
EasyExcel使用git地址:GitHub - alibaba/easyexcel: 快速、简洁、解决大文件内存溢出的java处理Excel工具


1. 首先导出pom依赖


2. 添加使用的工具类

public class ExcelBigNumberConvert implements Converter<Long> {

    public Class<Long> supportJavaTypeKey() {
        return Long.class;

    public CellDataTypeEnum supportExcelTypeKey() {
        return CellDataTypeEnum.STRING;

    public Long convertToJavaData(ReadCellData<?> cellData, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty, GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration) {
        return Convert.toLong(cellData.getData());

    public WriteCellData<Object> convertToExcelData(Long object, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty, GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration) {
        if (ObjectUtil.isNotNull(object)) {
            String str = Convert.toStr(object);
            if (str.length() > 15) {
                return new WriteCellData<>(str);
        WriteCellData<Object> cellData = new WriteCellData<>(new BigDecimal(object));
        return cellData;

public class CellMergeStrategy extends AbstractMergeStrategy {

	private List<?> list;
	private boolean hasTitle;

	protected void merge(Sheet sheet, Cell cell, Head head, Integer relativeRowIndex) {
		List<CellRangeAddress> cellList = handle(list, hasTitle);
		// judge the list is not null
		if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(cellList)) {
			// the judge is necessary
			if (cell.getRowIndex() == 1 && cell.getColumnIndex() == 0) {
				for (CellRangeAddress item : cellList) {

	private static List<CellRangeAddress> handle(List<?> list, boolean hasTitle) {
		List<CellRangeAddress> cellList = new ArrayList<>();
		if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) {
			return cellList;
		Class<?> clazz = list.get(0).getClass();
		Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
		// 有注解的字段
		List<Field> mergeFields = new ArrayList<>();
		List<Integer> mergeFieldsIndex = new ArrayList<>();
		for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
			Field field = fields[i];
			if (field.isAnnotationPresent(CellMerge.class)) {
				CellMerge cm = field.getAnnotation(CellMerge.class);
				mergeFieldsIndex.add(cm.index() == -1 ? i : cm.index());
		// 行合并开始下标
		int rowIndex = hasTitle ? 1 : 0;
		Map<Field, RepeatCell> map = new HashMap<>();
		// 生成两两合并单元格
		for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < mergeFields.size(); j++) {
				Field field = mergeFields.get(j);
				String name = field.getName();
				String methodName = "get" + name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
				Method readMethod = clazz.getMethod(methodName);
				Object val = readMethod.invoke(list.get(i));

				int colNum = mergeFieldsIndex.get(j);
				if (!map.containsKey(field)) {
					map.put(field, new RepeatCell(val, i));
				} else {
					RepeatCell repeatCell = map.get(field);
					Object cellValue = repeatCell.getValue();
					if (cellValue == null || "".equals(cellValue)) {
						// 空值跳过不合并
					if (cellValue != val) {
						if (i - repeatCell.getCurrent() > 1) {
							cellList.add(new CellRangeAddress(repeatCell.getCurrent() + rowIndex, i + rowIndex - 1, colNum, colNum));
						map.put(field, new RepeatCell(val, i));
					} else if (i == list.size() - 1) {
						if (i > repeatCell.getCurrent()) {
							cellList.add(new CellRangeAddress(repeatCell.getCurrent() + rowIndex, i + rowIndex, colNum, colNum));
		return cellList;

	static class RepeatCell {

		private Object value;

		private int current;

public class DefaultExcelListener<T> extends AnalysisEventListener<T> implements ExcelListener<T> {

     * 是否Validator检验,默认为是
    private Boolean isValidate = Boolean.TRUE;

     * excel 表头数据
    private Map<Integer, String> headMap;

     * 导入回执
    private ExcelResult<T> excelResult;

    public DefaultExcelListener(boolean isValidate) {
        this.excelResult = new DefautExcelResult<>();
        this.isValidate = isValidate;

