

看过Hibernate和iBatis的强大,也见过最原始的BaseDAO使用的痛苦。有的时候我感觉很纳闷,既然要主张DAO的灵活,那就不可能将复杂的SQL都支持或支持得非常好;又要主张ORM,那就又得作一些限制。于是,我只能依着自己的实际来写一套自己的简易版ORM框架,去除Hibernate这类框架的复杂关联映射,仅支持单表的持久化映射动作。目前这个简易版ORM框架在Oracle/MySQL/MS SQL Server中均通过初步测试,既可以中规中矩地使用GenericsDAO这个类来完成常用的DAO动作(CRUD),又可以破框架直接继承GenericsBaseDAO这个类来完成复杂查询条件的DAO类的编写。下面的图片中就演示了这两个方面的应用:




javaee 轻量级如何定义 java轻量级orm_java




package com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.example;

import java.util.List;

import com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.dao.genericsdao.GenericsDAO;
import com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.dao.genericsdao.IGenericsDAO;
import com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.dao.parameter.SQLParameterWrapper;
import com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.example.pojo.AccountPOJO;

 * 泛型数据访问测试类
 * TestGenericsDAO
 * @author CodingMouse
 * @version 1.0 2009-6-20
public class TestGenericsDAO {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		IGenericsDAO<AccountPOJO> dao = new GenericsDAO<AccountPOJO>();

