前言 SQL语句概述 示例所用E-R图 Oracle常用数据类型规定 第一章 DDL:Data Definition Language 基本表的创建、修改、删除 View视图 Sequence序列号 Index索引 Synonym同义词 前言 因为最近要考ocp(全英文考试,所以下文也会中英夹杂,侧重oracle标准。),又要把大学学过的数据库捡起来。特开此文整理基础sql语句语法和注意事项。 所有示例代码均来自oracle官方教材。参考资料:数据库系统教程和oracle提供的官方教材。


SQL语句概述 1970年,美国IBM研究中心的E.F.Codd提出关系模型,拉开了未来五十年经久不衰的关系数据库的帷幕。 SQL原来是指“结构化查询语句Structured Query Language”,经过不断发展,已经不表示任何具体的缩写含义,成为一个通用标准。 SQL主要包括:

  1. DDL(数据定义语言 data definition language ):定义基本表,视图,索引等结构。
  2. DML(数据操作语言 data manipulation language ):分为数据查询和数据更新(插入、删除、修改)
  3. DCL(数据权限管理语句data control language):对基本表和视图的授权、完整性规则的描述。事务控制语句也可以包括在这里。
  4. 事务控制管理语句(transaction control)
  5. 嵌入式SQL的使用

示例所用E-R图 不看懂也没关系,也不影响语法学习。 E-R图:Human Resources (HR) Schema人力资源计划

Oracle常用数据类型规定 CHAR: 固定长度字符串 最大长度2000 bytes VARCHAR2: 可变长度的字符串 最大长度4000 bytes 可做索引的最大长度749 NCHAR: 根据字符集而定的固定长度字符串 最大长度2000 bytes NVARCHAR2: 根据字符集而定的可变长度字符串 最大长度4000 bytes DATE: 日期(日-月-年) DD-MM-YY(HH-MI-SS) 经过严格测试,无千虫问题 LONG :超长字符串 最大长度2G(231-1) 足够存储大部头著作 NUMBER(P,S) 数字类型 P为总位数,S为小数位数

RAW: 固定长度的二进制数据 最大长度2000 bytes 可存放多媒体图象声音等 LONG RAW: 可变长度的二进制数据 最大长度2G 同上 CLOB: 字符数据 最大长度4G BLOB: 二进制数据 最大长度4G BFILE: 存放在数据库外的二进制数据 最大长度4G ROWID: 数据表中记录的唯一行号 10 bytes ********.****.****格式,*为0或1

第一章 DDL:Data Definition Language

Naming Rules命名规则 Table names and column names must: • Begin with a letter字母开始 • Be 1–30 characters long • Contain only A–Z, a–z, 0–9, _, $, and #【命名允许使用字符】 • Not duplicate the name of another object owned by the same user【同一用户下不同对象不能命相同的名】 • Not be an Oracle server–reserved word不使用oracle保留字【例如table等常见英文单词】

基本表的创建、修改、删除 CREATE TABLE Statement • You must have: – The CREATE TABLE privilege – A storage area

CREATE TABLE [schema.指定用户]table (column datatype [DEFAULT expr][, ...]) [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] constraint_type,; //段名+数据类型+约束名+约束类型 1 2 3 • You specify: – The table name – The column name, column data type, and column size • Create the table:例子

CREATE TABLE dept//表名 (deptno NUMBER(2)//字段名和数据类型, dname VARCHAR2(14), loc VARCHAR2(13) NOT NULL,//非空 create_date DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE); 1 2 3 4 5 • Confirm table creation:

DESCRIBE 表名;//查看表的结构(字段和类型) 1 Constraints约束 • Constraints enforce rules at the table level. • Constraints ensure the consistency and integrity of the database. • The following constraint types are valid: – NOT NULL非空 – UNIQUE唯一 – PRIMARY KEY主键 – FOREIGN KEY外键 – CHECK校验 • View a constraint in the data dictionary.数据字典中查看 • You can name a constraint or the Oracle server generates a name by using the SYS_Cn format.约束命名 • Create a constraint at either of the following times:创建约束的时间 – At the same time as the creation of the table在创建表的同时 – After the creation of the table创建表之后

