sed:三剑客之第二 实现对文件的增加 删除 修改 查询 过滤 命令格式:sed 选项 sed内置命令 文件 -i -e -n a i d p s g 创建文件tobedu.txt,输入内容,并以此文件为例。 [root@toby ~]# cat -n tobyedu.txt 1 I am toby teacher! 2 I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! 3 our site is 4 5 my qq num is 12345678.

  1. 打印2到4行 [root@toby ~]# sed -n '2,4p' tobyedu.txt I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! our site is

[root@toby ~]# 2.查询不连续的行,只打印第1和第4行 [root@toby ~]# sed -n '1p;4p' tobyedu.txt I am toby teacher!

[root@toby~]# 3.过滤出含有toby字符串的行. [root@toby ~]# sed -n '/toby/p' tobyedu.txt I am toby teacher! our site is 删除含有toby字符串的行 [root@toby ~]# sed '/toby/d' tobyedu.txt I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!

my qq num is 12345678. 4.将文件中的toby替换为tobygirl [root@toby ~]# sed 's#toby#tobygirl#g' tobyedu.txt I am tobygirl teacher! I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! our site is

my qq num is 12345678. 5.将文件中的toby字符串全部替换为tobygirl且把qq号12345678替换为87654321 [root@toby ~]# sed -e 's#toby#tobygirl#g' tobyedu.txt -e 's#12345678#87654321#g' I am tobygirl teacher! I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! our site is

my qq num is 87654321. 6.在tobyedu.txt文件第2行后追加文本i like linux。 [root@toby ~]# sed '2a i like linux' tobyedu.txt I am toby teacher! I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! i like linux our site is

my qq num is 12345678. 7.在文件第2行插入文本i like tangwei [root@toby ~]# sed '2i i like tangwei' tobyedu.txt I am toby teacher! i like tangwei I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! our site is

my qq num is 12345678. 8.把第三行中的toby替换为xiaoting [root@toby ~]# sed '3s#toby#xiaoting#g' tobyedu.txt I am toby teacher! I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! our site is

my qq num is 12345678. 9.把第一行到第三行的toby字符串替换为xiaoting [root@toby ~]# sed '1,3s#toby#xiaoting#g' tobyedu.txt I am xiaoting teacher! I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! our site is

my qq num is 12345678.