
### --- 默认值表达式:创建表

~~~ # 创建表
hadoop01 :) create table dfv_v1 (
id String,
c1 DEFAULT 1000,
c2 String DEFAULT c1
) engine = TinyLog;
`id` String,
`c1` DEFAULT 1000,
`c2` String DEFAULT c1
ENGINE = TinyLog

### --- 加载数据

~~~ # 加载数据
hadoop01 :) insert into dfv_v1(id) values ('A000');
### --- 查看表中的数据

~~~ # 查看表中的数据
hadoop01 :) select c1,c2,toTypeName(c1),toTypeName(c2) from dfv_v1;

│ 1000 │ 1000 │ UInt16 │ String │


### --- 创建语法:

create temporary table tmp_v1 (createtime Datetime);
### --- 案例:

~~~ 如果临时表和正常表名字相同,临时表优先
~~~ 临时表的表引擎只能是Memory,数据是临时的,断电即无的数据。
~~~ 更多的是应用在clickhouse内部,是数据在集群间传播的载体
### --- 创建临时表

~~~ # 创建临时表
hadoop01 :) create table tmp_v1( title String)engine = Memory;
~~~ # 加载数据
hadoop01 :) insert into tmp_v1 values ('click');
~~~     # 创建临时表
hadoop01 :) create temporary table tmp_v1 (createtime Datetime);

~~~ # 加载数据
hadoop01 :) insert into tmp_v1 values (now());
~~~     # 查看表中的数据

hadoop01 :) select * from tmp_v1;

│ 2021-11-04 22:54:43 │

Walter Savage Landor:strove with none,for none was worth my strife.Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art:I warm'd both hands before the fire of life.It sinks, and I am ready to depart
