Nodejs 模块化规范遵循两套一 套CommonJS规范另一套esm规范

CommonJS 规范


  1. 支持引入内置模块例如 http os fs child_process 等nodejs内置模块
  2. 支持引入第三方模块express md5 koa
  3. 支持引入自己编写的模块 ./ ../ 等
  4. 支持引入addon C++扩展模块 .node文件
const fs = require('node:fs');  // 导入核心模块
const express = require('express');  // 导入 node_modules 目录下的模块
const myModule = require('./myModule.js');  // 导入相对路径下的模块
const nodeModule = require('./myModule.node');  // 导入扩展模块

导出模块exports 和 module.exports

module.exports = {
  hello: function() {
    console.log('Hello, world!');


module.exports = 123


引入模块 import 必须写在头部

注意使用ESM模块的时候必须开启一个选项 打开package.json 设置 type:module

import fs from 'node:fs'

如果要引入json文件需要特殊处理 需要增加断言并且指定类型json node低版本不支持

import data from './data.json' assert { type: "json" };


import * as all from 'xxx.js'





  • 导出一个默认对象 default只能有一个不可重复export default
export default {
    name: 'test',
  • 导出变量
export const a = 1

Cjs 和 ESM 的区别

  1. Cjs是基于运行时的同步加载,esm是基于编译时的异步加载
  2. Cjs是可以修改值的,esm值并且不可修改(可读的)
  3. Cjs不可以tree shaking,esm支持tree shaking
  4. commonjs中顶层的this指向这个模块本身,而ES6中顶层this指向undefined


Module._extensions['.json'] = function(module, filename) {
  const content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');

  if (policy?.manifest) {
    const moduleURL = pathToFileURL(filename);
    policy.manifest.assertIntegrity(moduleURL, content);

  try {
    setOwnProperty(module, 'exports', JSONParse(stripBOM(content)));
  } catch (err) {
    err.message = filename + ': ' + err.message;
    throw err;

使用fs读取json文件读取完成之后是个字符串 然后JSON.parse变成对象返回

Module._extensions['.node'] = function(module, filename) {
  if (policy?.manifest) {
    const content = fs.readFileSync(filename);
    const moduleURL = pathToFileURL(filename);
    policy.manifest.assertIntegrity(moduleURL, content);
  // Be aware this doesn't use `content`
  return process.dlopen(module, path.toNamespacedPath(filename));

发现是通过process.dlopen 方法处理.node文件

Module._extensions['.js'] = function(module, filename) {
  // If already analyzed the source, then it will be cached.
  const cached = cjsParseCache.get(module);
  let content;
  if (cached?.source) {
    content = cached.source; //有缓存就直接用
    cached.source = undefined;
  } else {
    content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); //否则从文件系统读取源代码
  if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(filename, '.js')) {
    const pkg = readPackageScope(filename);
    // Function require shouldn't be used in ES modules.
    if (pkg?.data?.type === 'module') {
      const parent = moduleParentCache.get(module);
      const parentPath = parent?.filename;
      const packageJsonPath = path.resolve(pkg.path, 'package.json');
      const usesEsm = hasEsmSyntax(content);
      const err = new ERR_REQUIRE_ESM(filename, usesEsm, parentPath,
      // Attempt to reconstruct the parent require frame.
      //如果抛出了错误,它还会尝试重构父模块的 require 调用堆栈
      if (Module._cache[parentPath]) {
        let parentSource;
        try {
          parentSource = fs.readFileSync(parentPath, 'utf8');
        } catch {
          // Continue regardless of error.
        if (parentSource) {
          const errLine = StringPrototypeSplit(
            StringPrototypeSlice(err.stack, StringPrototypeIndexOf(
              err.stack, '    at ')), '\n', 1)[0];
          const { 1: line, 2: col } =
              RegExpPrototypeExec(/(\d+):(\d+)\)/, errLine) || [];
          if (line && col) {
            const srcLine = StringPrototypeSplit(parentSource, '\n')[line - 1];
            const frame = `${parentPath}:${line}\n${srcLine}\n${
              StringPrototypeRepeat(' ', col - 1)}^\n`;
            setArrowMessage(err, frame);
      throw err;
  module._compile(content, filename);

