

import ImageModule from "docxtemplater-image-module-free";


function loadFile(url, callback) {
JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(url, callback);

const imageOpts = {
  getImage: function (tagValue, tagName) {
    console.log(tagValue, tagName);
    const base64Value = base64Parser(tagValue);
    if (base64Value) {
      return base64Value;
    // tagValue is "https://docxtemplater.com/xt-pro-white.png"
    // tagName is "image"

  getSize: function (img, tagValue, tagName) {
    // img is the value that was returned by getImage
    // This is to limit the width and height of the resulting image
    const maxWidth = 200;
    const maxHeight = 200;
    const sizeOf = require("image-size");
    const sizeObj = sizeOf(img);
    const widthRatio = sizeObj.width / maxWidth;
    const heightRatio = sizeObj.height / maxHeight;
    if (widthRatio < 1 && heightRatio < 1) {
       * Do not scale up images that are
       * smaller than maxWidth,maxHeight
      return [sizeObj.width, sizeObj.height];
    let finalWidth, finalHeight;
    if (widthRatio > heightRatio) {
       * Width will be equal to maxWidth
       * because width is the most "limiting"
      finalWidth = maxWidth;
      finalHeight = sizeObj.height / widthRatio;
    } else {
       * Height will be equal to maxHeight
       * because height is the most "limiting"
      finalHeight = maxHeight;
      finalWidth = sizeObj.width / heightRatio;
    return [Math.round(finalWidth), Math.round(finalHeight)];
  getProps: function (img, tagValue, tagName) {
     * If you don't want to change the props
     * for a given tagValue, you should write :
     * return null;
    return {
      align: "left",

const base64Regex =
function base64Parser(dataURL) {
  if (
    typeof dataURL !== "string" ||
  ) {
    return false;
  const stringBase64 = dataURL.replace(base64Regex, "");

  // For nodejs
  if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && Buffer.from) {
    return Buffer.from(stringBase64, "base64");

  // For browsers :
  const binaryString = window.atob(stringBase64);
  const len = binaryString.length;
  const bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const ascii = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
    bytes[i] = ascii;
  return bytes.buffer;


          const doc = new Docxtemplater(zip, {
            paragraphLoop: true,
            linebreaks: true,
            modules: [new ImageModule(imageOpts)],//图片模块

