In this post we will go through 4-Way Handshake process. This is described in Chapter 5 of CWSP Official Study Guide. Page 194 of this book shows the below RSN key hierarchy. Also watch ​​this CWNP video​​ for more detail about this key hierarchy.

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MSK-Master Session Key ( or AAA Key):
Key information that is jointly negotiated between the Supplicant & Authentication Server. This key information is transported via a secure channel from Authenticating Server to Authenticator.

PMK-Pairwise Master Key:
PMK is derived from MSK seeding material. PMK is first 256bits (0-255) of MSK. It can be derived from an EAP method or directly from a PresharedKey(PSK).

GMK-Group Master Key:
GMK is randomly created on Authenticator & refresh it in configured time interval to reduce the risk of GMK being compromised.

PTK-Pairwise Transient Key:
A value derived from PMK,Authenicator nonce(Anonce),Supplicant nonce(Snonce), Authenticator Address, Supplicant Address. This is used to encrypt all unicast transmission between client & an AP. PTK consist of 5 different keys

1. KCK-Key Confirmation Key-used to provide data integrity during 4 -Way Handshake & Group Key Handshake.
2. KEK – Key Encryption Key– used by EAPOL-Key frames to provide data privacy during 4-Way Handshake & Group Key Handshake.
3. Temporal Key – used to encrypt & decrypt MSDU of 802.11 data frames between supplicant & authenticator
4. Temporal MIC-1
5. Temporal MIC-2

GTK-Group Temporal Key:
GTK is used to encrypt all broadcast/multicast transmission between an AP & multiple client statsions. GTK is derived on Authenticator & sending to supplicant during 4-Way Handshake (M3)

4-Way handshake utilizing EAPOL-Key frames initiated by the Authenticator to do the following.
1. Confirm that live peer holds PMK
2. Confirm that PMK is current.
3. Derive a fresh PTK from PMK & Install the pairwise encryption & integrity keys into 802.11
4. Transport the GTK & GTK sequence number from Authenticator to Supplicant & install them in Supplicant & AP(if not already installed)
5. Confirm cipher suite selection.

If it is PSK,  4 way handshak starts immediately after Open System Authentication & Association state finish as you can see below.

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If it is 802.1X/EAP, then 4 way handshake starts when EAP Authentication finished.

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Below figure shows the steps involved in 4-Way handshake process. ​​This CWNP video​​ explain well this process & have a look on it before go into details.

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Here is the details about each step. You can filter EAPOL-Key messages using “eapol.keydes.type == 2” wireshark display filter.

Message 1 (M1)
* Authenticator sends EAPOL-Key frame containing an ANonce(Authenticator nonce) to supplicant.
* With this information, supplicant have all  necessary input to generate PTK using pseudo-random function(PRF)

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Message 2 (M2)
* Supplicant sends an EAPOL-Key frame containing SNonce to the Authenticator.
* Now authenticator has all the inputs to create PTK.
* Supplicant also sent RSN IE capabilities to Authenticator & MIC
* Authenticator derive PTK & validate the MIC as well.

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Message 3 (M3)
* If necessary, Authenticator will derive GTK from GMK.
* Authenticator sends EAPOL-Key frame containing ANonce, RSN-IE & a MIC.
* GTK will be delivered (encrypted with PTK) to supplicant.
* Message to supplicant to install temporal keys.

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Message 4 (M4)
* Supplicant sends final EAPOL-Key frame to authenticator to confirm temporal keys have been installed.

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From this point onwards data frame MSDU will be encrypted using PTK or GTK (depending upon unicast or multicast/broadcast frame)

1. ​​​WPA2-PSK-Final​​​ -Sample Packet Capture (Frame 93-99 shows M1-M4 EAPOL-key frames)
2. ​​​CWSP Official Study Guide​​​ 3. ​​​​ 4. ​​802.11i AKM CWNP- White Paper​