Docker harbor私有仓库的搭建


  • Docker harbor私有仓库的搭建
  • 1.docker的环境
  • 2.docker harbor




docker harbor服务器


2.docker harbor

  • docker环境的部署(两个docker服务器都要装)
yum -y install yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
yum-config-manager --add-repo
yum -y install docker-ce

systemctl restart docker
systemctl enable docker

tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF'

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

vim /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p
systemctl restart network
systemctl restart docker
  • docker-compose的安装(此处仅harbor服务器装)
cp -p docker-compose /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

docker-compose -v
  • docker harbor的部署
wget http://
tar zxvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz -C /usr/local/
tar -zxvf harbor.v1.2.2.tar.gz

vim /usr/local/harbor/harbor.cfg
//5 hostname =
  • 关于harbor.cfg配置文件
关于 Harbor.cfg 配置文件中有两类参数:所需参数和可选参数
(1)所需参数 这些参数需要在配置文件 Harbor.cfg 中设置。
如果用户更新它们并运行 install.sh脚本重新安装 Harbour,

hostname:用于访问用户界面和 register 服务。它应该是目标机器的 IP 地址或完全限 定的域名(FQDN)
例如 或。不要使用 localhost 或 为主机名。

ui_url_protocol:(http 或 https,默认为 http)用于访问 UI 和令牌/通知服务的协议。如果公证处于启用状态,则此参数必须为 https。


db_password:用于db_auth 的MySQL数据库root 用户的密码。

当由外部来源提供密钥和根证书时,将此属性设置为 off。

ssl_cert:SSL 证书的路径,仅当协议设置为 https 时才应用。

ssl_cert_key:SSL 密钥的路径,仅当协议设置为 https 时才应用。

secretkey_path:用于在复制策略中加密或解密远程 register 密码的密钥路径。


这些参数对于更新是可选的,即用户可以将其保留为默认值,并在启动 Harbor 后在 Web UI 上进行更新。
如果进入 Harbor.cfg,只会在第一次启动 Harbor 时生效,随后对这些参数 的更新,Harbor.cfg 将被忽略。

注意:如果选择通过UI设置这些参数,请确保在启动Harbour后立即执行此操作。具体来说,必须在注册或在 Harbor 中创建任何新用户之前设置所需的
auth_mode。当系统中有用户时(除了默认的 admin 用户),auth_mode 不能被修改。具体参数如下:

请注意,在默认情况下SSL连接时没有启用。如果SMTP服务器需要SSL,但不支持STARTTLS,那么应该通过设置启用SSL email_ssl = TRUE。

harbour_admin_password:管理员的初始密码,只在Harbour第一次启动时生效。之后,此设置将被忽略,并且应 UI中设置管理员的密码。
请注意,默认的用户名/密码是 admin/Harbor12345。

auth_mode:使用的认证类型,默认情况下,它是 db_auth,即凭据存储在数据库中。对于LDAP身份验证,请将其设置为 ldap_auth。

self_registration:启用/禁用用户注册功能。禁用时,新用户只能由 Admin 用户创建,只有管理员用户可以在 Harbour中创建新用户。
注意:当 auth_mode 设置为 ldap_auth 时,自注册功能将始终处于禁用状态,并且该标志被忽略。

Token_expiration:由令牌服务创建的令牌的到期时间(分钟),默认为 30 分钟。

project_creation_restriction:用于控制哪些用户有权创建项目的标志。默认情况下, 每个人都可以创建一个项目。
如果将其值设置为“adminonly”,那么只有 admin 可以创建项目。

verify_remote_cert:打开或关闭,默认打开。此标志决定了当Harbor与远程 register 实例通信时是否验证 SSL/TLS 证书。
将此属性设置为 off 将绕过 SSL/TLS 验证,这在远程实例具有自签名或不可信证书时经常使用。

另外,默认情况下,Harbour 将镜像存储在本地文件系统上。在生产环境中,可以考虑 使用其他存储后端而不是本地文件系统,
如 S3、Openstack Swif、Ceph 等。但需要更新 common/templates/registry/config.yml 文件。
  • 启动harbor
sh /usr/local/harbor/
  • 启动harbor后
[Step 0]: checking installation environment ...

