You can do that, however you will need sp_admin role. You will need to open 'sc_cat_item' page in Page Designer the click on the pencil icon for "SC Catalog Item" widget (See screenshot below).

Then check on "Auto redirect on successful order".

Edit: Above steps might not be possible to follow on Helsinki due limitations of Page Designer on Helsinki

Please follow the below steps if you get blank page or are unable to select the the widget on the Page Designer.

  1. Goto servername/

This opens the form for sc_cat_item page. Then click on Open in Page Editor related link there.

  1. Now select the SC Catalog Item widget instance. (See screenshot below)

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and edit "Additional options, JSON format" field as shown below.

Set the "auto_redirect" key value to true as shown below, if it doesn't exists then add that.

Save the form and you are done.