一个一个建表是一件烦躁的事,而且还容易出错。那么,以下存储过程就能批量建表了,还添加了LogCreateDate、LogDefaultFlag、LogPTID这3个字段。值得注意的是,创建表结构可以用以下语句“SELECT * Into tableName_Log FROM tableName”。如果只需要复制表结构,那就插入一行,再删除就是。
USE [NbShop] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[CreateLogTable] Script Date: 07/02/2011 12:54:32 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: LWQ -- Create date: 2011-6-29 -- Description: 创建日志表(命名规则:表名+_Log) -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CreateLogTable] AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here -------------------创建日志表------------------------------ declare @rows int declare @n int declare @tableName varchar(100) select @n=1 SELECT name INTO [#tempTables] FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE (xtype = 'U ') AND (name NOT IN ('sysdiagrams', 'T_BasicTime', 'T_Attribute', 'T_AttributeType', 'T_BasicTime', 'T_City','T_CompeteForMeasu', 'T_DocumentTypeRestrictions', 'T_FormRelevance', 'T_HistroyShopAction', 'T_Notice', 'T_NoticeReceive', 'T_Organize', 'T_OrgType', 'T_Province', 'T_Role', 'T_RptShopStatus', 'T_UploadFile', 'T_UrlPrint')) AND (name NOT LIKE '%flow%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Control%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Menu%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Node%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Log%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Event%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Object%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Process%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%ShopStatus%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%Task%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%ThirdParty%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%User%') AND (name NOT LIKE '%order%') Select * from #tempTables Select name into #tempCurrent from #tempTables Delete from #tempCurrent select @rows = @@rowcount while @n <= @rows begin set @tableName=(Select top 1 name from #tempTables Where name not in (select name from #tempCurrent)) if(@tableName is not null) begin insert into #tempCurrent values(@tableName) if object_id(@tableName+'_Log') is not null begin print '表'+ @tableName +'已存在,仅做数据更新处理' exec ('INSERT INTO'+ @tableName +'_Log SELECT * FROM '+@tableName) end else begin exec ('SELECT * Into '+@tableName+'_Log FROM '+@tableName) print '表'+ @tableName +'创建成功' exec ('alter table '+@tableName+'_Log add LogCreateDate datetime') exec ('alter table '+@tableName+'_Log add LogDefaultFlag int') exec ('alter table '+@tableName+'_Log add LogPTID varchar(32)') ---- if col_length( @tableName+' ', 'LogCreateDate ') is not null ---- begin ---- exec ('ALTER TABLE '+@tableName+' DROP COLUMN LogCreateDate') ---- print '删除'+@tableName+'的列LogCreateDate成功' ---- end ---- if(@tableName not in ('T_Shop','T_MeasurementAddress','T_TurnAround','T_IrisInstrumentHistory','T_ChainTurnApplication','T_TrainingNotice')) ---- begin ---- if col_length( @tableName+' ', 'CreateDate ') is not null ---- begin ---- exec ('ALTER TABLE '+@tableName+' DROP COLUMN CreateDate ') ---- print '删除'+@tableName+'的列CreateDate成功' ---- end ---- end end end select @n = @n + 1 end drop table #tempCurrent drop table #tempTables -------------------创建日志表------------------------------ END
USE [NbShop] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[DropLogTable] Script Date: 07/02/2011 12:54:29 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: LWQ -- Create date: 2011-6-29 -- Description: 删除日志表(_log) -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DropLogTable] AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -------------------删除日志表------------------------------ declare @rowsIndex int declare @nIndex int declare @LogTableName varchar(100) select @nIndex=1 SELECT name INTO #LogtempTables FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE (xtype = 'U ') AND (name like '%\_log' escape '\') Select * from #LogtempTables Select name into #LogtempCurrent from #LogtempTables Delete from #LogtempCurrent select @rowsIndex = (Select count(*) from #LogtempTables) print @rowsIndex while @nIndex <= @rowsIndex begin set @LogTableName=(Select top 1 name from #LogtempTables Where name not in (select name from #LogtempCurrent)) if(@LogTableName IS NOT NULL) begin insert into #LogtempCurrent values(@LogTableName) print 'Drop table '+@LogTableName exec ('Drop table '+@LogTableName) print '删除'+@LogTableName+'成功' end select @nIndex = @nIndex + 1 end Drop table #LogtempTables Drop table #LogtempCurrent SELECT name FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE (xtype = 'U ') AND (name like '%\_log' escape '\') -------------------删除日志表------------------------------ END
以上语句值得注意的是在查找以“_Log”结尾的表名的搜索条件,需要加上“escape '\'”。