Note: docker version: 19.03.8

Note: docker-compose version: 1.21.1

[Step 1]: loading Harbor images ...
dd60b611baaa: Loading layer  133.2MB/133.2MB
abf0579c40fd: Loading layer  1.536kB/1.536kB
ea1fc7bed9c5: Loading layer  22.48MB/22.48MB
1d6671367c69: Loading layer  7.168kB/7.168kB
b322bb3e4765: Loading layer  5.339MB/5.339MB
0cf512d418ac: Loading layer  9.728kB/9.728kB
4a7cdc0b1a2b: Loading layer   2.56kB/2.56kB
ef1130526636: Loading layer  22.48MB/22.48MB
Loaded image: vmware/harbor-ui:v1.2.2
4a050fccec52: Loading layer  12.16MB/12.16MB
d918d73369ec: Loading layer   17.3MB/17.3MB
22898836924e: Loading layer  15.87kB/15.87kB
Loaded image: vmware/notary-photon:server-0.5.0
76c156eab077: Loading layer    134MB/134MB
1eae6563289a: Loading layer  16.42MB/16.42MB
Loaded image: vmware/nginx-photon:1.11.13
2e814f7ef645: Loading layer  2.048kB/2.048kB
bc5742b580db: Loading layer  2.048kB/2.048kB
5413bcdb81b0: Loading layer   2.56kB/2.56kB
c4e2be066795: Loading layer  3.584kB/3.584kB
a4ea62be60b0: Loading layer   22.8MB/22.8MB
800a351ae5da: Loading layer   22.8MB/22.8MB
Loaded image: vmware/registry:2.6.2-photon
Loaded image: photon:1.0
a39bd6a7f897: Loading layer  10.95MB/10.95MB
6f79b8337a1f: Loading layer   17.3MB/17.3MB
74bbd0e81dd0: Loading layer  15.87kB/15.87kB
Loaded image: vmware/notary-photon:signer-0.5.0
2202528221a2: Loading layer   7.07MB/7.07MB
4fe250d3c912: Loading layer   7.07MB/7.07MB
Loaded image: vmware/harbor-adminserver:v1.2.2
9463fb852970: Loading layer  75.37MB/75.37MB
d2c9a2a395d9: Loading layer  3.584kB/3.584kB
b08aea2a8a82: Loading layer  3.072kB/3.072kB
103e65a1013b: Loading layer  3.072kB/3.072kB
Loaded image: vmware/harbor-log:v1.2.2
5d6cbe0dbcf9: Loading layer  129.2MB/129.2MB
435f2dfbd884: Loading layer  344.6kB/344.6kB
814d7b59f0cc: Loading layer  4.657MB/4.657MB
aae399245bd0: Loading layer  1.536kB/1.536kB
21e2ae955f72: Loading layer  33.84MB/33.84MB
a2d0f7b84059: Loading layer  25.09kB/25.09kB
819fa6af55b8: Loading layer  3.584kB/3.584kB
78914c99a468: Loading layer  167.7MB/167.7MB
36e79c658afb: Loading layer  6.144kB/6.144kB
f73503aca003: Loading layer  9.216kB/9.216kB
a21b39f6da59: Loading layer  1.536kB/1.536kB
ef81eb7c77b3: Loading layer  8.704kB/8.704kB
08d0cfe60b0d: Loading layer  4.608kB/4.608kB
0864dda8f611: Loading layer  4.608kB/4.608kB
Loaded image: vmware/harbor-db:v1.2.2
29d1f4ae97dd: Loading layer  18.31MB/18.31MB
7caf936e1402: Loading layer  18.31MB/18.31MB
Loaded image: vmware/harbor-jobservice:v1.2.2
78dbfa5b7cbc: Loading layer  130.9MB/130.9MB
5f70bf18a086: Loading layer  1.024kB/1.024kB
8deec01122be: Loading layer  344.6kB/344.6kB
574ab36807f2: Loading layer  1.536kB/1.536kB
d8f2cde2eef8: Loading layer  20.48kB/20.48kB
eaa3924b054e: Loading layer   5.12kB/5.12kB
8aa2c772121c: Loading layer  184.3MB/184.3MB
c3014bbccb0b: Loading layer  8.704kB/8.704kB
978a35efaa8c: Loading layer  4.608kB/4.608kB
c2385ae7d6e5: Loading layer   16.6MB/16.6MB
Loaded image: vmware/harbor-notary-db:mariadb-10.1.10
c192a34d4ff4: Loading layer  155.2MB/155.2MB
d012a9276a83: Loading layer  10.75MB/10.75MB
b8befd881cb5: Loading layer  10.75MB/10.75MB
Loaded image: vmware/clair:v2.0.1-photon
bbda1562018e: Loading layer  101.6MB/101.6MB
1171ab08cc04: Loading layer  6.656kB/6.656kB
6df81d3a0683: Loading layer  6.656kB/6.656kB
Loaded image: vmware/postgresql:9.6.4-photon

