214 Help availble on http://www.naesasoft.com HELP 220 <domain> Service ready Client Open Connection 221 <domain> Good-bye QUIT 235 Authentication ok, go ahead AUTH 认证成功 250 Ok ALL 250 duplicated RCPT RCPT 250 All SMTP buffer cleared REST 251 User not local; will forward to <forward-path> VRFY 252 Cannot VRFY user, but will accept message and attempt VRFY 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 AUTH LOGIN 期望用户输入用户名,B64 "Username:" 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 AUTH 期望用户输入用户名,B64 "Password:" 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> DATA 421 <domain> Service not available OPEN 421 <domain> Service not available - Unable to chdir DATA 无法进入队列目录 421 <domain> Service not available - Unable to read system configuration OPEN 无法读取SMTP配置或者没有配置 421 <domain> Servcie not available - Unable to figure out my IP addresses OPEN 无法判断SMTP自己的IP 421 <domain> Service not available - no valid hosted domain OPEN 系统没有配置任何一个域 421 Too much failure in SMTP session ALL 在SMTP会话中发生太多错误 421 Access is denied from your IP <remote_ip> for audit reason, try later OPEN 动态拒绝远端IP访问 421 Refused. You have no reverse DNS entry 反向域名解析失败 [root@ws01]:~># dig -x ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> -x ; IN PTR [root@ws01]:~># dig -x ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> -x ;; global options: printcmd ; IN PTR [root@ws01]:~># dig -x ; IN PTR [root@ws01]:~># dig -x ; IN PTR 其实以前也发过给你,后来不知线路上有没有问题,现在反相解析都没有了。希望重新将我们上海联通的四台公网地址做一下反相解析。 ws01.133sh.com ws02.133sh.com ws03.133sh.com ws04.133sh.com 上面是当时做反相时候给的具体主机地址,麻烦您帮我们重新审核一下。谢谢!!! 421 421-: (DNS:NR) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/421dnsnr.html421 SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE 解决方法:根据链接查看我们的ip是否被禁,如被禁申请解除 结果:此邮件中可能有某些关键字被GFW(Great Fire Wall的简写,意指"中国国家网络防火墙",这是国外媒体对"国家公共网络监控系统"的俗称。)中国反垃圾邮件过滤系统过滤掉了。 432 A password transition is needed AUTH 用户密码需要根据认证机制转换 450 Requested mail action not taken
450 Mailbox <email_addr> is full RCPT、DATA 用户邮箱满 450 Recipient address rejected: Recipient is protected by Flow Control 这是因为对方的服务器做了流量控制 并不是说发附件就收不到 而是因为附件一般所需要的流量比较多所致。纯文本的所付出的流量很少。 450 4.7.1 heidi@gronsedt.com: Recipient address rejected: Greylisted for 5 minutes 结果:对方服务器采用了灰名单技术,要验证发件人身份,等待5分钟发信 ,联系对方加入白名单 451 Requested action aborted: error in processing; DATA 451 Timeout ALL 数据读写超时 451 Message doesn't conform to the EMIME standard. DATA mail data 不符合rfc2821规范 451 Temporary internal failure - queue message failed DATA 信件入队失败 451 Temporary internal failure - database inaccessible OPEN、MAIL、RCPT 内部临时错误-数据库访问故障 452 Temporary internal failure - out of memory ALL 内存分配错误 452 Temporary interanal failure - insufficient system storage
452 Temporary interanal failure - failed to resolve EHLO/HELO FQDN EHLO、HELO 客户端域名A记录(A RR)解析临时错误 452 too many RCPTs RCPT 邮件人数目过多 453 Accee is denied - sender is in the audit blacklist, try later MAIL 发件人审计黑名单中,拒绝发送 500 syntax error - invalid character ALL 命令或参数中出现非法字符 500 syntax error - line too long ALL 命令或参数行过长 500 syntax error - command unrecognized
不能识别的命令 501 Remote abort the authentication AUTH 用户发送*号取消认证操作 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments ALL 命令参数错误,如地址不包含尖扩号、地址没有域名 502 Command not implemented
该命令暂不支持 503 Bad sequence of commands