     * 处理异常
     * @param exception ExcelDataConvertException
     * @param context   Excel 上下文
    public void onException(Exception exception, AnalysisContext context) throws Exception {
        String errMsg = null;
        if (exception instanceof ExcelDataConvertException) {
            // 如果是某一个单元格的转换异常 能获取到具体行号
            ExcelDataConvertException excelDataConvertException = (ExcelDataConvertException) exception;
            Integer rowIndex = excelDataConvertException.getRowIndex();
            Integer columnIndex = excelDataConvertException.getColumnIndex();
            errMsg = StrUtil.format("第{}行-第{}列-表头{}: 解析异常<br/>",
                rowIndex + 1, columnIndex + 1, headMap.get(columnIndex));
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (exception instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
            ConstraintViolationException constraintViolationException = (ConstraintViolationException) exception;
            Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> constraintViolations = constraintViolationException.getConstraintViolations();
            String constraintViolationsMsg = constraintViolations.stream()
                .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
            errMsg = StrUtil.format("第{}行数据校验异常: {}", context.readRowHolder().getRowIndex() + 1, constraintViolationsMsg);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        throw new ExcelAnalysisException(errMsg);

    public void invokeHeadMap(Map<Integer, String> headMap, AnalysisContext context) {
        this.headMap = headMap;
        //log.debug("解析到一条表头数据: {}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(headMap));

    public void invoke(T data, AnalysisContext context) {
        if (isValidate) {

    public void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext context) {

    public ExcelResult<T> getExcelResult() {
        return excelResult;

public interface ExcelListener<T> extends ReadListener<T> {

    ExcelResult<T> getExcelResult();



public interface ExcelResult<T> {

     * 对象列表
    List<T> getList();

     * 错误列表
    List<String> getErrorList();

     * 导入回执
    String getAnalysis();
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class FileUtils extends FileUtil {

     * 下载文件名重新编码
     * @param response     响应对象
     * @param realFileName 真实文件名
    public static void setAttachmentResponseHeader(HttpServletResponse response, String realFileName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String percentEncodedFileName = percentEncode(realFileName);

        StringBuilder contentDispositionValue = new StringBuilder();
        contentDispositionValue.append("attachment; filename=")

        response.addHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition,download-filename");
        response.setHeader("Content-disposition", contentDispositionValue.toString());
        response.setHeader("download-filename", percentEncodedFileName);

     * 百分号编码工具方法
     * @param s 需要百分号编码的字符串
     * @return 百分号编码后的字符串
    public static String percentEncode(String s) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String encode = URLEncoder.encode(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());
        return encode.replaceAll("\\+", "%20");
import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.io.resource.ClassPathResource;
import cn.hutool.core.util.IdUtil;
import com.alibaba.excel.EasyExcel;
import com.alibaba.excel.ExcelWriter;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.builder.ExcelWriterSheetBuilder;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.WriteSheet;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.fill.FillConfig;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.fill.FillWrapper;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.style.column.LongestMatchColumnWidthStyleStrategy;
import com.ruoyi.common.convert.ExcelBigNumberConvert;
import com.ruoyi.common.excel.CellMergeStrategy;
import com.ruoyi.common.excel.DefaultExcelListener;
import com.ruoyi.common.excel.ExcelListener;
import com.ruoyi.common.excel.ExcelResult;
import com.ruoyi.common.utils.StringUtils;
import com.ruoyi.common.utils.file.FileUtils;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Excel处理工具类
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class ExcelUtil {

     * 同步导入(适用于小数据量)
     * @param is 输入流
     * @return 转换后集合
    public static <T> List<T> importExcel(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz) {
        return EasyExcel.read(is).head(clazz).autoCloseStream(false).sheet().doReadSync();

     * 使用校验监听器 异步导入 同步返回
     * @param is         输入流
     * @param clazz      对象类型
     * @param isValidate 是否 Validator 检验 默认为是
     * @return 转换后集合
    public static <T> ExcelResult<T> importExcel(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz, boolean isValidate) {
        DefaultExcelListener<T> listener = new DefaultExcelListener<>(isValidate);
        EasyExcel.read(is, clazz, listener).sheet().doRead();
        return listener.getExcelResult();

     * 使用自定义监听器 异步导入 自定义返回
     * @param is       输入流
     * @param clazz    对象类型
     * @param listener 自定义监听器
     * @return 转换后集合
    public static <T> ExcelResult<T> importExcel(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz, ExcelListener<T> listener) {
        EasyExcel.read(is, clazz, listener).sheet().doRead();
        return listener.getExcelResult();

     * 导出excel
     * @param list      导出数据集合
     * @param sheetName 工作表的名称
     * @param clazz     实体类
     * @param response  响应体
    public static <T> void exportExcel(List<T> list, String sheetName, Class<T> clazz, HttpServletResponse response) {
        exportExcel(list, sheetName, clazz, false, response);

