Abstract—This paper addresses a new lattice-based designated

zk-SNARK having the smallest proof size in the amortized sense,

from the linear-only ring learning with the error (RLWE) encodings. We first generalize a quadratic arithmetic programming

(QAP) over a finite field to a ring-variant over a polynomial

ring Zp[X]/(X

N + 1) with a power of two N. Then, we

propose a zk-SNARK over this ring with a linear-only encoding

assumption on RLWE encodings. From the ring isomorphism


N + 1) ∼= Z


p , the proposed scheme packs multiple

messages from Zp, resulting in much smaller amortized proof

size compared to previous works.

In addition, we present a refined analysis on the noise flooding

technique based on the Hellinger divergence instead of the

conventional statistical distance, which reduces the size of a proof.

In particular, our proof size is 276.5 KB and the amortized

proof size is only 156 bytes since our protocol allows to batch

N proofs into a single proof. Therefore, we achieve the smallest

amortized proof size in the category of lattice-based zk-SNARKs

and comparable proof size in the (pre-quantum) zk-SNARKs
