Mac 上的 Safari 浏览器 html5 iphone mac safari_unity

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Mac 上的 Safari 浏览器 html5 iphone mac safari_unity_02

Many of us are familiar with this scenario: you’re looking something up on our iPhone, find exactly what we’re looking for, but then have to put our phone away to attend to something else. Later, while working on your Mac, you want to continue what you were reading on your iPhone.

我们中的许多人都熟悉这种情况:您正在iPhone上查找内容,确切地找到了我们要查找的内容,但是随后不得不放下手机来进行其他操作。 稍后,在Mac上工作时,您想继续在iPhone上阅读内容。

If you use Safari on all your devices, you can easily open a tab from one device on another in just a few simple steps. You can also remotely close tabs on your other devices if you no longer need them.

如果您在所有设备上都使用Safari,则只需几个简单的步骤即可轻松地从另一台设备上的一个设备打开标签。 如果不再需要其他设备上的标签,也可以远程关闭它们。

(How to Open and Close Your iPhone’s Safari Tabs on a Mac)

In order for this to work, you need to make sure your devices are all signed into the same iCloud account. Open tabs are one of the many things that Safari syncs to iCloud, so if this procedure doesn’t work for you, make sure your iCloud settings are correct.

为了使其正常工作,您需要确保所有设备均已登录到同一iCloud帐户。 开启标签是Safari同步到iCloud的众多功能之一,因此,如果此步骤不适合您,请确保您的iCloud设置正确。

When you want to open a tab on your Mac, simply click the “Show All Tabs” button in the upper-right corner. If you have tabs open on your Mac, you’ll see them all here, but note also, at the bottom you can see tabs open on your iPhone or iPad.

当您要在Mac上打开标签页时,只需点击右上角的“显示所有标签页”按钮即可。 如果您在Mac上打开了标签页,则可以在此处看到所有标签页,但也请注意,在底部,您可以看到在iPhone或iPad上打开的标签页。

If you click on any of these, they will open up in Safari on your Mac.


Mac 上的 Safari 浏览器 html5 iphone mac safari_ios_03

You can also close tabs so they no longer appear on your phone. To do so, simply hover over the item in question and click the “X” that appears to the right.

您也可以关闭标签页,使其不再显示在手机上。 为此,只需将鼠标悬停在有问题的项目上,然后单击右侧显示的“ X”。

Mac 上的 Safari 浏览器 html5 iphone mac safari_ios_04

(How to Open and Close Your Mac’s Safari Tabs on an iOS Device)

The procedure for this is almost the same in reverse, it just looks a little different.


Open Safari on your iOS device and tap open the “Show All Tabs” button located in the bottom-right corner.


Mac 上的 Safari 浏览器 html5 iphone mac safari_物联网_05

Now, swipe up until you see the tabs open on your Mac. Now you can tap any of these and they will open up on your iPhone or iPad.

现在,向上滑动,直到在Mac上看到选项卡打开。 现在,您可以点击其中任何一个,它们将在您的iPhone或iPad上打开。

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To close a tab so it no longer appears on your Mac, swipe it to the left and tap the “Close” button. The tab will then be closed on your computer.

要关闭标签,使其不再出现在Mac上,请向左滑动标签,然后点击“关闭”按钮。 该选项卡将在您的计算机上关闭。

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Now you should be able to easily go from device to device and pick up where you left off without any problem.



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