//Example of a column-level constraint CREATE TABLE employees( employee_id NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT emp_emp_id_pk约束名称 PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR2(20), ...); //Example of a table-level constraint: CREATE TABLE employees( employee_id NUMBER(6), first_name VARCHAR2(20), job_id VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_emp_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (EMPLOYEE_ID指定)); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT NULL Constraint非空约束:Ensures that null values are not permitted for the column: UNIQUE Constraint唯一值,无重复:Defined at either the table level or the column level: CREATE TABLE employees( employee_id NUMBER(6), last_name VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR2(25),//unique约束 salary NUMBER(8,2), commission_pct NUMBER(2,2), hire_date DATE NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_email_uk UNIQUE(email)字段名; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PRIMARY KEY Constraint主键约束:非空且唯一 FOREIGN KEY Constraint:外键Defined at either the table level or the column level: CREATE TABLE employees( employee_id NUMBER(6), last_name VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR2(25), salary NUMBER(8,2), commission_pct NUMBER(2,2), hire_date DATE NOT NULL, department_id NUMBER(4), CONSTRAINT emp_dept_fk FOREIGN KEY (department_id)//外键:关系数据库的参照完整性,定义从表 REFERENCES departments(department_id),引用主表 CONSTRAINT emp_email_uk UNIQUE(email)); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 KEY Constraint: Keywords含有外键从表 • FOREIGN KEY: Defines the column in the child table at the table-constraint level • REFERENCES: Identifies the table and column in the parent table • ON DELETE CASCADE: Deletes the dependent rows in the child table when a row in the parent table is deleted 主表删除时,主从表都删除记录 • ON DELETE SET NULL: Converts dependent foreign key values to null从表改为空,主表删除 5. CHECK Constraint校验约束 • It defines a condition that each row must satisfy. • The following expressions are not allowed: – References to CURRVAL, NEXTVAL, LEVEL, and ROWNUM pseudocolumns – Calls to SYSDATE, UID, USER, and USERENV functions – Queries that refer to other values in other rows

salary NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT emp_salary_min CHECK (salary > 0);//使用整数校验 1 2 Violating Constraint违反约束

UPDATE employees//更新从表employess数据 SET department_id = 55//报错291,55在主表department中未出现 WHERE department_id = 110; 1 2 3 You cannot delete a row that contains a primary key that is used as a foreign key in another table. 1 DELETE FROM departments删除主表中数据 WHERE department_id = 60;错误 1 2 Creating a Table Using a Subquery使用子查询,用另外表添加数据 • Create a table and insert rows by combining the CREATE TABLE statement and the AS subquery option.

CREATE TABLE table [(column, column...)] AS subquery;匹配字段 1 2 3 • Match the number of specified columns to the number of subquery columns. • Define columns with column names and default values.

Creating a Table Using a Subquery CREATE TABLE dept80 AS SELECT employee_id, last_name,salary*12 ANNSAL, hire_date FROM employees WHERE department_id = 80; 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALTER TABLE Statement修改表的结构 Use the ALTER TABLE statement to: • Add a new column • Modify an existing column definition • Define a default value for the new column • Drop a column • Rename a column • Change table to read-only status Use the ALTER TABLE statement to add, modify, or drop columns:

Adding a Column增加字段 • You use the ADD clause to add columns:

ALTER TABLE dept80 ADD (job_id VARCHAR2(9)); 1 2 • The new column becomes the last column:所有值自动设置为空 Modifying a Column修改字段 • You can change a column’s data type, size, and default value.

ALTER TABLE dept80 MODIFY (last_name VARCHAR2(30)); 1 2 • A change to the default value affects only subsequent insertions to the table. Dropping a Column删除字段 Use the DROP COLUMN clause to drop columns that you no longer need from the table:

ALTER TABLE dept80 MODIFY (last_name VARCHAR2(30)); 1 2 SET UNUSED Option某个字段设置不可用 • You use the SET UNUSED option to mark one or more columns as unused. • You use the DROP UNUSED COLUMNS option to remove the columns that are marked as unused. • You can specify the ONLINE keyword to indicate that DML operations on the table will be allowed while marking the column or columns UNUSED.

