前是root用户
[root@0044a0be125a ~]# cat /etc/passwd
yanqi:x:1000:1000::/home/yanqi:/bin/bash // 可以使用yanqi用户
### --- 创建dockerfile

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# vim Dockerfile
FROM centos:8

LABEL maintainer="test dockerfile"
LABEL test=dockerfile

ENV test_env1 env1
ENV test_env2 env2
ENV env1=test1 env2=test2

RUN useradd yanqi
RUN mkdir /opt/yanqi

#ENTRYPOINT ["echo"]

ADD ./index.html.tar.gz /opt/
COPY ./index.html.tar.gz /opt/yanqitest/
WORKDIR /opt/yanqitest
USER 1000
CMD pwd ; ls
#RUN useradd yanqi && /opt/yanqi
### --- 构建镜像

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker build -t centos:workdir .
Step 12/13 : USER 1000
---> Running in 4fc17065dfa3
Removing intermediate container 4fc17065dfa3
---> e3646ef7236c
Step 13/13 : CMD pwd ; ls
---> Running in bd9911d6f0d8
Removing intermediate container bd9911d6f0d8
---> 81a90d428efe
Successfully built 81a90d428efe
Successfully tagged centos:workdir
### --- 运行容器并查看镜像层
~~~ # 运行容器

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker run -ti --rm centos:workdir bash
[yanqi@28fd5f7e8e30 yanqitest]$ whoami
yanqi // 可以查看到当前用户已经切换为yanqi
~~~     # 推送到hub仓库
~~~ 推送到镜像仓库,默认是推送到官方的地址,若是需要更改地址,需要前面加入域名

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker build -t xxx.com/centos:wordir .
~~~     # 查看镜像层
~~~ mone镜像,可能是镜像之前的层,有可能会用到这些层。这些层可以清理掉,不清理也没有关系

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker images
xxx.com/centos wordir 81a90d428efe 2 minutes ago 210MB


### --- 创建dockerfile

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# vim Dockerfile
FROM centos:8

LABEL maintainer="test dockerfile"
LABEL test=dockerfile

ENV test_env1 env1
ENV test_env2 env2
ENV env1=test1 env2=test2

RUN useradd yanqi
RUN mkdir /opt/yanqi

#ENTRYPOINT ["echo"]

ADD ./index.html.tar.gz /opt/
COPY ./index.html.tar.gz /opt/yanqitest/
WORKDIR /opt/yanqitest
#USER 1000
VOLUME /data
CMD pwd ; ls
#RUN useradd yanqi && /opt/yanqi
### --- 构建镜像

[root@k8s-master01 dockerfiles]# docker build -t xxx.com/centos:wordir .
Step 12/13 : VOLUME /data
---> Running in 1af4e46a9d4a
Removing intermediate container 1af4e46a9d4a
---> 569977d829a1
Step 13/13 : CMD pwd ; ls
---> Running in b6de07554ab4
Removing intermediate container b6de07554ab4
---> f5fe200aa73c
Successfully built f5fe200aa73c
Successfully tagged xxx.com/centos:wordir
### --- 运行容器并查看目录

[root@k8s-master01 ~]# docker run -ti xxx.com/centos:wordir bash
~~~     # 可以查看到目录已经创建好了。
~~~ 注:用法:开发写法习惯,不是基于容器开发的,而是把数据存储目录放在本地。
~~~ 注:解决方案一:使用mkdir去创建这个目录。
~~~ 注:解决方案二:使用VOLUME去创建挂载目的目录。

[root@1f40a3762b1d ~]# ls /data/

Walter Savage Landor:strove with none,for none was worth my strife.Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art:I warm'd both hands before the fire of life.It sinks, and I am ready to depart
