
case 值 in 模式1) 指令1 指令2 ... ;; 模式2) 指令1 指令2 ... ;; esca echo '输入 1 到 4 之间的数字:' echo '你输入的数字为:' read aNum case $aNum in 1) echo '你选择了 1' ;; 2) echo '你选择了 2' ;; 3) echo '你选择了 3' ;; 4) echo '你选择了 4' ;; *) echo '你没有输入 1 到 4 之间的数字' ;; esac

** 实例 1**

#!/bin/bash #case...esac echo "What is your preferred scripting language?" echo "1) bash" echo "2) prel" echo "3) python" echo "4) ruby" echo "5) I do not know !" read lang case $lang in 1) echo "you selected bash" ;; 2) echo "you selected prel" ;; 3) echo "you selected python" ;; 4) echo "you selected ruby" ;; 5) echo "I do not know!" ;; esac


[root@localhost shell]# sh What is your preferred scripting language?

  1. bash
  2. prel
  3. python
  4. ruby
  5. I do not know ! 4 you selected ruby [root@localhost shell]# sh What is your preferred scripting language?
  6. bash
  7. prel
  8. python
  9. ruby
  10. I do not know ! 5 I do not know! [root@localhost shell]#

实例 2

#!/bin/bash echo -n "Do you agree whith this? [yes or no]: " read yn case $yn in [Yy] | [Yy][Ee][Ss]) echo "Agreed." ;; [Nn] | [Nn][Oo]) echo "Not Agreed." exit 1 ;; *) echo "Invalid input." ;; esac


[root@localhost shell]# sh Do you agree whith this? [yes or no]: 1 Invalid input. [root@localhost shell]# sh Do you agree whith this? [yes or no]: n Not Agreed. [root@localhost shell]# sh Do you agree whith this? [yes or no]: Yes Agreed. [root@localhost shell]#

实例 3

#!/bin/bash case $1 in sql) echo "Runing mysql backup using mysqldump tool..." ;; sync) echo "Runing backup using rsyuc tool..." ;; git) echo "Runing backup using gistore tool..." ;; tar) echo "Runing tape backup using tar tool..." ;; *) echo "Backup shell script utility" echo "Usage: $0 {sql|sync|git|tar}" echo " sql : Run mysql backup utility." echo " sync : Run web backup utility." echo " git : Run gistore backup utility." echo " tar : Run tape backup utility." ;; esac


[root@localhost shell]# sh Backup shell script utility Usage: {sql|sync|git|tar} sql : Run mysql backup utility. sync : Run web backup utility. git : Run gistore backup utility. tar : Run tape backup utility. [root@localhost shell]# sh sql Runing mysql backup using mysqldump tool... [root@localhost shell]#

实例 4

#!/bin/bash #得到磁盘使用率最高的 max_usage=$(df -Ph |awk '{print $5}'|grep %|grep -v "Use"|sort -n|tail -1|cut -d "%" -f1) max_dir=df -Ph | awk '{print $5,$6}'|grep -v Use|sort -n|tail -1|awk '{print $2}' case ${max_usage} in [1-6]) MSG="All is quiet."${max_dir}" is ${max_usage}% used" ;; [7-8]) MSG="Start thinking about cleaning out some stuff. " MSG="$MSG There's a partition ${max_dir} is ${max_usage}% used." ;; 9[1-8]*) MSG="Better hurry with that new disk... " MSG="$MSG One partition ${max_dir} is ${max_usage}% used." ;; 99) MSG="I'm drowning herel There's a partiton at ${max_usage}% used" ;; *) MSG="I seem to be runing with an nonexitent amount of disk space..." ;; esac #echo $MSG| mail -s "disk report date" root echo $MSG


[root@localhost shell]# sh All is quiet."/" is 22% used [root@localhost shell]#