Non-interactive batch arguments for NP provide a way to amortize the cost of NP veri’cation across multiple

instances. They enable a prover to convince a veri’er of multiple NP statements with communication much smaller

than the total witness length and veri’cation time much smaller than individually checking each instance.

In this work, we give the ’rst construction of a non-interactive batch argument for NP from standard assumptions

on groups with bilinear maps (speci’cally, from either the subgroup decision assumption in composite-order groups

or from the ℻-Lin assumption in prime-order groups for any ℻ ≥ 1). Previously, batch arguments for NP were only

known from LWE, or a combination of multiple assumptions, or from non-standard/non-falsi’able assumptions.

Moreover, our work introduces a new direct approach for batch veri’cation and avoids heavy tools like correlationintractable hash functions or probabilistically-checkable proofs common to previous approaches.

As corollaries to our main construction, we obtain the ’rst publicly-veri’able non-interactive delegation scheme

for RAM programs (i.e., a succinct non-interactive argument (SNARG) for P) with a CRS of sublinear size (in the

running time of the RAM program), as wel