
1) Create the project in XCODE.

2) Setup subversion in XCODE and select the subversion repository for this project.

3) Use Xcode SCM > Repository and click on the IMPORT icon. This will move the local copy to the subversion repository.

5) Now delete your local copy (or move it to another location just in case).

6) CHECKOUT the project from subversion (this will create the subversion .svn folders, …).

7) Reselect the subversion repository for this project.


编辑 ~/.subversion/config 文件 

1. 找到 global-ignores 一行,去掉注释,编辑成

global-ignores = build *~.nib *.so *.pbxuser *.mode *.perspective*


2. 找到 enable-auto-props = yes 把注释去掉,在[auto-props] Section声明以下文本文件

*.mode* = svn:mime-type=text/X-xcode

*.pbxuser = svn:mime-type=text/X-xcode

*.perspective* = svn:mime-type=text/X-xcode

*.pbxproj = svn:mime-type=text/X-xcode