
Have you ever gotten a notification that you're running low on disk space on your Mac? Or have you checked your storage only to find that your Photos are taking up an appalling 84GB?

您是否曾经收到过有关Mac磁盘空间不足的通知? 还是只检查了照片即可发现您的照片占用了84GB的存储空间?

If you've had one of these experiences and now need to clean up your Mac, this is the guide for you.


(First, check what's taking up so much space)

Click the little Apple icon in the upper left corner of your screen. Select the first option, "About this Mac", so you can see what's going on.

单击屏幕左上角的小苹果图标。 选择第一个选项“关于本机”,这样您就可以看到发生了什么。

Once you're there, select the Storage option (in the middle) and check out what's taking up space. You can hover over unnamed sections to see what they are and how much space they're taking up.

到那里后,选择“存储”选项(在中间),然后查看正在占用的空间。 您可以将鼠标悬停在未命名的部分上,以查看它们是什么以及它们占用了多少空间。

If you click the "Manage" button, you can see what Apple recommends to help you clean up your Mac. So let's dig into those options a bit more now.

如果单击“管理”按钮,则可以查看Apple为帮助您清理Mac所建议的内容。 因此,现在让我们进一步探讨这些选项。

(Manage your storage)

The first important task is to manage your storage properly and efficiently. There are several ways to do this, and Apple recommends a few:

第一项重要任务是正确有效地管理您的存储。 有几种方法可以做到这一点,Apple建议以下几种方法:

(Store your content on the cloud)

Instead of storing all your old photos, college papers, and projects on your actual computer, move that stuff to the cloud. That's why it exists.

无需将所有旧照片,大学论文和项目存储在实际计算机上,而是将这些内容移动到云中。 这就是为什么它存在。

And you know what's great? You can access anything in the Cloud, from any device, just by signing in with your Apple ID. It's like magic!

而且你知道什么很棒吗? 您只需使用Apple ID登录即可从任何设备访问云中的任何内容。 就像魔术!

Just click "Optimize" next to the "Store in Cloud" option when you're managing your storage.


(Optimize your storage)

Say you've downloaded a movie but you've already watched it. Like 5 times (no judgement).

假设您已经下载了电影,但是已经看过了。 喜欢5次(无判断)。

But do you really still need it on your Mac? No! Five times is enough, even for gems like Princess Bride and Star Wars (ok, no it's not). But still, get rid of it. You can just download it again if you really need to rewatch.

但是,您的Mac上真的还需要吗? 没有! 即使对于公主新娘和星球大战这样的宝石来说,五倍就足够了(好吧,不,不是)。 但还是要摆脱它。 如果您确实需要重新观看,则可以再次下载。

You'll find the "Optimize Storage" option right below the "Store in iCloud" option - just click that "Optimize" button on the right.


(Empty trash automatically )

Make sure you move any unneeded files (especially large ones) to the trash - and then empty that trash often.


If you leave items in the trash, they're still taking up space. If you set your trash to empty automatically it'll delete items (as in, remove them from your computer) after 30 days.

如果您将物品留在垃圾桶中,它们仍会占用空间。 如果您将垃圾桶设置为自动清空,它将在30天后删除项目(例如,从计算机中将其删除)。

Just go back to your storage management recommendations (Apple logo -> About this Mac -> Storage -> Manage and then look at "Recommendations", the top left tab) and click the button next to "Empty trash automatically."


(Reduce clutter )

There are bound to be old documents and other clutter on your Mac that you no longer need. And some of these items might take up quite a bit of space. So you can sort through and remove the chaff.

Mac上肯定有不再需要的旧文档和其他混乱的文件。 其中一些项目可能会占用相当多的空间。 这样您就可以整理并删除谷壳。

It'll sort by file size and will tell you the date you last accessed that file. This should make it easier to decide what can go.

它将按文件大小排序,并告诉您上次访问该文件的日期。 这应该使决定下一步行动变得容易。

You can delete some files directly. Others require you to go into the app and delete the files there. Either way, you can get rid of them.

您可以直接删除一些文件。 其他人则要求您进入该应用程序并在那里删除文件。 无论哪种方式,您都可以摆脱它们。

(Move files to an external drive )

Here's a little bonus option not listed above. You can also remove large items (like movies) and store them on an external hard drive.

