1. 是什么

ASP.NET Core 是一个编程框架。它的特点有:

- 跨平台

- 高性能

- 开源

- 适合构建现代云服务

- 运行在 .NET Core 上

2. 好处

- 可以做 Web UI,也可以做 Web API

- Razor Pages 让简单的页面应用易于编写

- Blazor 让 C# 可以运行在浏览器中,和 JS 互操作

- 支持 gRPC

- 内建依赖注入

- 可以托管在多种主流服务器软件上

3. 学习路线

  1. Follow a tutorial for the app type you want to develop or maintain.

App type



Web app

New server-side web UI development

Get started with Razor Pages

Web app

Maintaining an MVC app

Get started with MVC

Web app

Client-side web UI development

Get started with Blazor


RESTful HTTP services

Create a web API

Remote Procedure Call app

Contract-first services using Protocol Buffers

Get started with a gRPC service

Real-time app

Bidirectional communication between servers and connected clients

Get started with SignalR

  1. Follow a tutorial that shows how to do basic data access.



New development

Razor Pages with Entity Framework Core

Maintaining an MVC app

MVC with Entity Framework Core

  1. Read an overview of ASP.NET Core fundamentals that apply to all app types.
  2. Browse the table of contents for other topics of interest.