Startup programs are programs which run automatically when a system is booted. This is a good practice for programs which you use frequently. It saves you the stress of looking for those programs, or, in some cases, manually setting them up.

启动程序是在系统启动时自动运行的程序。 对于您经常使用的程序,这是一个好习惯。 它为您节省了寻找那些程序的压力,或者在某些情况下,您无需手动设置它们。

Some programs also have this feature by default when they are newly installed.


But if you have too many startup programs it can slow down the boot process. This has a negative effect especially on systems with small capabilities or less processing power.

但是,如果启动程序太多,则可能会减慢启动过程。 这尤其对功能较小或处理能力较小的系统有负面影响。

In this article, we'll learn how to open the startup apps control panel, how to enable and disable startup apps, and finally how to add our desired startup programs in Windows 7, 8 and 10.

在本文中,我们将学习如何打开启动应用程序控制面板,如何启用和禁用启动应用程序,以及最后如何在Windows 7、8和10中添加所需的启动程序。

In each of these Windows versions, there is a Control Panel for Startup Apps which shows a list of applications that can be run automatically on startup. These applications are either enabled for startup or disabled.

在上述每个Windows版本中,都有用于启动应用程序的控制面板,其中显示了可以在启动时自动运行的应用程序列表。 这些应用程序已启用以启动或禁用。

So let's look at the process for each Windows version.


(In Windows 7)

(Open the Startup Apps Control Panel)

Open the windows startup menu, then type "MSCONFIG". When you press enter, the system configuration console is opened. Then click the "Startup" tab which will display some programs that can be enabled or disabled for startup.

打开Windows启动菜单,然后键入“ MSCONFIG ”。 当您按Enter键时,将打开系统配置控制台。 然后单击“ 启动 ”选项卡,其中将显示一些可以启用或禁用的程序来启动。

(Disable/Enable Startup App)

The checkboxes beside the applications indicate the status. If checked, it is enabled for startup, otherwise, it is disabled.

应用程序旁边的复选框指示状态。 如果选中,则启用启动功能,否则禁用。

To disable an enabled app, simply uncheck the checkbox and click apply.


To enable a disabled app, check the checkbox and click apply.


These two processes require the system to be restarted before the changes are applied on the applications.


(Add Startup App)

To add an app, you'll need to explore the Startup Folder. To do this, try any of the following methods;

要添加应用,您需要浏览启动文件夹。 为此,请尝试以下任何一种方法。

  • Open the start menu and type "Startup" (to search for it). When found, right-click and select Explore to open the folder. 打开开始菜单,然后输入“ Startup ”(进行搜索)。 找到后,右键单击并选择浏览以打开文件夹。
  • Open the start menu, select "All Programs" and scroll down the list until you find the Startup Folder. When found, Explore it. 打开开始菜单,选择“ 所有程序 ”,然后向下滚动列表,直到找到启动文件夹。 找到后,对其进行浏览。

Create a shortcut of your desired program, then copy it and paste it in this folder. After this, the program will automatically be added to the panel with a status of "enabled".

创建所需程序的快捷方式,然后将其复制并粘贴到此文件夹中。 此后,程序将自动以状态“ 启用 ”添加到面板。

(In Windows 8)

(Open the Startup Apps Control Panel)

To open the panel, try any of the following;


  • Open "Task Manager" and select the "Startup" tab 打开“ 任务管理器 ”,然后选择“ 启动 ”选项卡
  • Open windows startup menu, and type "Startup" to search for the program. Then select any of the options provided. 打开Windows启动菜单,然后键入“ Startup ”以搜索程序。 然后选择提供的任何选项。

(Disable/Enable Startup App)

To disable a startup app which is enabled, right-click on the app and select "Disable".

要禁用已启用的启动应用程序,请右键单击该应用程序,然后选择“ 禁用 ”。

To enable a startup app which is disabled, right-click on the app and select "Enable".

要启用已禁用的启动应用程序,请右键单击该应用程序,然后选择“ 启用 ”。

(Add Startup App)

Press the window and letter R key to open the Run dialog. Then enter %AppData%. This will open a roaming folder.

按窗口和字母R键打开“运行”对话框。 然后输入%AppData% 。 这将打开一个漫游文件夹。

Navigate to \Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. In this folder, paste the shortcut of your desired app. This will make it a startup application with a status of "enabled".

导航到\ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\程序\启动 。 在此文件夹中,粘贴所需应用程序的快捷方式。 这将使其成为状态为“已启用”的启动应用程序。

(In Windows 10)

(Open the Startup Apps Control Panel)

  • Open the start menu, type "Startup Apps" (to search for it) and click any of the results. 打开开始菜单,键入“ Startup Apps ”(进行搜索),然后单击任何结果。
  • Open "Task Manager", then select the "Startup" tab 打开“ 任务管理器 ”,然后选择“ 启动 ”选项卡

(Disable/Enable Startup Apps)

To disable a startup app, right-click on any app in the list with a status of "enabled" and select "disable".

要禁用启动应用程序,请右键单击列表中状态为“已启用 ”的任何应用程序,然后选择“ 禁用 ”。

To enable a startup app in the list which is disabled, right-click on the app and select "enable".

要在已禁用的列表中启用启动应用程序,请右键单击该应用程序,然后选择“ 启用 ”。

(Add Startup App)

Hold the windows and letter R key on the keyboard. In the run dialog, enter "shell:startup".

按住键盘上的窗口和字母R键。 在运行对话框中,输入“ shell:startup ”。

In the folder, you can add any application of your choice which you'd want to run at startup. They'll be added to the list so when you access your Startup Apps, you can disable or enable them.

在该文件夹中,您可以添加您想要在启动时运行的任何应用程序。 它们将被添加到列表中,因此当您访问启动应用程序时,可以禁用或启用它们。

(Wrap Up)

If there's any application which yocumichun6193u always run when you boot up your system, it is good practice to make it a startup program.


When your system becomes slow to boot, it's most likely because startup programs are responsible. Now you know how to disable or reduce them.

当系统启动缓慢时,很可能是因为启动程序负责。 现在您知道如何禁用或减少它们了。
