


Can not open Flash file: flash:/S5700SI-V100R005C01SPC100.cc   //提示无法打开系统文件(.cc的为系统文件)
Auto-booting with last time startup file...
Last time startup file is the same as current startup file!

Seeking a VRP software in flash file-system...
Can not find any file in flash file-system!                                        //提示无法找到任何系统文件
Can not find a valid package.                                                          //提示无法找到有效的启动包

Auto-booting failed!                                                                       //启动失败
Reboot...                                                                                          //重启



Copyright (c) 2008-2011 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD.
(Ver200, Mar 15 2013, 11:03:39)

Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOTROM menu ... 0
Decompressing Image file ... done

There is no record in region Exception.

Copyright (c) 2008-2011 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD.
(Ver200, Mar 15 2013, 11:03:39)

Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOTROM menu ... 0
Decompressing Image file ... done

There is no record in region Exception.

这种循环的打印“BIOS LOADING ... ”然后出现“There is no record in region Exception. ”的场景,通常也是由于找不到系统软件大包(大包已丢失或损坏)导致的,可以进入到bootrom下重刷系统解决。

(1)从官网上下载对应型号的软件大包 ,系统软件大包后缀为 .cc 。

操作说明:重启设备,待界面出现“Press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+E to enter BootROM menu ...”显示信息时,按下Ctrl+B或Ctrl+E,输入密码后,进入BootROM主菜单。
BIOS loading ...
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD.
Basic BootROM version : 160 Compiled at May 14 2013, 21:19:01

Press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+E to enter BootROM menu ... 2   //注意,此处需快速(3秒内完成 )按下键盘上的Ctrl和B
password:                                                                     //手动输入BootROM密码。缺省的BootROM密码是Admin@huawei.com

          BootROM  MENU                                               //bootrom主菜单

    1. Boot with default mode          
    2. Enter serial submenu
    3. Enter startup submenu
    4. Enter ethernet submenu
    5. Enter filesystem submenu
    6. Enter password submenu
    7. Clear password for console user
    8. Reboot
    (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu)

Enter your choice(1-8):
          BootROM  MENU

    1. Boot with default mode
    2. Enter serial submenu
    3. Enter startup submenu
    4. Enter ethernet submenu                                       //在BootROM主菜单下选择4,进入以太网子菜单。
    5. Enter filesystem submenu
    6. Enter password submenu
    7. Clear password for console user
    8. Reboot
    (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu)

Enter your choice(1-8): 4


    1. Update BootROM system
    2. Download file to Flash through ethernet interface
    3. Upload Configuration file to Ftp through ethernet interface
    4. Modify ethernet interface boot parameter          //在以太网菜单下,选择4,进入修改以太网参数界面。
    5. Return to main menu

Enter your choice(1-5): 4


    1. Set TFTP protocol parameters
    2. Set FTP protocol parameters       //如果是采用FTP软件传输文件,选择2。如果是使用TFTP软件传送文件,选择1. 
    3. Return to ethernet menu

Enter your choice(1-3): 2

'.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  ^D = quit
Load File name      : S5700SI-V200R001C00.CC S5700SI-V200R005C00SPC500.cc //手动输入需要加载的系统软件名(官网下载的对应版本的.cc文件)
Switch IP address   :  //设置设备管理网口的IP地址(无固定地址,可随机输入,保持和电脑IP同网段即可)
Server IP address   :                //输入FTP服务器(电脑)的IP地址
FTP User Name       : huawei user                                 //输入FTP服务器(电脑上FTP软件)的用户名user
FTP User Password   :                                                    //输入FTP服务器(电脑上FTP软件)的密码huawei


Starting to write BOOTLINE into flash ... done
          ETHERNET  SUBMENU                                         //以太网菜单

    1. Update BootROM system
    2. Download file to Flash through ethernet interface //从以太网口加载系统文件到flash  
    3. Upload Configuration file to Ftp through ethernet interface
    4. Modify ethernet interface boot parameter
    5. Return to main menu

Be sure to select 4 to modify boot parameter before downloading!
Enter your choice(1-5): 2                                                //同时需要点击电脑上FTP软件传输文件的按钮
Attached TCP/IP interface to mottsec0.
Warning: no netmask specified.
Attaching network interface lo0... done.

Read file to sdram ...............Done
Writing Flash...................................................................
..................................................................done                          //此处显示done表示已经传输完成
File length: 13955100 bytes
Time taken : 118s


    1. Update BootROM system
    2. Download file to Flash through ethernet interface
    3. Upload Configuration file to Ftp through ethernet interface
    4. Modify ethernet interface boot parameter
    5. Return to main menu                                              //退出以太网菜单,返回主菜单

Enter your choice(1-5): 5

          BootROM  MENU

    1. Boot with default mode
    2. Enter serial submenu
    3. Enter startup submenu                                           //进入启动菜单
    4. Enter ethernet submenu
    5. Enter filesystem submenu
    6. Enter password submenu
    7. Clear password for console user
    8. Reboot
    (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu)

Enter your choice(1-8): 3

       Startup Configuration Submenu

    1. Display startup configuration
    2. Modify startup configuration                                  //修改启动配置
    3. Return to main menu

Enter your choice(1-3): 2
Note: startup file field can not be cleared
'.'=clear field; '^D'=quit; Enter=use current configuration

startup type(1: Flash)
  current: 1
  new    :                                                                          //无需设置,直接回车
Flash startup file (can not be cleared)
  current: S5700SI-V200R001C00.cc
  new    : S5700SI-V200R005C00SPC500.cc                    //需要手动输入需要加载的系统软件 S5700SI-V200R005C00SPC500.cc
saved-configuration file
  current: vrpcfg.zip
  new    :                                                                          //无需设置,直接回车
patch package
  new    :                                                                         //无需设置,直接回车

       Startup Configuration Submenu

    1. Display startup configuration
    2. Modify startup configuration
    3. Return to main menu                                            //退出启动配置信息菜单,返回主菜单

Enter your choice(1-3):3

          BootROM  MENU

    1. Boot with default mode                                         //选择“1. Boot with default mode”,启动设备
    2. Enter serial submenu
    3. Enter startup submenu
    4. Enter ethernet submenu
    5. Enter filesystem submenu
    6. Enter password submenu
    7. Clear password for console user
    8. Reboot
    (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu)

Enter your choice(1-8): 1

<HUAWEI> display version       //执行display version查看设备当前软件版本是否为刚才bootrom刷的版本
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.160 (S5700 V200R005C00SPC500)
Copyright (C) 2000-2014 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD
Quidway S5700-24TP-SI-AC Routing Switch uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hours, 7 minutes