RationalDMIS 2020  坐标系_RationalDMIS
When a part is positioned on the table, it is not necessary to physically align the part to the machine axes.

Also the part zero is not in the same location as the machine zero.

When a new part is programmed, the axis system will revert to machine co-ordinates, and we need to define the location of the part relative to its own co-ordinates.

There are actually six settings that have to be created to fully locate the part, these are known as the six degrees of freedom. We have to control rotation about the X axis, the Y axis and the Z axis and control translation in the X axis, Y axis and Z axis.

For anypart to be accurately defined, these six degrees of freedom need to be set, once they are, the machine will move in part co-ordinates rather than machine co-ordinates.

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An Introduction to Alignments cont.

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If we were asked to measure this part we can see that the part is no longer perpendicular to the table this could be because the end face was an un-machined face.

In this instance we would have to measure a plane on the top surface to tell OpenDMIS the angle that the part was out of level to the machine.

If were to measure a plane on the top face and level to the plane then the alignment would rotate about two axes to create a plane that was parallel with the top face.

The calculation for the diameter would be relative to this plane and therefore correct for diameter.

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RationalDMIS 2020  坐标系_RationalDMIS_05

If we had a cylinder, and measured it at the two heights, the axis of the cylinder would now be available for us to create a simple alignment from.

The axis is the direction of the axis of the cylinder in this case it would be the vertical axis which is the Z axis.

Set the alignment to this axis and everything that is now measured would be relative to this axis.

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