
Hello everyone! We will start our online class from April 13. Classes will be given by ZOOM cloud meetings. Please install or download ZOOM on your devices in advance. To help you better use ZOOM in class, we made a student guide. Please read below.




How to Install ZOOM?


To have a better class, we sincerely suggest you using computers.

1.PC下载地址 Download for PC:


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2.手机下载和安装 Download for phones

苹果手机:前往应用,下载 ZOOM Cloud Meetings.


iPhone: App Store, search ZOOM Cloud Meetings and download it.

Android: Store, search ZOOM and download it.


      Iphone                                Android

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Log in and Join the class

1. 电脑登录 Log in with your computer


点击“加入会议”, 输入会议号码和你的名字,进入班级。

The teacher will send the Meeting ID in advance.

Choose 【Join a meeting】,write the Meeting ID and your real name,  and  then join the class.


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2. 手机登录 Log in with your phone



You can log in with We-chat, or register an account with your email to log in. 

Please attention that you need to verify with your phone number before log-in.




After joining the class successully, you will see this screen.

1. 请选择【使用电脑语音设备】,才能听到老师的声音。(如果老师声音不清晰,建议用耳机。)

Please choose 【Join with computer audios】, then you can hear the teacher. (If you still can't hear clearly, you may try with earphones. )

2.【启动视频】 进入课堂后,点击左下角的【启动视频】,这样老师才能看到同学。


【Start video】Please start your video once you enter the class, so the teacher can see you.

【Unmute】【Mute】To turn on and turn off your audio.

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电脑端 On the computer

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手机端 On the phone

3.【选定视频】 点击此按钮,老师的头像会固定在屏幕上;或者双击老师的视频,实现固定。手机不能实现这一点。

【Pin video】Click it or double-click the teacher's video to lock the teacher's video on the big sceen. You can't do it on the phone. 

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选定视频 Pin video


If we lock the teacher's video on the screen like below, we  can also【Unpin video】.

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4.【管理参会者】【聊天】 点击工具栏图标,两个窗口会出现在右边。

【Participants】【Chats】Click the bottom icons, they will show on the right side.

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5.【聊天】 选择 "所有人" ,可以发给大家;选择指定人,发送给指定人。

【Chats】Choose [Send to: everyone], the message will be seen by all.  Choose [send to: somedody], it will be privately sent to that person.

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6.【举手】 点击【参会者】”-【举手】, 老师能看到举手的同学,你可以提问或者回答问题。

【Raise hand】Click 【participants】-【Raise hand】

The teacher can see your hand, you can answer or ask questions.

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On your phone, 【Chats 】and 【Raise hands】can be found at 【…More】.

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7.【共享屏幕】 老师在共享PPT和屏幕时,同学们可以在屏幕上添加注释,老师可以清除同学们的注释,但希望同学们不要随意添加。

【Share content】When the teacher is sharing content, you can use【Annotate】to draw on the screen, your notes can be seen by everyone. Your teacher can clear it, but please do not write something randomly.

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It is all our sharing for how to use ZOOM. Hope it can help you enjoy a better class. Wish you have a wonderful online class time!