		try {
			// 0、查询所有POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.find(AccountPOJO.class);
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 1、查询多个POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.find(
//				AccountPOJO.class,
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("accountstate", 0));
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 2、查询单个POJO(多条件查询)
//			AccountPOJO account = dao.get(
//					AccountPOJO.class,
//					SQLParameterWrapper.build("accountstate", 1),
//					SQLParameterWrapper.build("birthday", java.sql.Date.valueOf("1984-12-26")));
//			System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
			// 3、模糊查询多个POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.find(
//				AccountPOJO.class,
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("accountname", "邓/%"),
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("email", "like", "%@gmail.com"));
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 4、模糊查询单个POJO
//			AccountPOJO account = dao.get(
//				AccountPOJO.class,
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("accountname", "/%超"));
//			System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
			// 5、运算符查询多个POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.find(
//				AccountPOJO.class,
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("onlinecount", ">=", 500),
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("email", "zh/%"));
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(account.getAccountid() 
//					+ " | " + account.getAccountname() 
//					+ " | " + account.getEmail() 
//					+ " | " + account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 6、运算符查询指定区间的POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.find(
//				AccountPOJO.class,
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("birthday", ">", java.sql.Date.valueOf("1982-01-01")),
//				SQLParameterWrapper.build("birthday", "<", java.sql.Date.valueOf("1984-12-31")));
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 7、查询单个POJO(通过ID列)
//			AccountPOJO account = dao.get(AccountPOJO.class, 5);
//			System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
			// 8、根据条件POJO查询单个POJO
//			AccountPOJO account = dao.get(new AccountPOJO(5, null, 1321, java.sql.Date.valueOf("1987-10-21"), null, null, null, true));
//			System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
			// 9、根据条件POJO查询多个POJO
//			AccountPOJO conditionModel = new AccountPOJO();
//			conditionModel.setLoginpassword("/%pwd");
//			conditionModel.setAccountstate(true);
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.find(conditionModel);
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 10、分页查询多个POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.findPage(AccountPOJO.class, 3, 12);
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(
//					account.getAccountid() + " | " 
//					+ account.getAccountname() + " | " 
//					+ account.getEmail() + " | " 
//					+ account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 11、根据SQL条件对象分页查询多个POJO
			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.findPage(
				AccountPOJO.class, 1, 10,
				SQLParameterWrapper.build("email", "/%@gmail.com"));
			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
				AccountPOJO other = new AccountPOJO();
				System.out.print("hashCode = " + (account.hashCode() + " | " + other.hashCode()));
				System.out.println(", equals = " + account.equals(other));
			// 12、根据条件POJO分页查询多个POJO
//			AccountPOJO conditionModel = new AccountPOJO();
//			conditionModel.setLoginpassword("/%6");
//			conditionModel.setAccountstate(true);
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.findPage(conditionModel, 3, 15);
//			for (AccountPOJO account : list) {
//				System.out.println(account.getAccountid() + " | " + account.getAccountname() + " | " + account.getEmail() + " | " + account.getBirthday());
//			}
			// 1、添加单个POJO
//			AccountPOJO account = new AccountPOJO(null, "测试添加1", 1, java.sql.Date.valueOf("1982-02-01"), "test1", "test1pwd", "test1@test.com", true);
//			if (dao.save(account)) {
//				System.out.println("添加 " + account.getAccountname() + " 成功!");
//			} else {
//				System.out.println("添加 " + account.getAccountname() + " 失败!");
//			}
			// 2、批量添加多个POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = new Vector<AccountPOJO>();
//			for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//				list.add(new AccountPOJO(null, (i%3==0 ? "新保存的数据" : "批量添加测试") + (i+1), 1, java.sql.Date.valueOf("1986-02-01"), "NewTest" + (i+1), "newtestpwd" + (i+1), "newtest" + (i+1) + "@gmail.com", true));
//			}
//			long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
//			if (dao.saveBatch(list)) {
//				System.out.println(list.size() + "条测试数据批处理添加成功!");
//			} else {
//				System.out.println(list.size() + "条测试数据批处理添加失败!");
//			}
//			System.out.println("累计耗时:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "毫秒!");
			// 3、非批量方式添加多个POJO
//			List<AccountPOJO> list = new Vector<AccountPOJO>();
//			for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//				list.add(new AccountPOJO(null, "新建测试数据" + (i+1), 1, java.sql.Date.valueOf("1986-02-01"), "NewTest" + (i+1), "newtestpwd" + (i+1), "newtest" + (i+1) + "@gmail.com", true));
//			}
//			long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
//			for (AccountPOJO accountPOJO : list) {
//				if (!dao.save(accountPOJO)) {
//					System.out.println("测试数据使用非批处理方式添加失败! -- " + accountPOJO.getAccountname());
//				}
//			}
//			System.out.println(list.size() + "条测试数据使用非批处理方式添加成功!");
//			System.out.println("累计耗时:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "毫秒!");
			// 1、修改单个POJO(先加载后修改)
//			try {
//				AccountPOJO persistenceModel = dao.get(AccountPOJO.class, 123);
//				persistenceModel.setAccountname("潘美辰123");
//				persistenceModel.setOnlinecount(666);
//				persistenceModel.setEmail("mm28@gmail.com");
//				System.out.println("修改是否成功?" + dao.update(persistenceModel));
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				e.printStackTrace();
//			}
			// 2、修改多个POJO(先加载后修改)
//			try {
//				AccountPOJO persistenceModel1 = dao.get(AccountPOJO.class, 121);
//				persistenceModel1.setAccountname("潘长江121");
//				persistenceModel1.setOnlinecount(111);
//				persistenceModel1.setEmail("changjiang121@gmail.com");
//				AccountPOJO persistenceModel2 = dao.get(AccountPOJO.class, 123);
//				persistenceModel2.setAccountname("潘长江123");
//				persistenceModel2.setOnlinecount(222);
//				persistenceModel2.setEmail("changjiang123@gmail.com");
//				List<AccountPOJO> persistenceModelList = new Vector<AccountPOJO>();
//				persistenceModelList.add(persistenceModel1);
//				persistenceModelList.add(persistenceModel2);
//				System.out.println("批量修改是否成功?" + dao.updateBatch(persistenceModelList));
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				e.printStackTrace();
//			}
			// 1、根据模型ID移除单个实体模型
//			try {
//				int accountId = 122;
//				if (dao.delete(AccountPOJO.class, accountId)) {
//					System.out.println("删除编号为 " + accountId + " 的账户成功!");
//				} else {
//					System.out.println("删除编号为 " + accountId + " 的账户失败!");
//				}
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				e.printStackTrace();
//			}
			// 2、根据查询条件移除单个/多个实体模型
//			try {
//				int count = dao.delete(AccountPOJO.class, SQLParameterWrapper.build("loginname", "/%11"));
//				System.out.println("删除了 " + count + " 条账户信息!");
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				e.printStackTrace();
//			}
			// 3、根据查询条件模型移除单个/多个实体模型
//			try {
//				AccountPOJO account = new AccountPOJO();
//				account.setAccountname("/%00");
//				account.setEmail("/%@gmail.com");
//				int count = dao.delete(account);
//				System.out.println("删除了 " + count + " 条账户信息!");
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				e.printStackTrace();
//			}
			// 4、批量移除模型有序集合中的所有模型
//			try {
//				AccountPOJO account1 = new AccountPOJO();
//				account1.setAccountname("/%013");
//				account1.setEmail("/%@gmail.com");
//				AccountPOJO account2 = new AccountPOJO();
//				account2.setAccountname("/%014");
//				account2.setEmail("/%@gmail.com");
//				List<AccountPOJO> modelList = new Vector<AccountPOJO>();
//				modelList.add(account1);
//				modelList.add(account2);
//				if (dao.deleteBatch(modelList)) {
//					System.out.println("批量删除账户信息成功!");
//				} else {
//					System.out.println("批量删除账户信息失败!");
//				}
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				e.printStackTrace();
//			}
		} catch (Exception e) {