USE [NbShop] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[RecordLog] Script Date: 07/02/2011 12:54:07 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: LWQ -- Create date: 2011-6-29 -- Description: 记录日志 -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RecordLog] @ObjectID varchar(32), ---门店ID @TableName varchar(100), ---表名 @PTID varchar(32), ---PTID(阶段ID),可选 @PhasesID varchar(32), ---阶段ID,可选 @ProcedureName varchar(200), ---存储过程名称,可选 @InsertSQLWhere nvarchar(1000), ---主表的筛选条件 @UpdateSQLWhere nvarchar(1000) ---主表的筛选条件 AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; IF (@ProcedureName is not NULL) BEGIN exec ('exec('+@ProcedureName+''''+@ObjectID+''','''+@PTID+''','''+@PhasesID+''')') END ELSE IF(@InsertSQLWhere IS NOT NULL) BEGIN IF(@UpdateSQLWhere IS NOT NULL) Begin exec('Update '+ @tableName +'_Log Set LogDefaultFlag=0 ' +@UpdateSQLWhere) End Else Begin declare @UpdateExecSQL nvarchar(2000) Select @UpdateExecSQL='Update '+ @tableName +'_Log Set LogDefaultFlag=0 Where ' --------------判断是否存在ObjectID列(门店ID)----------------------------- if @ObjectID IS NOT NULL AND col_length( @tableName+' ', 'ObjectID ') is not null BEGIN Select @UpdateExecSQL=@UpdateExecSQL+' ObjectID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' END Else Begin Select @UpdateExecSQL=@UpdateExecSQL+' ShopID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' END exec(@UpdateExecSQL) END exec('INSERT INTO '+ @tableName +'_Log SELECT *,getdate(),1,'''+@PTID+''' FROM ' + @tableName+' '+@InsertSQLWhere) END ELSE BEGIN declare @InsertSQL nvarchar(2000) declare @UpdateSQL nvarchar(2000) Declare @WhereCount int Select @WhereCount=0 Select @UpdateSQL='Update '+@tableName+'_Log Set LogDefaultFlag=0 ' select @InsertSQL='INSERT INTO '+ @tableName +'_Log SELECT *,getdate(),1,'''+@PTID+''' FROM ' + @tableName; --------------判断是否存在DefaultFlag列------------------------- if col_length( @tableName+' ', 'DefaultFlag ') is not null BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' Where DefaultFlag=1 ' Select @WhereCount=@WhereCount+1 END --------------判断是否存在ObjectID列(门店ID)----------------------------- if @ObjectID IS NOT NULL AND col_length( @tableName+' ', 'ObjectID ') is not null BEGIN IF(@WhereCount>0) BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' AND ObjectID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' Select @UpdateSQL=@UpdateSQL+' AND ObjectID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' END ELSE BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' WHERE ObjectID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' Select @UpdateSQL=@UpdateSQL+' WHERE ObjectID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' END Select @WhereCount=@WhereCount+1 END --------------判断是否存在ShopID列(门店ID)----------------------------- if @ObjectID IS NOT NULL AND col_length( @tableName+' ', 'ShopID ') is not null BEGIN IF(@WhereCount>0) BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' AND ShopID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' Select @UpdateSQL=@UpdateSQL+' AND ShopID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' END ELSE BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' WHERE ShopID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' Select @UpdateSQL=@UpdateSQL+' WHERE ShopID='''+@ObjectID+''' ' END Select @WhereCount=@WhereCount+1 END --------------判断是否存在PTID列(模版ID)----------------------------- if @PTID IS NOT NULL AND col_length( @tableName+' ', 'PTID ') is not null BEGIN IF(@WhereCount>0) BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' AND PTID='''+@PTID+''' ' END ELSE BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' WHERE PTID='''+@PTID+''' ' END Select @WhereCount=@WhereCount+1 END --------------判断是否存在PhasesID列(阶段ID)----------------------------- if @PhasesID IS NOT NULL AND col_length( @tableName+' ', 'PhasesID ') is not null BEGIN IF(@WhereCount>0) BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' AND PhasesID='''+@PhasesID+''' ' END ELSE BEGIN select @InsertSQL=@InsertSQL+' WHERE PhasesID='''+@PhasesID+''' ' END Select @WhereCount=@WhereCount+1 END print @UpdateSQL exec (@UpdateSQL) print @InsertSQL Exec (@InsertSQL) END END 存储过程有了,再配个XML,根据参数把TableName配进去,再加点可配的自定义属性什么的,例如:
<Control Display="解约申请"> <QueryStrings> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">D80E55971198454F97F7EBFE89D239DC</QueryString> </QueryStrings> <Url><![CDATA[/FormServerTemplates/ChainsReleaseForm.aspx]]></Url> <SQlTableName>T_ChainsReleaseForm</SQlTableName> <SQlTableName SQlWhere=" Where CRFID=(Select top 1 CRFID from T_ChainsReleaseForm Where ShopID={@ShopID@})">T_GeneralFromTable</SQlTableName> </Control> <Control Display="客户信息表"> <QueryStrings> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">E515165457C5493DA605D4E66416A685</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">F9D6E25D978D4E5DB061AE33D68EE279</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">D9B9D05380EF4F11B2D2A74D0684DF4B</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">45C2B486EB7A463E94B3D55D48DB4A74</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">509B5BB3A3B14912ACD633F28A6C91A1</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">0CFE53A2A3BB4D6A891B34AA43B0FAC7</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">70247883D6414746848E0CE22F06A3F3</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">C1E2AD7DFC674DC2AA8434763D4DA0A3</QueryString> <QueryString QueryName="PEId">EE895BBB5B2D43179B196F753ACADCC9</QueryString> </QueryStrings> <Url><![CDATA[/FormServerTemplates/AddShopInfo.aspx]]></Url> <SQlTableName>T_Shop</SQlTableName> <SQlTableName>T_Shopkeeper</SQlTableName> <SQlTableName>T_Acreage</SQlTableName> <SQlTableName>T_BusinessDistrict</SQlTableName> <SQlTableName>T_Compete</SQlTableName> <SQlTableName>T_SupportingFacility</SQlTableName> </Control>