

python 多thread 进度条 python进度条tqdm_python 多thread 进度条


1 简单了解


python 多thread 进度条 python进度条tqdm_linux_02



import tqdmimport timefor i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1000)):    time.sleep(0.1)


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2 使用

安装就不用说了,使用pip install tqdm即可。tqdm主要有以下三种用法。

2.1 基于迭代器的(iterable-based)


from tqdm import tqdmfrom time import sleeptext = ""for char in tqdm(["a", "b", "c", "d"]):    sleep(0.25)    text = text + char


from time import sleepfrom tqdm import trangefor i in trange(100):    sleep(0.01)

这样就可以不同传入range(100)这样的迭代器了,trange()自己去构建。 除此之外,可以用tqdm()在循环外手动控制一个可迭代类型,如下:

pbar = tqdm(["a", "b", "c", "d"])for char in pbar:    sleep(0.25)    pbar.set_description("Processing %s" % char)


Processing d: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:01<00:00,  3.99it/s]


2.2 手工操作(Manual)


with tqdm(total=100) as pbar:    for i in range(10):        sleep(0.1)        pbar.update(10)


pbar = tqdm(total=100)for i in range(10):    sleep(0.1)    pbar.update(10)pbar.close()

那么这个时候,就不要忘了在结束后关闭,或者del tqdm对象了。

2.3 模块(Module)

也许tqdm的最妙用法是在脚本中或在命令行中。只需在管道之间插入tqdm(或python -m tqdm),即可将所有stdin传递到stdout,同时将进度打印到stderr。具体如何操作,我们来看看,下面也是官方给出的例子。 以下示例演示了对当前目录中所有Python文件中的行数进行计数,其中包括计时信息。(为了能够在windows系统中使用linux命令,这是使用git打开),也是当前项目路径。

time find . -name '*.py' -type f -exec cat {} ; | wc -l

python 多thread 进度条 python进度条tqdm_linux_04

linux命令补充: time[2]find[3](-exec 使用其后参数操作查找到的文件);wc[4].


time find . -name '*.py' -type f -exec cat {} ; | tqdm | wc -l


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3 参数


class tqdm():  """  Decorate an iterable object, returning an iterator which acts exactly  like the original iterable, but prints a dynamically updating  progressbar every time a value is requested.  """  def __init__(self, iterable=None, desc=None, total=None, leave=True,               file=None, ncols=None, mininterval=0.1,               maxinterval=10.0, miniters=None, ascii=None, disable=False,               unit='it', unit_scale=False, dynamic_ncols=False,               smoothing=0.3, bar_format=None, initial=0, position=None,               postfix=None, unit_divisor=1000):


Parameters        ----------        iterable  : iterable, optional            Iterable to decorate with a progressbar.            Leave blank to manually manage the updates.        desc  : str, optional            Prefix for the progressbar.        total  : int, optional            The number of expected iterations. If unspecified,            len(iterable) is used if possible. If float("inf") or as a last            resort, only basic progress statistics are displayed            (no ETA, no progressbar).            If `gui` is True and this parameter needs subsequent updating,            specify an initial arbitrary large positive integer,            e.g. int(9e9).        leave  : bool, optional            If [default: True], keeps all traces of the progressbar            upon termination of iteration.        file  : `io.TextIOWrapper` or `io.StringIO`, optional            Specifies where to output the progress messages            (default: sys.stderr). Uses `file.write(str)` and `file.flush()`            methods.  For encoding, see `write_bytes`.        ncols  : int, optional            The width of the entire output message. If specified,            dynamically resizes the progressbar to stay within this bound.            If unspecified, attempts to use environment width. The            fallback is a meter width of 10 and no limit for the counter and            statistics. If 0, will not print any meter (only stats).        mininterval  : float, optional            Minimum progress display update interval [default: 0.1] seconds.        maxinterval  : float, optional            Maximum progress display update interval [default: 10] seconds.            Automatically adjusts `miniters` to correspond to `mininterval`            after long display update lag. Only works if `dynamic_miniters`            or monitor thread is enabled.        miniters  : int, optional            Minimum progress display update interval, in iterations.            If 0 and `dynamic_miniters`, will automatically adjust to equal            `mininterval` (more CPU efficient, good for tight loops).            If > 0, will skip display of specified number of iterations.            Tweak this and `mininterval` to get very efficient loops.            If your progress is erratic with both fast and slow iterations            (network, skipping items, etc) you should set miniters=1.        ascii  : bool or str, optional            If unspecified or False, use unicode (smooth blocks) to fill            the meter. The fallback is to use ASCII characters " 123456789#".        disable  : bool, optional            Whether to disable the entire progressbar wrapper            [default: False]. If set to None, disable on non-TTY.        unit  : str, optional            String that will be used to define the unit of each iteration            [default: it].        unit_scale  : bool or int or float, optional            If 1 or True, the number of iterations will be reduced/scaled            automatically and a metric prefix following the            International System of Units standard will be added            (kilo, mega, etc.) [default: False]. If any other non-zero            number, will scale `total` and `n`.        dynamic_ncols  : bool, optional            If set, constantly alters `ncols` to the environment (allowing            for window resizes) [default: False].        smoothing  : float, optional            Exponential moving average smoothing factor for speed estimates            (ignored in GUI mode). Ranges from 0 (average speed) to 1            (current/instantaneous speed) [default: 0.3].        bar_format  : str, optional            Specify a custom bar string formatting. May impact performance.            [default: '{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}'], where            l_bar='{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}%|' and            r_bar='| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}