[Step 2]: preparing environment ...
Generated and saved secret to file: /data/secretkey
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/nginx.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/adminserver/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/registry/config.yml
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/db/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/app.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/app.conf
Generated certificate, key file: ./common/config/ui/private_key.pem, cert file: ./common/config/registry/root.crt
The configuration files are ready, please use docker-compose to start the service.

[Step 3]: checking existing instance of Harbor ...

[Step 4]: starting Harbor ...
Creating network "harbor_harbor" with the default driver
Creating harbor-log ... done
Creating registry           ... done
Creating harbor-adminserver ... done
Creating harbor-db          ... done
Creating harbor-ui          ... done
Creating harbor-jobservice  ... done
Creating nginx              ... done

? ----Harbor has been installed and started successfully.----

Now you should be able to visit the admin portal at 
For more details, please visit .
  • 查看harbor的启用的镜像
[root@localhost harbor]# docker images
REPOSITORY                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
vmware/harbor-log           v1.2.2              36ef78ae27df        2 years ago         200MB
vmware/harbor-jobservice    v1.2.2              e2af366cba44        2 years ago         164MB
vmware/harbor-ui            v1.2.2              39efb472c253        2 years ago         178MB
vmware/harbor-adminserver   v1.2.2              c75963ec543f        2 years ago         142MB
vmware/harbor-db            v1.2.2              ee7b9fa37c5d        2 years ago         329MB
vmware/nginx-photon         1.11.13             6cc5c831fc7f        2 years ago         144MB
vmware/registry             2.6.2-photon        5d9100e4350e        2 years ago         173MB
vmware/postgresql           9.6.4-photon        c562762cbd12        2 years ago         225MB
vmware/clair                v2.0.1-photon       f04966b4af6c        2 years ago         297MB
vmware/harbor-notary-db     mariadb-10.1.10     64ed814665c6        3 years ago         324MB
vmware/notary-photon        signer-0.5.0        b1eda7d10640        3 years ago         156MB
vmware/notary-photon        server-0.5.0        6e2646682e3c        3 years ago         157MB
photon                      1.0                 e6e4e4a2ba1b        3 years ago         128MB
  • 查看运行的容器
[root@localhost harbor]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                              NAMES
b88094e8616f        vmware/nginx-photon:1.11.13        "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>4443/tcp   nginx
42b742af93a5        vmware/harbor-jobservice:v1.2.2    "/harbor/harbor_jobs…"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes                                                                           harbor-jobservice
a3cc2aa0274a        vmware/harbor-ui:v1.2.2            "/harbor/harbor_ui"      6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes                                                                           harbor-ui
6c2055159736        vmware/harbor-db:v1.2.2            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        3306/tcp                                                           harbor-db
d5c7e33e9514        vmware/registry:2.6.2-photon       "/ serv…"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        5000/tcp                                                           registry
58fd1d2a4c89        vmware/harbor-adminserver:v1.2.2   "/harbor/harbor_admi…"   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes                                                                           harbor-adminserver
caca5edaf5b7        vmware/harbor-log:v1.2.2           "/bin/sh -c 'crond &…"   7 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes>514/tcp                                            harbor-log
  • 查看docker-compose的详细信息
[root@localhost harbor]# docker-compose ps
       Name                     Command               State                    Ports                 
harbor-adminserver   /harbor/harbor_adminserver       Up                                             
harbor-db   mysqld      Up      3306/tcp                               
harbor-jobservice    /harbor/harbor_jobservice        Up                                             
harbor-log           /bin/sh -c crond && rm -f  ...   Up>514/tcp                
harbor-ui            /harbor/harbor_ui                Up                                             
nginx                nginx -g daemon off;             Up>443/tcp,                  
registry             / serve /etc/ ...   Up      5000/tcp
  • 登录网站