命令顺序错误 503 Bad sequence of commands MAIL first RCPT、DATA 命令顺序错误,期待命令MAIL 503 Bad sequence of commands RCPT first DATA 命令顺序错误,期待命令RCPT 504 Command parameter not implemented ALL 命令参数不支持 504 Unrecognized authentication type AUTH 认证机制不支持 521 Access is denied from your IP <remote_ip> OPEN、MAIL、RCPT 拒绝远端IP访问 530 Authentication required MAIL 需要进行认证 534 Authentication mechanism is too weak AUTH 认证机制过于简单 538 Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism AUTH 客户请求的认证机制需要加密 550 invalid user - <email_addr> MAIL、RCPT、VRFY、EXPN 无效用户 550 invalid user - <email_addr> is disabled for payment reason MAIL、RCPT、VRFY、EXPN 因为欠费用户暂停 550 access denied to you OPEN、MAIL、RCPT、VRFY、EXPN 拒绝访问 550 Access to Mailbox <email_addr> is denied RCPT、DATA 用户邮箱拒绝访问 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected ellen@chdc.com.cn 。 放弃202.108.33.44。Host does not like recipient. 判断:手工测试发现为新浪的VIP邮箱收件人主机阻止我们发信,发送邮件至 webmaster@vip.sohu.com 550 Sender verify failed 。 放弃195.56.146.230。Host does not like recipient. 解决办法:对方采用了反向解析技术,确认发信人身份,确认反向解析正确 550 read write time out 结果:队列服务器邮件过多,服务器放弃投递邮件 550 ma.ma@nsn.com... User unknown 。 放弃192.100.105.133。Host does not like recipient 解决方法:比对退信编码表 结果:对方地址不正确或是地址不存在
550 username and mail from inconsistent 结果:由于写邮件时格式不正确,导致产生退信。工程师手工测试正常。 551 User not local; please try <forward-path> RCPT、VRFY 非本地用户,请尝试发送到<forward-path> 551 User not local; please try I’m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long..” 出现以上错误信息的原因和所发邮件有没有内容、内容大小等都没有关系,是xx防火墙(GFW,又名“xx工程”)做了过滤的原因,它(xx工程)定义了大陆的IP连接到大陆以外(如香港、台湾、欧洲等) 的邮件服务器是不可以自己发邮件给自己的!只要大陆所在客户端用大陆的IP发送邮件,马上就会提示“551 User not local; please try ”这样的错误信息! 511 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkuser) 用户不存在 551 User not local; please try <forward-path> 。 放弃212.227.15.134。Host does not like recipient. 结果: 经工程师查询是此邮件中可能有某些关键字被GFW(Great Fire Wall的简写,意指"中国国家网络防火墙",这是国外媒体对"国家公共网络监控系统"的俗称。)中国反垃圾邮件过滤系统过滤掉了 552 message exceeds fixed maximum message size DATA mail data 数据过大,超过系统限制;特别是在SIZE扩展后 552 This user's disk quota exceeded, anyway you can send a smail (<1KB) message to inform the person. ?。 Host failed after I sent the message. 结果:552错误是这个用户的磁盘配额超过了。用户的附件或者容量已经起过使用了。可以发小点的附件或者邮件测试一下。 552 MS-Office file containing VBA macros found inside of the email
在邮件裡的OFFICE档案内含vba巨集(建议用户以压缩包发送附件)或使用foxmail客户端 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed RCPT 用户拒绝接收信件 553 Accee is denied - sender is in the blacklist MAIL、RCPT 发件人在黑名单中,拒绝发送 553 Accee is denied - please use the smtp server instead of MX MAIL 拒绝本地用户使用MX服务器发信 554 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation; too much mail data
554 too many hops, this message is looping DATA 信件中出现的Received过多,拒绝循环信件 554 no valid recipients DATA 没有收件人,可能和错误顺序有关 554 Authentication has failed too many times AUTH 认证失败次数过多 554 Too many MAIL transactions in the same connection MAIL 在同一个SMTP连接中发信会话数目过多 554 Invalid EHLO/HELO FQDN host EHLO、HELO 客户端域名A记录(A RR)声明错误 554 Relay from your IP <remote_ip> is denied RCPT 拒绝远端IP做中继转发操作请求 554 Relay from your addr <revserse_address> is denied RCPT 拒绝来自发件人<reversed_address>的中继转发请求 554 Relay to <relay_address> is denied RCPT 中继转发的目的地址限制 554 RCPT <forward-address> is in the blacklist RCPT 收件人在黑名单中 554 Temporary authentication failure AUTH 认证失败 554 Message is denied because it's infected by <virus name> DATA 信件内容含有病毒,病毒名<virus name>,拒绝接收 554 Message is denied by filter key <key> DATA 信件内容包含过滤关键字<key>,拒绝接收 554 Subject is denied by filter key <key> DATA 信件主题包含过滤关键字<key>,拒绝接收 554 edward_lai@ctsitwn.com.tw: Relay access denied 。 询问客户是否是用代理smtp服务器发送邮件的还是用我方的SMTP服务器发送的. 这个是正确的,退信原因是拒绝中继转发,导致退信.请用户确认是否是用代理smtp服务器发送邮件的还是用我方的SMTP服务器发送的.