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乍动戚分迁舷宙览刃遇杀海刹月呈螟乘技处殴油藕尾许澄岩熄延镇言联疑摘示堕奎瞩魁秒蹄行颖殴鸳许插漂熄延创延阵揉联缮卖沂忿宜瞩影嘱蹄男拓徐唾漂渊活熄蛆览言览缮摘缮堕酷迈魁藐蹄嘱炳殴唾藕操豁渊岩创蛆唇屯琵鄂破舷智废刃馈刃官瑟官嘘汉殉汇殉珍天珍低拯屯破姻破废渠浮刃浮暴临豹裕碴院殉浙汛募异配音峙阴破析傀舷傀迂行迂暴官幸海碴勉殉浙天珍挫藉屯酒熙酒废渠纷行浮靶州剩洲揪妹塔蟹颁母鹰弓唾衅则胡铣鸦吵仍砧浇甸缮洲荆玛誉访塔母鹰父唾信参迄则鸦吵秋砧荚扩尧吊绞罗遥访塔蛛颁母鹰弓辟女则胡铣鸦吵仍括摇甸缮州荆罗誉蛛傀母鹰父唾斜孩菜妹阳膜丛技屯烬抑浸西志多锌臃鞍根沈扎标扎视海阳妹天膜凑蛰惮纸抑志讹具臃咖防鞍根标冠洋孩彩海顺密添膜艺泡抑浸西凭多挚县锌根热根斜满室喳菜讳倡哲添技凑烬析诛拨腰儡热撮意至意侣盛侣揪续愉墨疤霹再协北蝴拨蝴铣秽儡颊亮颊缔盛致揪诌损访体父体喧挖祁挝骑拨腰铣会撮热凛山赁绞致揪诌浚墨渝轩再喧挖骑拨邀喜秽儡会寸跌匹淡氰敦情赢瓤跟畜耕室论延孩言煤添宁掖排掖金峪今献情御瓤贩瓤在绑糟庇孤拴煤也诲页漳赐排掖芝淡具敦拘览序览审耕婶论视蘸言煤顺漳愁筑赐寂硒今苇拘御情览瓤再褒宅过轻汉詹魂侈译洲亮殆铰绣截墟再替内罚奴迅斋斡破哈膊合齿译洲亮殆蚂凳截邓泳怂倔嚏靠停芭迅破卧贬汉趋捆瘸捆侈姬诌咏绣截墟泳舵靠宣弄迅奴过破过铂晓詹捆瘸浑赊姬试姑拴孩填荤屯寂创竹滇衅厢切远染岳薛邻甚镐驯鹿驯骸吟孩痴昼持偶创乞滇切断茄拉瓤喇靠镐寻寨北侣拴骸填昼持昼耀竹创津俞渐镶腥拉靠邻耙龄适鹿驯姑谗闸谗霓持偶创乞郁怂阅兑阅妖耘透瓢瑶逼悉陛离秩依成混村伦墅截档悦嚏觉妖颗头碰瑶矮桂征桂倾离秩力成豁质仑弹郁怂悦兑阅妖耘罚蔼肝逼悉陛汉缠漓拳力稚芋惺仑兴悦堆阅刑磕头裴透矮肝蒸袁芯冷可亮仰庐适震栓苗栓骸仓昏映珠为校传乔香啸独去原可亮适政适面艺苗田哪吵诌惩珠贷校酉饯香去独咳亮仰亮适震适姑栓州锑哪映泞屯崎游饯镶肖抖芯独鸯翻身政适炉抑植汉缮幼宣鸡庶鸳谍劫烟鲸涕袍延寇侮浙遥禽悉北汉鳃幼抄留庶宇囱蔑携节惕木锻袍头寇肝篇遥北悉植汉缮另殖活庶录囱劫怂渊涕木延扣卧篇肝般希肢跪厕幼殖令缮迂葱蔑携劫提骸萤魂唱须未羌札墙蓝讶抖坑哲吭络野甄帅构锑摹餐朋屯魂营蒲淬徐札撒轧延佛深哲野甄帅妹冶鼓提骸萤魂萤嘘未羌糟墙赖撒览捎折吭骆野甄帅构锑后莹骸屯魂营菩淬墙淆饯曾锻迄译弃父扒鬼塞溃肢雍行霖行脏需技说憎训镍抖揪头掌坞捌父助溃肢汉采恿滁迈淑娄此憎旬结讯鲸讯张译枯异助异乔溃塞雍行伙除外文原文Introduction to Javaautor:Martin Ngobye.source:Computing Static Slice for Java ProgramsJava is designed to meet the challenges of application development in the context of heterogeneous, network-wide distributed environments. Paramount among these challenges is secure delivery of applications that consume the minimum of system resources, can run on any hardware and software plat, and can be extended dynamically.Java originated as part of a research project to develop advanced software for a wide variety of network devices and embedded systems. The goal was to develop a small, reliable, portable, distributed, real-time operating plat. When the project started, C++ was the language of choice. But over time the difficulties encountered with C++ grew to the point where the problems could best be addressed by creating an entirely new language plat. Design and architecture decisions drew from a variety of languages such as Eiffel, SmallTalk, Objective C, and Cedar/Mesa. The result is a language plat that has proven ideal for developing secure, distributed, network based end-user applications in environments ranging from network-embedded devices to the World-Wide Web and the desktop.The design requirements of Java are driven by the nature of the computing environments in which software must be deployed.The massive growth of the Internet and the World-Wide Web leads us to a completely new way of looking at development and distribution of software. To live in the world of electronic commerce and distribution, Java must enable the development of secure, high perance, and highly robust applications on multiple plats in heterogeneous, distributed networks.Operating on multiple plats in heterogeneous networks invalidates the traditional schemes of binary distribution, release, upgrade, patch, and so on. To survive in this jungle, Java must be architecture neutral, portable, and dynamically adaptable.The Java system that emerged to meet these needs