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker compose

  • 登录之后的具体信息

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker_02

  • 新建项目

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_harbor配置nginx_03

  • 新建的项目之后的结果

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_harbor_04

  • 在服务器端登录私有仓库
[root@localhost harbor]# docker login -u admin -p Harbor12345
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
  • 从官网上下载镜像

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_私有仓库_05

  • 打标签上传镜像

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker_06

  • 在网站上查看信息

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker_07

  • 在client上面登录
[root@localhost ~]# docker login -u root -p Harbor12345
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
  • 修改docker的配置文件
Docker Registry 交互默认使用的是 HTTPS,但是搭建私有镜 像默认使用的是 HTTP 服务,所以与私有镜像交互时出现以下错误。
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --insecure-registry --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
  • 登录docker harbor的仓库

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker_08

  • 下载并查看镜像
[root@localhost ~]# docker pull cirros
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/cirros
f513001ba4ab: Pull complete 
8da581cc9286: Pull complete 
856628d95d17: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:21874a9fd73378a29345163e026bc9c2a61aef62526f2b4f22a5d488059970f6
Status: Downloaded newer image for cirros:latest
[root@localhost ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
cirros              latest              3c82e4d066cf        7 weeks ago         12.6MB
  • 打标签并上传cirros镜像
[root@localhost ~]# docker tag cirros
[root@localhost ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
cirros                             latest              3c82e4d066cf        7 weeks ago         12.6MB   v2                  3c82e4d066cf        7 weeks ago         12.6MB
[root@localhost ~]# docker push
The push refers to repository []
858d98ac4893: Layer already exists 
aa107a407592: Layer already exists 
b993cfcfd8fd: Layer already exists 
v2: digest: sha256:c7d58d6d463247a2540b8c10ff012c34fd443426462e891b13119a9c66dfd28a size: 943
  • 到网站上查看

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_私有仓库_09

  • 创建harbor的用户

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker_10

  • 查看用户

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker_11

  • 设置用户为管理员

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker compose_12

  • 将用户设置为项目的开发者

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_docker_13

  • 登录刚刚创建的用户
[root@localhost ~]# docker rmi 
[root@localhost ~]# docker logout
Removing login credentials for
[root@localhost ~]# docker login
Username: dsp
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded
  • 下载镜像
[root@localhost ~]# docker pull
v2: Pulling from testproject/cirros
Digest: sha256:c7d58d6d463247a2540b8c10ff012c34fd443426462e891b13119a9c66dfd28a
Status: Downloaded newer image for
[root@localhost ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE   v2                  3c82e4d066cf        7 weeks ago         12.6MB
cirros                             latest              3c82e4d066cf        7 weeks ago
  • 上传镜像
[root@localhost ~]# docker tag cirros
[root@localhost ~]# docker push
The push refers to repository []
858d98ac4893: Layer already exists 
aa107a407592: Layer already exists 
b993cfcfd8fd: Layer already exists 
v3: digest: sha256:c7d58d6d463247a2540b8c10ff012c34fd443426462e891b13119a9c66dfd28a size: 943
  • 在浏览器中查看

harbor配置nginx harbor配置仓库 is unhealthy_harbor_14