基本上 select 能支持的关联和子查询操作,都能在 update 语句中使用。

在 where 条件中使用子查询

update a
set a.age =1
where id in (select device_id from b)

在 where 条件和 set 语句中同时使用子查询

update a
set a.gender = (select sex from b where a.id= b.stu_id) 
where id in (select stu_id from b)



sql 关联了2张表的 update 语句(转)_数据更新


SQL Server

update A SET A.mc = b.mc FROM A ,B WHERE  A.bmbh = B.bmbh and A.xmbh = B.xmbh;


update A, B  set A.mc = B.mc where A.bmbh = B.bmbh and A.xmbh = B.xmbh;

update A INNER JOIN B ON A.bmbh = B.bmbh AND A.xmbh = B.xmbh SET A.mc = B.mc;