










frame_header ——数据帧的标志,指明该数据帧存放什么数据,占4个byte


frame_flags ——占2个字节

frame_encoder ——可能有,在MP3文件解析的介绍上有提到,但是到官网上的ID3v2.3标准格式是没有这个的


public static void GetMediaItemImage(string path)
                 FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
                 byte[] header = new byte[10];       //标签头
                 fs.Read(header, 0, 10);
                 string head = Encoding.Default.GetString(header, 0, 3);
                 if (head.Equals("ID3"))
                     int sizeAll = header[6] * 0x200000  //获取该标签的尺寸,不包括标签头
                         + header[7] * 0x4000
                         + header[8] * 0x80
                         + header[9];
                     int size = 0;
                     byte[] body = new byte[10];     //数据帧头,这里认为数据帧头不包括编码方式
                     fs.Read(body, 0, 10);
                     head = Encoding.Default.GetString(body, 0, 4);
                     while (!("APIC".Equals(head)))          //当数据帧不是图片的时候继续查找
                         size = body[size + 4] * 0x1000000    //获取该数据帧的尺寸(不包括帧头)
                         + body[size + 5] * 0x10000
                         + body[size + 6] * 0x100
                         + body[size + 7];
                         body = new byte[size + 10];
                         fs.Read(body, 0, size + 10);
                         head = Encoding.Default.GetString(body, size, 4);
                     size = body[size + 4] * 0x1000000
                         + body[size + 5] * 0x10000
                         + body[size + 6] *0x100
                         + body[size + 7];
                     byte[] temp = new byte[4];
                     fs.Read(temp, 0, 4);
                     string tmp = Encoding.Default.GetString(temp);
                     while (!("JFIF".Equals(tmp)))            //我发现一个规律就是所有在ID3v2中的图片都会有
                     {                                        //JFIF的标志,而图片开始的位置就是这个标志尾部
                         fs.Seek(-3, SeekOrigin.Current);     //所在的字节位置-10,所以当获取到图片数据帧的
                         fs.Read(temp, 0, 4);                 //时候,要先查找这个位置,来获取图片
                         tmp = Encoding.Default.GetString(temp);
                     fs.Seek(-10, SeekOrigin.Current);
                     byte[] image = new byte[size];
                     fs.Read(image, 0, size);
                     MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(image);
                     Image pic = Image.FromStream(ms);
                     FileStream save = new FileStream(@"D:\wen.png", FileMode.Create);
                     pic.Save(save, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                 else { }
             catch { } 


4.21  AENC Audio encryption
  4.15  APIC Attached picture

  4.11  COMM Comments
  4.25  COMR Commercial frame

  4.26  ENCR Encryption method registration
  4.13  EQUA Equalization
  4.6   ETCO Event timing codes

  4.16  GEOB General encapsulated object
  4.27  GRID Group identification registration

  4.4   IPLS Involved people list

  4.21  LINK Linked information

  4.5   MCDI Music CD identifier
  4.7   MLLT MPEG location lookup table

  4.24  OWNE Ownership frame

  4.28. PRIV Private frame
  4.17  PCNT Play counter
  4.18  POPM Popularimeter
  4.22  POSS Position synchronisation frame

  4.19  RBUF Recommended buffer size
  4.12  RVAD Relative volume adjustment
  4.14  RVRB Reverb

  4.10  SYLT Synchronized lyric/text
  4.8   SYTC Synchronized tempo codes

  4.2.1 TALB Album/Movie/Show title
  4.2.1 TBPM BPM (beats per minute)
  4.2.1 TCOM Composer
  4.2.1 TCON Content type
  4.2.1 TCOP Copyright message
  4.2.1 TDAT Date
  4.2.1 TDLY Playlist delay
  4.2.1 TENC Encoded by
  4.2.1 TEXT Lyricist/Text writer
  4.2.1 TFLT File type
  4.2.1 TIME Time
  4.2.1 TIT1 Content group description
  4.2.1 TIT2 Title/songname/content description
  4.2.1 TIT3 Subtitle/Description refinement
  4.2.1 TKEY Initial key
  4.2.1 TLAN Language(s)
  4.2.1 TLEN Length
  4.2.1 TMED Media type
  4.2.1 TOAL Original album/movie/show title
  4.2.1 TOFN Original filename
  4.2.1 TOLY Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)
  4.2.1 TOPE Original artist(s)/performer(s)
  4.2.1 TORY Original release year
  4.2.1 TOWN File owner/licensee
  4.2.1 TPE1 Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)
  4.2.1 TPE2 Band/orchestra/accompaniment
  4.2.1 TPE3 Conductor/performer refinement
  4.2.1 TPE4 Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by
  4.2.1 TPOS Part of a set
  4.2.1 TPUB Publisher
  4.2.1 TRCK Track number/Position in set
  4.2.1 TRDA Recording dates
  4.2.1 TRSN Internet radio station name
  4.2.1 TRSO Internet radio station owner
  4.2.1 TSIZ Size
  4.2.1 TSRC ISRC (international standard recording code)
  4.2.1 TSSE Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding
  4.2.1 TYER Year
  4.2.2 TXXX User defined text information frame

  4.1   UFID Unique file identifier
  4.23  USER Terms of use
  4.9   USLT Unsychronized lyric/text transcription

  4.3.1 WCOM Commercial information
  4.3.1 WCOP Copyright/Legal information
  4.3.1 WOAF Official audio file webpage
  4.3.1 WOAR Official artist/performer webpage
  4.3.1 WOAS Official audio source webpage
  4.3.1 WORS Official internet radio station homepage
  4.3.1 WPAY Payment
  4.3.1 WPUB Publishers official webpage
  4.3.2 WXXX User defined URL link frame