* 查最高值或者最低值对应行的数据:
子查询法:select sno,cno from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score);
1.查score表中的最高分 select max(degree) from score;
2.查最高分的学号跟课程号 select sno,cno from score where degree = 最高分查询语句;
排序法:select sno,cno from score order by degree desc limit 1; //按照降序排列,取第一条最大的数据
* 查询Score表中至少有5名学生选修的并以3开头的课程的平均分数:(‘至少’,‘至多’问题)
方法一:select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' group by cno having count(*)>=5;
1.以3开头的课程 cno like "3%"
2.学生选修=》以选修课为组 group by cno having count(sno)>=5
方法二:select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' and cno in (select cno from score group by cno having count(sno)>=5);
* 查询至少两名男生的班号
方法一:select class from student where ssex='男' group by class having(ssex)>=2;
方法二:select class from student where ssex='男' and ssex in (select ssex from score group by class having(ssex)>=2);
* 查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的同学的成绩表(特殊链接,关键字 ‘该’)
1.查询成绩 select degree from score a where degree<'子查询中的平均成绩';
2.子查询平均成绩 select avg(degree) from score b where b.cno=a.cno; 此表中的课程与父表中的课程一致(必要条件)
3.衔接 select degree from score a where degree<(select avg(degree) from score b where b.cno=a.cno);