这是上面未列出的小奖励选项。 您还可以删除大型项目(例如电影)并将其存储在外部硬盘驱动器上。

(Remove duplicate files)

You probably have a ton of duplicate files on your computer and don't even realize it.


Trouble is, it can be really time-consuming to search through manually and find them all.


So find an app to help you do it. Some commonly recommended options are Duplicate Sweeper, Gemini 2 (the free trial should do it), or CleanMyMacX.

因此,找到一个可以帮助您做到的应用程序。 一些通常推荐的选项是Duplicate SweeperGemini 2 (应该免费试用)或CleanMyMacX

(Uninstall unused apps )

Would it surprise you to learn that your apps take up quite a bit of space? Some of those files can be pretty large.

得知您的应用程序占用了大量空间会感到惊讶吗? 其中一些文件可能很大。

But I bet you don't use every app on your computer. Which means you can probably go through and delete those that are just wasting space.

但是我敢打赌,您不会在计算机上使用所有应用程序。 这意味着您可能可以删除那些浪费空间的文件。

Open Finder and select the Apps tab in the left sidebar menu. View the apps as a list by clicking the four little horizontal lines at the top. Then sort the apps by size by clicking on the "Size" tab towards the right.

打开Finder,然后在左侧边栏菜单中选择“应用程序”标签。 单击顶部的四个小横线,以列表形式查看应用。 然后,通过点击右侧的“大小”标签,按大小对应用进行排序。

Then you can scroll through and delete those apps that you don't use (and hopefully some of them are pretty big!). Simply drag the app to the trash to get rid of it.

然后,您可以滚动浏览并删除不使用的应用程序(希望其中一些应用程序非常大!)。 只需将应用拖到垃圾箱即可。

And then empty your trash :)


(Delete iTunes backups)

iTunes backups are useful - you certainly don't want to lose all that angsty 90s music you've been collecting since, well, the 90s. Oh, just me...? Ok.

iTunes备份非常有用-您当然不希望失去90年代以来一直收集的所有恼人的90年代音乐。 哦,只有我...? 好。

Regardless, it's valuable stuff. But you can back it all up to iCloud instead of keeping those massive backups of your device on your computer.

无论如何,这都是有价值的东西。 但是,您可以将其全部备份到iCloud,而不必将设备的大量备份保存在计算机上。

(How to enable iCloud backup)

To set your phone to back up to iCloud automatically, just go to Settings, select your name, and scroll down to "iCloud Backup". Just turn it on, and your precious songs/photos/etc will be backed up to the Cloud.

要将手机设置为自动备份到iCloud,只需转到“设置”,选择您的姓名,然后向下滚动到“ iCloud Backup”。 只需打开它,您的珍贵歌曲/照片/等就会备份到云中。

Then you can go into your Mac and delete any backups you have stored there. Just open iTunes, go to Preferences, select Devices, and delete those backups you no longer need.

然后,您可以进入Mac并删除存储在其中的所有备份。 只需打开iTunes,转到“首选项”,选择“设备”,然后删除不再需要的那些备份。

(Delete temporary files (clear cache/cookies))

You might be aware of caching. It allows sites to load faster because resource-intensive files, like images, are stored locally on your machine. That way if you visit a site often you don't have to sit around waiting each time for hefty image files to load. They're already there.

您可能知道缓存。 它可以使站点更快地加载,因为资源密集型文件(例如图像)存储在本地计算机上。 这样,如果您经常访问某个站点,则不必每次都坐着等待大量的图像文件加载。 他们已经在那里。

But if you don't clean these up every now and then they can really build up and slow your machine down. Just be aware: even if you remove them now they'll get re-added the next time you visit that site or use that app.

但是,如果您不时清理这些垃圾,那么它们确实会堆积起来并降低计算机的速度。 请注意:即使立即删除它们,它们也将在您下次访问该网站或使用该应用时重新添加。

(How to clear the cache)

Open Finder, and from the menu along the top of your screen select "Go." Scroll down to "Go to Folder", select it, and then enter ~/Library/Caches in the dialogue box.

打开Finder,然后从屏幕顶部的菜单中选择“开始”。 向下滚动到“转到文件夹”,选择它,然后在对话框中输入〜/ Library / Caches。

From there you can clear out any cached files you don't need.


(Still need more space? Here are additional things to try:)

  • Delete unneeded email
  • Delete downloads
  • Remove logs
  • Remove language resources
  • Compress files
  • Restart your Mac

Now go forth and clean up that Mac!