Read-Only Tables只读表 You can use the ALTER TABLE syntax to: • Put a table in read-only mode, which prevents DDL or DML changes during table maintenance • Put the table back into read/write mode

ALTER TABLE employees READ ONLY;//设定为只读表,不允许修改 1 --perform table maintenance and then return table back to read/write mode 1 ALTER TABLE employees READ WRITE; 1 Dropping a Table删除表 • Moves a table to the recycle bin • Removes the table and all its data entirely if the PURGE clause is specified • Invalidates dependent objects and removes object privileges on the table

DROP TABLE 表名; //结构和数据全部删除,存在回收站,还可以闪回操作 1 View视图 创建在一个表上的视窗,不存放数据,逻辑视窗 Advantage of views: to restrict data access to make complex queries easy to provide data independence to present different views of the same data 两种视图:简单视图和复杂视图

Create view创建视图 You embed a subquery in the CREATE VIEW statement:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] [FORCE|NOFORCE] VIEW view识图名 [(alias[, alias] ...) ] AS subquey子查询 [WITH CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint] ] [WITH READ ONLY [CONSTRAINT constraint]]; 1 2 3 4 · Create the EMPVU80 view,which contains details of the employees in department 80:

CREATE VIEW empvu80 AS SELECT employee_id, last_name,salary FROM employees WHERE department id=80; 1 2 3 4 · Describe the structure of the view by using the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command:

DESCRIBE emp vu 80

The subquery can contain complex SELECT syntax Modify view 修改视图: create or replace view 识图名 as 子查询 · Modify the EMPVU80 view by using a CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW clause.Add an alias for each columnname:

· Column aliases in the CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW clause are listed in the same order as the columns in the subquery. Complex view 复杂视图:使用子查询连接 Create a complex view that contains group functions to display values from two tables:

不建议使用DML语句修改视图,WITH READ ONLY;

· You can usually perform DML operations on simple views. · You can not remove a row if the view contains the following:

Group functions A GROUP BY clause The DISTINCT keyword The pseudo column ROWNUM keyword You can not modify data in a view if it contains: · Group functions · A GROUP BY clause · The DISTINCT keyword · The pseudo column ROWNUM keyword · Columns defined by expressions You can not add data through a view if the view includes: · The pseudo column ROWNUM keyword · Group functions · A GROUP BY clause · The DISTINCT keyword · Columns defined by expressions · NOT NULL columns in the base tables that are not selected by the view Drop view 视图名;删除视图 1 Sequence序列号 A sequence: Can automatically generate unique numbers is a shareable object Can be used to create a primary key value Replaces application code Speeds up the efficiency of accessing sequence values when cached in memory

CREATE SEQUENCE 序列名 [INCREMENT BY n]增长值 [START WITH n]第一个值 [(MAXVALUE n | NOMAXVALUE)]最大 [(MINVALUE n | NOMINVALUE)]是否包含最小 [(CYCLE | NOCYCLE) ]循环使用,不建议 [(CACHE n | NOCACHE) ]内存一次性装在几个,系统崩溃后出错 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 引用序列号NEXTVAL and CURRVAL Pseudocolun · NEXTVAL returns the next available sequence value.It returns a unique value everytime it is referenced, even for different users. · CURRVAL obtains the current sequence value. · NEXTVAL must be issued for that sequence before CURRVAL contains a value. Insert a new department named“Support”in location ID 2500:

View the current value for the DEPT_DEPTID_SEQ sequence:

Caching Sequence Values · Caching sequence values in memory gives faster access to those values. · Gaps in sequence values can occur when:序列号断层 —A rollback occurs —The system crashes —A sequence is used in another table Guidelines for Modifying a Sequence

ALTER SEQUENCE 序列名 [INCREMENT BY n] [START WITH n]不能修改初始值,必须先删除 [(MAXVALUE n | NOMAXVALUE)] [(MINVALUE n | NOMINVALUE)] [(CYCLE | NOCYCLE) ] [(CACHE n | NOCACHE) ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 · You must be the owner or have the ALTER privilege for the sequence. · Only future sequence numbers are affected. · The sequence must be dropped and re-created to restart the sequence at a different number. · Some validation is performed. · To remove a sequence, use the DROP statement:

DROP SEQUENCE dept_dept id_seq;

Index索引 An index:树状结构,单独存储, · is a schema object · Can be used by the Oracle server to speed up the retrieval of rows by using a pointer · Can reduce disk input/output(I/O) by using a rapid path access method to locate data quickly · is independent of the table that it indexes · is used and maintained automatically by the oracle server · 自动创建:主键或unique的字段 Automatically:A unique index is created automatically when you define a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint in a table definition. · 手动创建Manually:Users can create nonunique indexes on columns to speed up access to the rows.

create [unique][bitmap]index 索引名 on table表名(column字段,…)和表的字段对应 1 2

Drop index 索引名;删除 1 Synonym同义词 复杂的对象设置一个简单的名称 Simplify access to objects by creating a synonym(another name for an object) .With synonyms, you can: · Create an easier reference to a table that is owned by another user · Shorten lengthy object names ————————————————