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The Phone app on your iPhone has a convenient “Favorites” section where you can find your most important contacts. Here’s how to choose which contacts appear here.

iPhone上的“电话”应用程序具有方便的“收藏夹”部分,您可以在其中找到最重要的联系人。 这是选择出现在此处的联系人的方法。

You can also set Do Not Disturb so that your favorite contacts can always reach you—even if other incoming phone calls won’t ring your iPhone. This can be vital in an emergency.

您还可以设置“ 请勿打扰”,以便您喜欢的联系人始终可以与您联系,即使其他来电不会打扰您的iPhone。 这在紧急情况下可能至关重要。

Favorites have been around since the very early days of the iPhone, but that likely means that you’ve forgotten that they exist. And that’s a real shame because this feature is so useful.

自iPhone诞生之日起,就开始出现收藏夹,但这可能意味着您已经忘记了它们的存在。 真是可惜,因为此功能是如此有用。

(How to Add a Contact to Favorites)

To add a contact to favorites, open the Phone app—the one with the green phone icon—and tap the “Favorites” button before tapping the “+” button in the top-left corner.

要将联系人添加到收藏夹,请打开“电话”应用程序(带有绿色电话图标的应用程序),然后点击“收藏夹”按钮,然后再点击左上角的“ +”按钮。

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Next, find the contact that you want to add and tap their name.


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You will now be shown all of the types of entries you can create for the contact you selected. Those include “Message,” “Call,” “Video,” and “Mail.” Tap the type of favorite you want to create. When tapped, that is the action that will be performed when the favorite is activated. For this how-to, let’s select “Message.”

现在将显示您可以为所选联系人创建的所有条目类型。 这些包括“消息”,“呼叫”,“视频”和“邮件”。 点击您要创建的收藏夹的类型。 轻按时,即激活收藏夹时将执行的操作。 对于此操作方法,我们选择“消息”。

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All available phone numbers or email addresses will now be displayed. Tap the one that you want to assign as a favorite.

现在将显示所有可用的电话号码或电子邮件地址。 点击您要分配为收藏夹的那个。

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That’s all there is to it, and you now have a new entry in Favorites. Tapping it will start a chat in Messages, start a voice or video call, or compose a new email depending on the options you chose earlier.

这就是全部,现在您在“收藏夹”中有了一个新条目。 轻按它可以在“消息”中开始聊天,开始语音或视频通话或撰写新电子邮件,具体取决于您之前选择的选项。

(How to Remove a Contact from Favorites)

Open the Phone app and tap “Favorites before tapping the “Edit” button at the top of the screen.


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Next, tap the red “Delete” button to the left of the contact that you wish to remove and then tap the “Delete” button that appears to the right.


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(How to Allow Favorites to Bypass Do Not Disturb)

Open the Settings app and tap “Do Not Disturb.”


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Next, tap the “Allow Calls From” option.


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Finally, tap “Favorites” to allow calls from those designated as favorites to bypass Do Not Disturb when it is active.


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