CAN & CAN FD Basics/CAN&CAN FD基础知识

  1. Elements of CAN frames/CAN报文的要素
  2. Structure of CAN buses/CAN总线的结构
  3. Bit rates, bus load, and bus length/比特率、总线负载和总线长度
  4. Demonstration of a simple CAN FD bus/ CAN FD总线通信展示

PCAN-Explorer 6

  1. Establishing connections to CAN and CAN FD buses/创建连接到CAN&CAN FD总线
  2. Receiving and sending CAN messages/接收和发送CAN报文
  3. Recording and playback of CAN traffic/记录和回放CAN数据
  4. Filtering of CAN traffic and trace files/CAN报文过滤与记录trc文件
  5. Readable representation of CAN ID and data/CAN ID和数据的解读
  6. Overview of PCAN-Explorer 6 add-ins/PCAN-Explorer 6的插件介绍
  7. Automation with VBScript and macros/自动化测试:VBScript和macro宏脚本