如果缓存过这个模块就直接从缓存中读取,如果没有缓存就从fs读取文件,并且判断如果是cjs但是type为module就报错,并且从父模块读取详细的行号进行报错,如果没问题就调用 compile

Module.prototype._compile = function(content, filename) {
  let moduleURL;
  let redirects;
  const manifest = policy?.manifest;
  if (manifest) {
    moduleURL = pathToFileURL(filename);
    redirects = manifest.getDependencyMapper(moduleURL);
    manifest.assertIntegrity(moduleURL, content); 
   * @filename {string}  文件名
   * @content {string}   文件内容
  const compiledWrapper = wrapSafe(filename, content, this);

  let inspectorWrapper = null;
  if (getOptionValue('--inspect-brk') && process._eval == null) {
    if (!resolvedArgv) {
      // We enter the repl if we're not given a filename argument.
      if (process.argv[1]) {
        try {
          resolvedArgv = Module._resolveFilename(process.argv[1], null, false);
        } catch {
          // We only expect this codepath to be reached in the case of a
          // preloaded module (it will fail earlier with the main entry)
      } else {
        resolvedArgv = 'repl';

    // Set breakpoint on module start
    if (resolvedArgv && !hasPausedEntry && filename === resolvedArgv) {
      hasPausedEntry = true;
      inspectorWrapper = internalBinding('inspector').callAndPauseOnStart;
  const dirname = path.dirname(filename);
  const require = makeRequireFunction(this, redirects);
  let result;
  const exports = this.exports;
  const thisValue = exports;
  const module = this;
  if (requireDepth === 0) statCache = new SafeMap();
  if (inspectorWrapper) {
    result = inspectorWrapper(compiledWrapper, thisValue, exports,
                              require, module, filename, dirname);
  } else {
    result = ReflectApply(compiledWrapper, thisValue,
                          [exports, require, module, filename, dirname]);
  hasLoadedAnyUserCJSModule = true;
  if (requireDepth === 0) statCache = null;
  return result;

首先,它检查是否存在安全策略对象 policy.manifest。如果存在,表示有安全策略限制需要处理 将函数将模块文件名转换为URL格式,redirects是一个URL映射表,用于处理模块依赖关系,manifest则是一个安全策略对象,用于检测模块的完整性和安全性,然后调用wrapSafe

function wrapSafe(filename, content, cjsModuleInstance) {
  if (patched) {
    const wrapper = Module.wrap(content);
    //import { a } from './a.js'; 类似于eval
    const script = new Script(wrapper, {
      lineOffset: 0,
      importModuleDynamically: async (specifier, _, importAssertions) => {
        const loader = asyncESM.esmLoader;
        return loader.import(specifier, normalizeReferrerURL(filename),

    // Cache the source map for the module if present.
    if (script.sourceMapURL) {
      maybeCacheSourceMap(filename, content, this, false, undefined, script.sourceMapURL);
    return script.runInThisContext({
      displayErrors: true,


let wrap = function(script) {
  return Module.wrapper[0] + script + Module.wrapper[1];
//(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
 //const xm = 18
const wrapper = [
  '(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ',

wrap方法 发现就是把我们的代码包装到一个函数里面

//(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
//const xm = 18 我们的代码

然后继续看wrapSafe函数,发现把返回的字符串也就是包装之后的代码放入nodejs虚拟机里面Script,看有没有动态import去加载,最后返回执行后的结果,然后继续看_compile,获取到wrapSafe返回的函数,通过Reflect.apply调用因为要填充五个参数[exports, require, module, filename, dirname],最后返回执行完的结果。