package com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.example.pojo;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.sql.Date;

 * AccountPOJO 
 * @author CodingMouse's POJOGenerator
 * @version v1.0.0.1 2009-08-08 02:51:55
public class AccountPOJO implements Serializable {

	 * Private Fields
	private static final long serialVersionUID = -2019752403L;
	private Integer accountid;
	private String accountname;
	private Integer onlinecount;
	private Date birthday;
	private String loginname;
	private String loginpassword;
	private String email;
	private Boolean accountstate;

	 * Default Constructor
	public AccountPOJO() {

	 * Full Constructor
	 * @param accountid 
	 * @param accountname 
	 * @param onlinecount 
	 * @param birthday 
	 * @param loginname 
	 * @param loginpassword 
	 * @param email 
	 * @param accountstate 
	public AccountPOJO(
		Integer accountid, 
		String accountname, 
		Integer onlinecount, 
		Date birthday, 
		String loginname, 
		String loginpassword, 
		String email, 
		Boolean accountstate) {
		this.accountid = accountid;
		this.accountname = accountname;
		this.onlinecount = onlinecount;
		this.birthday = birthday;
		this.loginname = loginname;
		this.loginpassword = loginpassword;
		this.email = email;
		this.accountstate = accountstate;

	 * Private field accountid Getter method.
	 * @return accountid 
	public Integer getAccountid() {
		return this.accountid;

	 * Private field accountid Setter method.
	 * @param accountid 
	public void setAccountid(Integer accountid) {
		this.accountid = accountid;

	 * Private field accountname Getter method.
	 * @return accountname 
	public String getAccountname() {
		return this.accountname;

	 * Private field accountname Setter method.
	 * @param accountname 
	public void setAccountname(String accountname) {
		this.accountname = accountname;

	 * Private field onlinecount Getter method.
	 * @return onlinecount 
	public Integer getOnlinecount() {
		return this.onlinecount;

	 * Private field onlinecount Setter method.
	 * @param onlinecount 
	public void setOnlinecount(Integer onlinecount) {
		this.onlinecount = onlinecount;

	 * Private field birthday Getter method.
	 * @return birthday 
	public Date getBirthday() {
		return this.birthday;

	 * Private field birthday Setter method.
	 * @param birthday 
	public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {
		this.birthday = birthday;

	 * Private field loginname Getter method.
	 * @return loginname 
	public String getLoginname() {
		return this.loginname;

	 * Private field loginname Setter method.
	 * @param loginname 
	public void setLoginname(String loginname) {
		this.loginname = loginname;

	 * Private field loginpassword Getter method.
	 * @return loginpassword 
	public String getLoginpassword() {
		return this.loginpassword;

	 * Private field loginpassword Setter method.
	 * @param loginpassword 
	public void setLoginpassword(String loginpassword) {
		this.loginpassword = loginpassword;

	 * Private field email Getter method.
	 * @return email 
	public String getEmail() {
		return this.email;

	 * Private field email Setter method.
	 * @param email 
	public void setEmail(String email) {
		this.email = email;

	 * Private field accountstate Getter method.
	 * @return accountstate 
	public Boolean getAccountstate() {
		return this.accountstate;

	 * Private field accountstate Setter method.
	 * @param accountstate 
	public void setAccountstate(Boolean accountstate) {
		this.accountstate = accountstate;

	 * The object's equivalence test method.
	 * @param otherObject Another object
	 * @return Whether the current object equal to another object.
	public boolean equals(Object otherObject) {
		if (this == otherObject) return true;
		if (otherObject == null) return false;
		if (this.getClass() != otherObject.getClass()) return false;
		AccountPOJO other = (AccountPOJO) otherObject;
		return this.accountid.equals(other.accountid)
			&& this.accountname.equals(other.accountname)
			&& this.onlinecount.equals(other.onlinecount)
			&& this.birthday.equals(other.birthday)
			&& this.loginname.equals(other.loginname)
			&& this.loginpassword.equals(other.loginpassword)
			&& this.email.equals(other.email)
			&& this.accountstate.equals(other.accountstate);

