Unit 5:

1. ced, ceed, cess=go

proceed: v. 前进, 进行; 开始; proceed to do/ with sth开始; 继续[pro=forward]
proceed 的四个名词 precession: 行列, 队伍, 游行 funeral procession 送葬队伍 procedure: 程序, 手续, 步骤 the procedure for opening an account 开账户的手续 proceeding: (会议等)进程, 记录(pl.) the whole proceeding of the meeting process: 过程, 步骤, 加工工序 in process of 在…过程中 
precedent : a. /n. 优先的, 先例 [ pre=before] 
preceding: a. 在前的 preceding year 前几年
exceed: v. 超出, 胜过[ ex=out] exceed the speed limit 超速
excess: n. / a. 超越, 过量; 额外的 
an excess of enthusiasm 过分热情 in excess of 超过
excessive: a. 过分的; 过度的 an excessive demanding 过分的要求
succeed: v. 继承, 接替(to) (sb as sth); 成功(in) 
He succeeded Clinton as the President.
He succeeded in getting the job.
successor: 继承人, 接班人 successor to the throne 王位继承人
succession: n. 连续, 接连 
ten years in succession 连续十年; a succession of 一连串 
successive: a. 连续的 ten successive years连续十年
access: n. [ac/ad- 朝向; cess 走] 进入, 接近; 入口
gain / have access to the library/the President 进入图书馆; 接近总统
a man of easy access 容易接近的人
inaccessible: a. 不容易接近的 [in 否定前缀]
ancestor: n. [an=ante 先; ces走; -or 人] 祖先
intercede: v. [inter 中间; ced 走] 调停; 为…说情 
recede: v. [re=back; ced 走] 后退
recession: n. 衰退 

2. view 观察

view: n./v. 景象, 风景; 观点; 眼界; 观察, 考虑
viewpoint: n. 观点
interview: v. [inter-相互; view 看] 接见, 采访; 面试
preview: [pre=before + view 看] 预习
review: [re=again; view 看] 复习

3. verse, vert=turn 翻转

university: n. 大学(综合性的) [uni=和为一体; verse 转; ty 名词后缀]
universe: n. [uni=和为一体; verse 转] 宇宙, 万物
universal: a. 宇宙的, 世界的; 普遍的, 全体的; 通用的
universal language / gravitation/agent通用的语言/ 万有引力/全权代理
verse: n. 诗,韵文 [诗,韵文一般分行写]
version: n. [vers 转; ion 名词后缀 翻转成另一版本]版本;译文;说法 
The book has been translated into many versions and sold all over the world.
anniversary: n. [ann = one year; verse 转] 周年纪念日
wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日
advertise: vt./ vi.[ad=toward 朝向; verse 转 使注意力转向] 作广告 
advertisement: n. 广告 neon-light advertisement 霓虹灯广告; (ad 为缩写)
extrovert: v./n. [ extro 向外; verse 转] 外翻; 外向; 外向的人
introvert :v./n. [intro 向内 ; verse 转] 内翻; 内向; 内向的人
diverse: a. [ di-分开; verse 转] 不同的
The wild life in Africa is diverse from that in Asia.
diversity: n. 不同 a great diversity of interest 广泛的兴趣
convert: v. [con 加强语气] 变换;转化 
convert water power into electricity 把水利变成电力
conversion: n. 
conversation: n. 谈话, 交谈
adverse: a. [ad = 向; verse 转] adverse wind/fortune/ conditions 逆风; 厄运; 逆境
divorce: v./n. [di-分开; vorce/verse 转] 与…离婚 (用法与 marry 一样)
She divorced her husband; The court divorced them; He got divorced last month. 
她与丈夫离婚了; 法院判他们离婚了; 他上个月离婚了。
vertical: a. 垂直的 [转到竖直的位置]
versatile: 多才多艺的; 通用的 a versatile material/man 万能材料; 多才多艺的人

4. able: a. 有能力的出色的 an able manager; be able to do…

ability: n. 能力 I have the ability to do the work.
inability: n. 无能 [in-否定前缀]
disable: v. [dis-否定前缀] 使丧失能力, 使伤残 
(1) He was disabled in the accident.
(2) An accident disabled him from playing football. 
disabled: a. 残废的 a disabled soldier; the disabled (the + a. 表示一类人)残疾人
enable: v. [en-动词前缀, 表示使……] 使能够;使可能 
The spectacles enable me to see clearly.
以en 为动词前缀的词: enlarge扩大; enrich 丰富; ensure 确保, 保护; enjoy 享乐; enlist 招兵; enroll 登记, 入伍; enforce 推行, 执行, 强迫; endure 忍受 endear 使受喜爱; encounter 遭遇; encourage 鼓励 empower,