     * 导出excel
     * @param list      导出数据集合
     * @param sheetName 工作表的名称
     * @param clazz     实体类
     * @param merge     是否合并单元格
     * @param response  响应体
    public static <T> void exportExcel(List<T> list, String sheetName, Class<T> clazz, boolean merge, HttpServletResponse response) {
        try {
            resetResponse(sheetName, response);
            ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
            ExcelWriterSheetBuilder builder = EasyExcel.write(os, clazz)
                // 自动适配
                .registerWriteHandler(new LongestMatchColumnWidthStyleStrategy())
                // 大数值自动转换 防止失真
                .registerConverter(new ExcelBigNumberConvert())
            if (merge) {
                // 合并处理器
                builder.registerWriteHandler(new CellMergeStrategy(list, true));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("导出Excel异常");

     * 单表多数据模板导出 模板格式为 {.属性}
     * {属性}直接填充单个值
     * {.属性}填充的为list
     * @param filename     文件名
     * @param templatePath 模板路径 resource 目录下的路径包括模板文件名
     *                     例如: excel/temp.xlsx
     *                     重点: 模板文件必须放置到启动类对应的 resource 目录下
     * @param data         模板需要的数据
    public static void exportTemplate(List<Object> data, String filename, String templatePath, HttpServletResponse response) {
        try {
            resetResponse(filename, response);
            ClassPathResource templateResource = new ClassPathResource(templatePath);
            ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(response.getOutputStream())
                // 大数值自动转换 防止失真
                .registerConverter(new ExcelBigNumberConvert())
            WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet().build();
            if (CollUtil.isEmpty(data)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("数据为空");
            // 单表多数据导出 模板格式为 {.属性}
            for (Object d : data) {
                excelWriter.fill(d, writeSheet);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("导出Excel异常");

     * 多表多数据模板导出 模板格式为 {key.属性}
     * {属性}直接填充单个值
     * {.属性}填充的为list
     * @param filename     文件名
     * @param templatePath 模板路径 resource 目录下的路径包括模板文件名
     *                     例如: excel/temp.xlsx
     *                     重点: 模板文件必须放置到启动类对应的 resource 目录下
     * @param data         模板需要的数据
    public static void exportTemplateMultiList(Map<String, Object> data, String filename, String templatePath, HttpServletResponse response) {
        try {
            resetResponse(filename, response);
            ClassPathResource templateResource = new ClassPathResource(templatePath);
            ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(response.getOutputStream())
                // 大数值自动转换 防止失真
                .registerConverter(new ExcelBigNumberConvert())
            WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet().build();
            if (CollUtil.isEmpty(data)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("数据为空");
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> map : data.entrySet()) {
                // 设置列表后续还有数据
                FillConfig fillConfig = FillConfig.builder().forceNewRow(Boolean.TRUE).build();
                if (map.getValue() instanceof Collection) {
                    // 多表导出必须使用 FillWrapper
                    excelWriter.fill(new FillWrapper(map.getKey(), (Collection<?>) map.getValue()), fillConfig, writeSheet);
                } else {
                    excelWriter.fill(map.getValue(), writeSheet);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("导出Excel异常");

     * 单表数据多excel导出打包为zip 模板格式为 {key.属性}
     * {属性}直接填充单个值
     * {.属性}填充的为list
     * @param filename     文件名
     * @param templatePath 模板路径 resource 目录下的路径包括模板文件名
     *                     例如: excel/导出使用的模板.xlsx
     *                     重点: 模板文件必须放置到启动类对应的 resource 目录下
     * @param data         模板需要的数据

    public static void exportTemplateZip(Map<String, Object> objects, String excelName, String templateNamePath, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

        // 这里URLEncoder.encode可以防止中文乱码
        String zipFileName = URLEncoder.encode("导出zip包名", "UTF-8");
        response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename*=utf-8''" + zipFileName + ".zip");
        ClassPathResource templateResource = new ClassPathResource(templateNamePath);
        try (ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(response.getOutputStream())) {

            List<PerformanceAppraisal> performanceAppraisals = appraisalMapper.selectList(new LambdaQueryWrapper<PerformanceAppraisal>().eq(PerformanceAppraisal::getGradeStatus, ScoreStatus.FIN.getCode()));
            if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(performanceAppraisals)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("暂无打分数据生成!");
            for (PerformanceAppraisal performanceAppraisal : performanceAppraisals) {

                ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel
                zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(IdUtil.fastSimpleUUID()+excelName));
                WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet().build();
                if (CollUtil.isEmpty(objects)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("数据为空");
                // 单表多数据导出 模板格式为 {.属性}
                for (Object d : objects) {
                    excelWriter.fill(d, writeSheet);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // 重置response
            response.getWriter().println("下载文件失败" + e.getMessage());

     * 重置响应体
    private static void resetResponse(String sheetName, HttpServletResponse response) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String filename = encodingFilename(sheetName);
        FileUtils.setAttachmentResponseHeader(response, filename);
     * 导出文件名
    public static String encodingFilename(String filename) {
        return IdUtil.fastSimpleUUID() + "_" + filename + ".xlsx";


3. 添加导出模板,注意一定要添加在resource下面!!

  •     单表导出模板     
  •     多表导出模板   
  •     单表数据打包模板(和单表的模板是一样的,同理,也可以多表打包导出)    

4. 测试excelUtil工具类以及导出结果

import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
import com.包名.ExcelUtil;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * 测试Excel功能
 * @author lgd
@Api(value = "测试Excel功能", tags = {"测试Excel功能"})
public class TestExcelController {

     * 单列表多数据
    @ApiOperation(value = "单列表多数据")
    public void exportTemplateOne(HttpServletResponse response) {
        Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
        List<TestObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
        list.add(new TestObj("单列表测试1", "列表测试1", "列表测试2", "列表测试3", "列表测试4"));
        list.add(new TestObj("单列表测试2", "列表测试5", "列表测试6", "列表测试7", "列表测试8"));
        list.add(new TestObj("单列表测试3", "列表测试9", "列表测试10", "列表测试11", "列表测试12"));
        ExcelUtil.exportTemplate(CollUtil.newArrayList(map,list),"单列表.xlsx", "excel/单列表.xlsx", response);

     * 多列表多数据
    @ApiOperation(value = "多列表多数据")
    public void exportTemplateMuliti(HttpServletResponse response) {
        Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
        List<TestObj1> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
        list1.add(new TestObj1("list1测试1", "list1测试2", "list1测试3"));
        list1.add(new TestObj1("list1测试4", "list1测试5", "list1测试6"));
        list1.add(new TestObj1("list1测试7", "list1测试8", "list1测试9"));
        List<TestObj1> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
        list2.add(new TestObj1("list2测试1", "list2测试2", "list2测试3"));
        list2.add(new TestObj1("list2测试4", "list2测试5", "list2测试6"));
        List<TestObj1> list3 = new ArrayList<>();
        list3.add(new TestObj1("list3测试1", "list3测试2", "list3测试3"));
        List<TestObj1> list4 = new ArrayList<>();
        list4.add(new TestObj1("list4测试1", "list4测试2", "list4测试3"));
        list4.add(new TestObj1("list4测试4", "list4测试5", "list4测试6"));
        list4.add(new TestObj1("list4测试7", "list4测试8", "list4测试9"));
        list4.add(new TestObj1("list4测试10", "list4测试11", "list4测试12"));
        Map<String,Object> multiListMap = new HashMap<>();
        ExcelUtil.exportTemplateMultiList(multiListMap, "多列表.xlsx", "excel/多列表.xlsx", response);

     * 单列表多数据
    @ApiOperation(value = "测试单表数据打包zip")
    public void exportTemplateZip(HttpServletResponse response) {
        Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
        List<TestObj> list = new ArrayList<>();
        list.add(new TestObj("单列表测试1", "列表测试1", "列表测试2", "列表测试3", "列表测试4"));
        list.add(new TestObj("单列表测试2", "列表测试5", "列表测试6", "列表测试7", "列表测试8"));
        list.add(new TestObj("单列表测试3", "列表测试9", "列表测试10", "列表测试11", "列表测试12"));
        ExcelUtil.exportTemplateZip(CollUtil.newArrayList(map,list),"多个单列表打包.xlsx", "excel/导出使用的模板.xlsx", response);

    static class TestObj1 {
        private String test1;
        private String test2;
        private String test3;

    static class TestObj {
        private String name;
        private String list1;
        private String list2;
        private String list3;
        private String list4;


5. 导出功能完毕!有什么不懂的,欢迎留言~