	 * The object's hash code generation method.
	 * @return AccountPOJO hash code
	public int hashCode() {
		int hash = 0;
		hash += (this.accountid != null ? this.accountid.hashCode() : 0);
		hash += (this.accountname != null ? this.accountname.hashCode() : 0);
		hash += (this.onlinecount != null ? this.onlinecount.hashCode() : 0);
		hash += (this.birthday != null ? this.birthday.hashCode() : 0);
		hash += (this.loginname != null ? this.loginname.hashCode() : 0);
		hash += (this.loginpassword != null ? this.loginpassword.hashCode() : 0);
		hash += (this.email != null ? this.email.hashCode() : 0);
		hash += (this.accountstate != null ? this.accountstate.hashCode() : 0);
		return hash;

	 * The object's string representation method.
	 * @return AccountPOJO string representation
	public String toString() {
		String content = "";
		content += "[ accountid = " + this.accountid;
		content += ", accountname = " + this.accountname;
		content += ", onlinecount = " + this.onlinecount;
		content += ", birthday = " + this.birthday;
		content += ", loginname = " + this.loginname;
		content += ", loginpassword = " + this.loginpassword;
		content += ", email = " + this.email;
		content += ", accountstate = " + this.accountstate + " ]";
		return content;





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    CmSdk4j Identity Column Notify Document
    <pojo type="com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.example.pojo.AccountPOJO" table="account">
    	<!-- For MS SQL Server Or MySQL -->
        <id name="accountid" generator="identity" />
		<!-- For Oracle -->
		<!--<id name="accountid" generator="sequence">seq_account_id</id>-->
	<pojo type="com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.example.pojo.SalaryPOJO" table="salary">
		<!-- For MS SQL Server Or MySQL -->
		<id name="salaryid" generator="identity" />
		<!-- For Oracle -->
		<!--<id name="salaryid" generator="sequence">seq_salary_id</id>-->









package com.china.codingmouse.test.dao;

import java.util.List;

import com.china.codingmouse.cmsdk4j.dao.genericsdao.base.GenericsBaseDAO;
import com.china.codingmouse.test.pojo.AccountPOJO;

public class AccountDAO extends GenericsBaseDAO<AccountPOJO> {

	public List<AccountPOJO> findAllGmailAccount() throws Exception {
		return super.executeQuery(AccountPOJO.class, "select * from account where email like '%gmail.com'");



package com.china.codingmouse.test.dao;

import java.util.List;

import com.china.codingmouse.test.pojo.AccountPOJO;

public class TestAccountDAO {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		AccountDAO dao = new AccountDAO();
		try {
			List<AccountPOJO> list = dao.findAllGmailAccount();
			for (AccountPOJO accountPOJO : list) {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	CmSdk4j DataBase Connection Configuration Document 
		<server id="SQL2000">
			<description>Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DataBase Connection Configuration</description>
			<display-name>Microsoft SQL Server 2000</display-name>
		<server id="SQL2005">
			<description>Microsoft SQL Server 2005 DataBase Connection Configuration</description>
			<display-name>Microsoft SQL Server 2005</display-name>
		<server id="ORACLE">
			<description>Oracle 8/8i/9i/10g/11g DataBase Connection Configuration</description>
			<display-name>Oracle 8/8i/9i/10g/11g</display-name>
		<server id="DB2">
			<description>IBM DB2 DataBase Connection Configuration</description>
			<display-name>IBM DB2</display-name>
		<server id="MySQL">
			<description>MySQL DataBase Connection Configuration</description>


可以看到,里面还包括我模拟的一个简易版数据库连接池的配置,当然,在这里,我强制性地让所有DAO都使用这个简易版数据库连接池来获取数据库连接,准备在下一个测试版中给用户自由选择的权利 。配置档中的<show-sql>节点为true时代表要求在控制台输出SQL生成器自动创建的SQL语句及参数信息,正式运行或做批量添加测试时请设置为false。







文件名:  CmSdk4j ORM Framework Beta Edition 1.0.zip
下载地址:  http://www.rayfile.com/files/51d4eb99-a753-11de-a488-0014221b798a/




By CodingMose
